public void testOverrideAndCovarianceWithDecPRuntimeMultiFiles() {
runTest("override and covariance with decp - runtime separate files");
+ public void testOverrideAndCovarianceWithDecPRuntimeMultiFilesBinaryWeaving() {
+ runTest("override and covariance with decp - binary weaving");
+ }
public void testAbstractSynchronizedITDMethods() {
runTest("abstract synchronized itdms not detected");
<compile files="pr95992.aj" options="-1.5"/>
- <ajc-test dir="bugs150" pr="105479" title="declare parents introducing override with covariance">
- <compile files="pr105479.aj" options="-1.5"/>
- </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs150" pr="104024" title="inner class passed as argument to varargs method">
<compile files="pr104024.aj" options="-1.5"/>
<compile files="" options="-1.5"/>
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs150" pr="105479" title="declare parents introducing override with covariance">
+ <compile files="pr105479.aj" options="-1.5"/>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs150" pr="105479" title="override and covariance with decp - runtime">
<compile files="pr105479part2.aj" options="-1.5"/>
<run class="pr105479part2">
- <ajc-test dir="bugs150/pr105479" pr="105479" title="override and covariance with decp - runtime separate files">
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs150/pr105479/case1" pr="105479" title="override and covariance with decp - runtime separate files">
<compile files="ReturnTypeTest.aj,," options="-1.5"/>
<run class="Driver">
+ <ajc-test dir="bugs150/pr105479/case2" pr="105479" title="override and covariance with decp - binary weaving">
+ <compile files="" outjar="jar1.jar" options="-1.5 -Xlint:ignore"/>
+ <compile files="" outjar="jar2.jar" options="-1.5"/>
+ <compile inpath="jar1.jar;jar2.jar" options="-1.5"/>
+ <run class="ReturnTypeTester"/>
+ </ajc-test>
<ajc-test dir="bugs150" pr="102212" title="abstract synchronized itdms not detected">
<compile files="pr102212.aj">
<message line="7" kind="error" text="The abstract method _abstract in type Parent can only set a visibility modifier, one of public or protected"/>