"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Permet autenticació compatible amb OAuth2 des d'altres aplicacions web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "L’app OAuth2 permet als administradors configurar el flux de treball d'autenticació integrada per també permetre l'autenticació compatible amb OAuth2 des d'altres aplicacions web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clients OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet que els serveis externs sol·licitin accés a %s.",
"Name" : "Nom",
"Redirection URI" : "URl redirecció",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificador de client",
"Secret" : "Secret",
"Add client" : "Afegir client",
- "Add" : "Afegir"
+ "Add" : "Afegir",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet que els serveis externs sol·licitin accés a %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Permet autenticació compatible amb OAuth2 des d'altres aplicacions web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "L’app OAuth2 permet als administradors configurar el flux de treball d'autenticació integrada per també permetre l'autenticació compatible amb OAuth2 des d'altres aplicacions web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clients OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet que els serveis externs sol·licitin accés a %s.",
"Name" : "Nom",
"Redirection URI" : "URl redirecció",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificador de client",
"Secret" : "Secret",
"Add client" : "Afegir client",
- "Add" : "Afegir"
+ "Add" : "Afegir",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet que els serveis externs sol·licitin accés a %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Umožní ověřování kompatibilní s OAuth2 z ostatních webových aplikací.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Aplikace OAuth2 umožňuje správcům nastavit vestavěný postup ověřování tak, aby podporoval také OAuth2 kompatibilní ověřování z ostatních webových aplikací.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 klienti",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umožňuje cizím službám žádat přístup k %s.",
"Name" : "Název",
"Redirection URI" : "URL pro přesměrování",
"Client Identifier" : "Identifikátor klienta",
"Secret" : "Tajemství",
"Add client" : "Přidat klienta",
- "Add" : "Přidat"
+ "Add" : "Přidat",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umožňuje cizím službám žádat přístup k %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Umožní ověřování kompatibilní s OAuth2 z ostatních webových aplikací.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Aplikace OAuth2 umožňuje správcům nastavit vestavěný postup ověřování tak, aby podporoval také OAuth2 kompatibilní ověřování z ostatních webových aplikací.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 klienti",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umožňuje cizím službám žádat přístup k %s.",
"Name" : "Název",
"Redirection URI" : "URL pro přesměrování",
"Client Identifier" : "Identifikátor klienta",
"Secret" : "Tajemství",
"Add client" : "Přidat klienta",
- "Add" : "Přidat"
+ "Add" : "Přidat",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umožňuje cizím službám žádat přístup k %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Ermöglicht OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung durch andere Web-Anwendungen.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Die OAuth2-App ermöglicht es Administratoren den eingebauten Authenztifizierungsablauf dahingehend zu konfigurieren, das auch ein OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung von anderen Web-Anwendungen aus möglich ist. ",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0-Clients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 erlaubt es externen Diensten nach Zugriff auf %s zu fragen.",
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Ermöglicht OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung durch andere Web-Anwendungen.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Die OAuth2-App ermöglicht es Administratoren den eingebauten Authenztifizierungsablauf dahingehend zu konfigurieren, das auch ein OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung von anderen Web-Anwendungen aus möglich ist. ",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0-Clients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 erlaubt es externen Diensten nach Zugriff auf %s zu fragen.",
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Ermöglicht OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung durch andere Web-Anwendungen.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Die OAuth2-App ermöglicht es Administratoren den eingebauten Authenztifizierungsablauf dahingehend zu konfigurieren, das auch ein OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung von anderen Web-Anwendungen aus möglich ist. ",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0-Clients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 erlaubt es externen Diensten nach Zugriff auf %s zu fragen.",
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Ermöglicht OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung durch andere Web-Anwendungen.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Die OAuth2-App ermöglicht es Administratoren den eingebauten Authenztifizierungsablauf dahingehend zu konfigurieren, das auch ein OAuth2 komplatible Authentifizierung von anderen Web-Anwendungen aus möglich ist. ",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0-Clients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 erlaubt es externen Diensten nach Zugriff auf %s zu fragen.",
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Permite autenticación compatible con OAuth2 desde otras aplicaciones web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "La app OAuth2 permite a los administradores configurar el flujo de trabajo de autenticación incorporado para permitir también autenticación compatible con OAuth2 desde otras aplicaciones web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clientes OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAut 2.0 permite a servicios externos solicitar acceso a %s.",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Redirection URI" : "URI de redirección",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificador de cliente",
"Secret" : "Secreto",
"Add client" : "Añadir cliente",
- "Add" : "Añadir"
+ "Add" : "Añadir",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAut 2.0 permite a servicios externos solicitar acceso a %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Permite autenticación compatible con OAuth2 desde otras aplicaciones web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "La app OAuth2 permite a los administradores configurar el flujo de trabajo de autenticación incorporado para permitir también autenticación compatible con OAuth2 desde otras aplicaciones web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clientes OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAut 2.0 permite a servicios externos solicitar acceso a %s.",
"Name" : "Nombre",
"Redirection URI" : "URI de redirección",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificador de cliente",
"Secret" : "Secreto",
"Add client" : "Añadir cliente",
- "Add" : "Añadir"
+ "Add" : "Añadir",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAut 2.0 permite a servicios externos solicitar acceso a %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Autoriser l'authentification compatible OAuth2 depuis d'autres applications web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "L'application OAuth2 permet aux administrateurs de configurer l'authentification intégrée afin d'autoriser l'authentification compatible OAuth2 depuis d'autres applications web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clients OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet à des services externes de demander l'accès à %s.",
"Name" : "Nom",
"Redirection URI" : "URI de redirection",
"Client Identifier" : "Identifiant du client",
"Secret" : "Secret",
"Add client" : "Ajouter un client",
- "Add" : "Ajouter"
+ "Add" : "Ajouter",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet à des services externes de demander l'accès à %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Autoriser l'authentification compatible OAuth2 depuis d'autres applications web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "L'application OAuth2 permet aux administrateurs de configurer l'authentification intégrée afin d'autoriser l'authentification compatible OAuth2 depuis d'autres applications web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clients OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet à des services externes de demander l'accès à %s.",
"Name" : "Nom",
"Redirection URI" : "URI de redirection",
"Client Identifier" : "Identifiant du client",
"Secret" : "Secret",
"Add client" : "Ajouter un client",
- "Add" : "Ajouter"
+ "Add" : "Ajouter",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permet à des services externes de demander l'accès à %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "כתובת ההפניה שלך חייבת להיות כתובת מלאה, למשל: https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "לקוחות OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 מאפשר לשירותים חיצוניים לבקש גישה אל %s.",
"Name" : "שם",
"Redirection URI" : "כתובת הפנייה",
"Client Identifier" : "זיהוי לקו",
"Secret" : "סוד",
"Add client" : "הוספת לקוחי",
- "Add" : "הוספה"
+ "Add" : "הוספה",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 מאפשר לשירותים חיצוניים לבקש גישה אל %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "כתובת ההפניה שלך חייבת להיות כתובת מלאה, למשל: https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "לקוחות OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 מאפשר לשירותים חיצוניים לבקש גישה אל %s.",
"Name" : "שם",
"Redirection URI" : "כתובת הפנייה",
"Client Identifier" : "זיהוי לקו",
"Secret" : "סוד",
"Add client" : "הוספת לקוחי",
- "Add" : "הוספה"
+ "Add" : "הוספה",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 מאפשר לשירותים חיצוניים לבקש גישה אל %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Gerir kleift að nota OAuth2-samhæfða auðkenningu frá öðrum vefforritum.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "OAuth2-forritið gerir kerfisstjórum kleift að stilla innbyggða auðkenningarferlið þannig að einnig sé hægt að nota OAuth2-samhæfða auðkenningu frá öðrum vefforritum.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 biðlarar",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 gerir utanaðkomandi þjónustum kleift að biðja um aðgang að %s.",
"Name" : "Nafn",
"Redirection URI" : "Endurbeiningarslóð",
"Client Identifier" : "Biðlaraauðkenni",
"Secret" : "Leynilykill",
"Add client" : "Bæta við biðlara",
- "Add" : "Bæta við"
+ "Add" : "Bæta við",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 gerir utanaðkomandi þjónustum kleift að biðja um aðgang að %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Gerir kleift að nota OAuth2-samhæfða auðkenningu frá öðrum vefforritum.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "OAuth2-forritið gerir kerfisstjórum kleift að stilla innbyggða auðkenningarferlið þannig að einnig sé hægt að nota OAuth2-samhæfða auðkenningu frá öðrum vefforritum.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 biðlarar",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 gerir utanaðkomandi þjónustum kleift að biðja um aðgang að %s.",
"Name" : "Nafn",
"Redirection URI" : "Endurbeiningarslóð",
"Client Identifier" : "Biðlaraauðkenni",
"Secret" : "Leynilykill",
"Add client" : "Bæta við biðlara",
- "Add" : "Bæta við"
+ "Add" : "Bæta við",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 gerir utanaðkomandi þjónustum kleift að biðja um aðgang að %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Consente l'autenticazione compatibile con OAuth2 da altre applicazioni web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "L'applicazione OAuth2 consente agli amministratori di configurare la procedura di autenticazione integrata per consentire anche l'autenticazione compatibile con OAuth2 da altre applicazioni web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Client OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 consente a servizi esterni di richiedere accesso al tuo %s.",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Redirection URI" : "URI di redirezione",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificatore client",
"Secret" : "Segreto",
"Add client" : "Aggiungi client",
- "Add" : "Aggiungi"
+ "Add" : "Aggiungi",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 consente a servizi esterni di richiedere accesso al tuo %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Consente l'autenticazione compatibile con OAuth2 da altre applicazioni web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "L'applicazione OAuth2 consente agli amministratori di configurare la procedura di autenticazione integrata per consentire anche l'autenticazione compatibile con OAuth2 da altre applicazioni web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Client OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 consente a servizi esterni di richiedere accesso al tuo %s.",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Redirection URI" : "URI di redirezione",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificatore client",
"Secret" : "Segreto",
"Add client" : "Aggiungi client",
- "Add" : "Aggiungi"
+ "Add" : "Aggiungi",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 consente a servizi esterni di richiedere accesso al tuo %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "리다이렉트 URL은 예시와 같이 완전한 URL으로 이루어져야 합니다. 예시: https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 클라이언트",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0을 사용하여 외부 서비스에서 %s에 접근할 수 있습니다.",
"Name" : "이름",
"Redirection URI" : "전환될 URI",
"Client Identifier" : "클라이언트 식별자",
"Secret" : "비밀 값",
"Add client" : "클라이언트 추가",
- "Add" : "추가"
+ "Add" : "추가",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0을 사용하여 외부 서비스에서 %s에 접근할 수 있습니다."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "리다이렉트 URL은 예시와 같이 완전한 URL으로 이루어져야 합니다. 예시: https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 클라이언트",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0을 사용하여 외부 서비스에서 %s에 접근할 수 있습니다.",
"Name" : "이름",
"Redirection URI" : "전환될 URI",
"Client Identifier" : "클라이언트 식별자",
"Secret" : "비밀 값",
"Add client" : "클라이언트 추가",
- "Add" : "추가"
+ "Add" : "추가",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0을 사용하여 외부 서비스에서 %s에 접근할 수 있습니다."
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 protokolas leidžia trečiųjų šalių programinei įrangai pasiekti šiuos jūsų duomenis: %s.",
"Name" : "Pavadinimas",
"Redirection URI" : "Nukreipimo adresas",
"Client Identifier" : "Kliento identifikatorius",
"Secret" : "Paslaptis",
"Add client" : "Pridėti klientą",
- "Add" : "Pridėti"
+ "Add" : "Pridėti",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 protokolas leidžia trečiųjų šalių programinei įrangai pasiekti šiuos jūsų duomenis: %s."
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 protokolas leidžia trečiųjų šalių programinei įrangai pasiekti šiuos jūsų duomenis: %s.",
"Name" : "Pavadinimas",
"Redirection URI" : "Nukreipimo adresas",
"Client Identifier" : "Kliento identifikatorius",
"Secret" : "Paslaptis",
"Add client" : "Pridėti klientą",
- "Add" : "Pridėti"
+ "Add" : "Pridėti",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 protokolas leidžia trečiųjų šalių programinei įrangai pasiekti šiuos jūsų duomenis: %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "Tavam pārvirzīšanas URL ir jābūt pilnam URL, piemēram https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 klients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 atļauj ārējiem servisiem pieprasīt piekļuvi %s.",
"Name" : "Nosaukums",
"Redirection URI" : "Pārvirzāmais URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Klienta identifikators",
"Secret" : "Noslēpums",
"Add client" : "Pievienot klientu",
- "Add" : "Pievienot"
+ "Add" : "Pievienot",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 atļauj ārējiem servisiem pieprasīt piekļuvi %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "Tavam pārvirzīšanas URL ir jābūt pilnam URL, piemēram https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 klients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 atļauj ārējiem servisiem pieprasīt piekļuvi %s.",
"Name" : "Nosaukums",
"Redirection URI" : "Pārvirzāmais URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Klienta identifikators",
"Secret" : "Noslēpums",
"Add client" : "Pievienot klientu",
- "Add" : "Pievienot"
+ "Add" : "Pievienot",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 atļauj ārējiem servisiem pieprasīt piekļuvi %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "URL for videresending må være en fullstendig URL. For eksempel https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0-klienter",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 lar eksterne tjenester forespørre tilgang til %s.",
"Name" : "Navn",
"Redirection URI" : "Videresendings-URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Klient-identifikator",
"Secret" : "Hemmelighet",
"Add client" : "Legg til klient",
- "Add" : "Legg til"
+ "Add" : "Legg til",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 lar eksterne tjenester forespørre tilgang til %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "URL for videresending må være en fullstendig URL. For eksempel https://yourdomain.com/path",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0-klienter",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 lar eksterne tjenester forespørre tilgang til %s.",
"Name" : "Navn",
"Redirection URI" : "Videresendings-URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Klient-identifikator",
"Secret" : "Hemmelighet",
"Add client" : "Legg til klient",
- "Add" : "Legg til"
+ "Add" : "Legg til",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 lar eksterne tjenester forespørre tilgang til %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Staat OAuth2 compatible authenticatie vanaf andere web applicaties toe.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "De OAuth2 app laat beheerders de ingebouwde inlog-workflow configureren om ook OAuth2 compatible authenticatie vanaf andere web applicaties mogelijk te maken.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 Clients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 staat externe services toe om toegang te vragen aan %s",
"Name" : "Naam",
"Redirection URI" : "Omeiding URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Client identificatie",
"Secret" : "Geheim",
"Add client" : "Voeg client toe",
- "Add" : "Toevoegen"
+ "Add" : "Toevoegen",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 staat externe services toe om toegang te vragen aan %s"
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Staat OAuth2 compatible authenticatie vanaf andere web applicaties toe.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "De OAuth2 app laat beheerders de ingebouwde inlog-workflow configureren om ook OAuth2 compatible authenticatie vanaf andere web applicaties mogelijk te maken.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 Clients",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 staat externe services toe om toegang te vragen aan %s",
"Name" : "Naam",
"Redirection URI" : "Omeiding URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Client identificatie",
"Secret" : "Geheim",
"Add client" : "Voeg client toe",
- "Add" : "Toevoegen"
+ "Add" : "Toevoegen",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 staat externe services toe om toegang te vragen aan %s"
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "Adres przekierowania musi być pełnym adresem URL, np.: https://twojadomena.com/sciezka",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Klienci OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umożliwia usługom zewnętrznym żądanie dostępu do %s.",
"Name" : "Nazwa",
"Redirection URI" : "URI przekierowania",
"Client Identifier" : "Identyfikator Klienta",
"Secret" : "Sekret",
"Add client" : "Dodaj klienta",
- "Add" : "Dodaj"
+ "Add" : "Dodaj",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umożliwia usługom zewnętrznym żądanie dostępu do %s."
"Your redirect URL needs to be a full URL for example: https://yourdomain.com/path" : "Adres przekierowania musi być pełnym adresem URL, np.: https://twojadomena.com/sciezka",
"OAuth 2.0" : "OAuth 2.0",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Klienci OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umożliwia usługom zewnętrznym żądanie dostępu do %s.",
"Name" : "Nazwa",
"Redirection URI" : "URI przekierowania",
"Client Identifier" : "Identyfikator Klienta",
"Secret" : "Sekret",
"Add client" : "Dodaj klienta",
- "Add" : "Dodaj"
+ "Add" : "Dodaj",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 umożliwia usługom zewnętrznym żądanie dostępu do %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Permite a autenticação compatível com OAuth2 de outros aplicativos da web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "O aplicativo OAuth2 permite que os administradores configurem o fluxo de trabalho de autenticação integrado para permitir também a autenticação compatível com OAuth2 de outros aplicativos da Web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clientes OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permite que serviços externos solicitem acesso a %s.",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Redirection URI" : "Redirecionamento URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificador do Cliente",
"Secret" : "Secreto",
"Add client" : "Adicionar cliente",
- "Add" : "Adicionar"
+ "Add" : "Adicionar",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permite que serviços externos solicitem acesso a %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Permite a autenticação compatível com OAuth2 de outros aplicativos da web.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "O aplicativo OAuth2 permite que os administradores configurem o fluxo de trabalho de autenticação integrado para permitir também a autenticação compatível com OAuth2 de outros aplicativos da Web.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Clientes OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permite que serviços externos solicitem acesso a %s.",
"Name" : "Nome",
"Redirection URI" : "Redirecionamento URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Identificador do Cliente",
"Secret" : "Secreto",
"Add client" : "Adicionar cliente",
- "Add" : "Adicionar"
+ "Add" : "Adicionar",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 permite que serviços externos solicitem acesso a %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Разрешает аутентификацию, совместимую с OAuth2, из других веб-приложений.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Приложение OAuth2 позволяет администраторам настроить встроенный процесс проверки подлинности, чтобы также обеспечить совместимость OAuth2 с другими веб-приложениями.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Клиенты OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 позволяет внешним службам запрашивать доступ к %s.",
"Name" : "Имя",
"Redirection URI" : "URI перенаправления",
"Client Identifier" : "Идентификатор клиента",
"Secret" : "Секрет",
"Add client" : "Добавить клиента",
- "Add" : "Добавить"
+ "Add" : "Добавить",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 позволяет внешним службам запрашивать доступ к %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Разрешает аутентификацию, совместимую с OAuth2, из других веб-приложений.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Приложение OAuth2 позволяет администраторам настроить встроенный процесс проверки подлинности, чтобы также обеспечить совместимость OAuth2 с другими веб-приложениями.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "Клиенты OAuth 2.0",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 позволяет внешним службам запрашивать доступ к %s.",
"Name" : "Имя",
"Redirection URI" : "URI перенаправления",
"Client Identifier" : "Идентификатор клиента",
"Secret" : "Секрет",
"Add client" : "Добавить клиента",
- "Add" : "Добавить"
+ "Add" : "Добавить",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 позволяет внешним службам запрашивать доступ к %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Дозвољава OAuth2 компатибилну идентификацију са других веб апликација,",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "OAuth2 апликација дозвољава администраторима да подесе уграђени след индетификације тако да дозвољава и OAuth2 компатибилну идентификацију са других веб апликација.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 клијенти",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 дозвољава спољним сервисима да захтевају приступ на %s.",
"Name" : "Име",
"Redirection URI" : "Адреса за преусмеравање",
"Client Identifier" : "Идентификација клијента",
"Secret" : "Тајна",
"Add client" : "Додај клијента",
- "Add" : "Додај"
+ "Add" : "Додај",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 дозвољава спољним сервисима да захтевају приступ на %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Дозвољава OAuth2 компатибилну идентификацију са других веб апликација,",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "OAuth2 апликација дозвољава администраторима да подесе уграђени след индетификације тако да дозвољава и OAuth2 компатибилну идентификацију са других веб апликација.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 клијенти",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 дозвољава спољним сервисима да захтевају приступ на %s.",
"Name" : "Име",
"Redirection URI" : "Адреса за преусмеравање",
"Client Identifier" : "Идентификација клијента",
"Secret" : "Тајна",
"Add client" : "Додај клијента",
- "Add" : "Додај"
+ "Add" : "Додај",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 дозвољава спољним сервисима да захтевају приступ на %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Tillåter OAuth2-kompatibel autentisering från andra webbapplikationer.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "I appen OAuth2 kan administratörer konfigurera det inbyggda autentiseringsflödet för att även tillåta OAuth2-kompatibel autentisering från andra webbapplikationer.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 klienter",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 tillåter externa tjänster att efterfråga tillgång till %s.",
"Name" : "Namn",
"Redirection URI" : "Omdirigerings-URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Klientidentifierare",
"Secret" : "Hemlighet",
"Add client" : "Lägg till klient",
- "Add" : "Lägg till"
+ "Add" : "Lägg till",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 tillåter externa tjänster att efterfråga tillgång till %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Tillåter OAuth2-kompatibel autentisering från andra webbapplikationer.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "I appen OAuth2 kan administratörer konfigurera det inbyggda autentiseringsflödet för att även tillåta OAuth2-kompatibel autentisering från andra webbapplikationer.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 klienter",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 tillåter externa tjänster att efterfråga tillgång till %s.",
"Name" : "Namn",
"Redirection URI" : "Omdirigerings-URI",
"Client Identifier" : "Klientidentifierare",
"Secret" : "Hemlighet",
"Add client" : "Lägg till klient",
- "Add" : "Lägg till"
+ "Add" : "Lägg till",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 tillåter externa tjänster att efterfråga tillgång till %s."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Diğer web uygulamaları için OAuth2 uyumlu kimlik doğrulaması sağlar.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "OAuth2 uygulaması, yöneticilerin iç kimlik doğrulama iş akışını yapılandırabilmesini ve diğer web uygulamaları için OAuth2 uyumlu kimlik doğrulaması kullanılabilmesini sağlar.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 istemcileri",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 dış hizmetlerin %s için erişim isteğinde bulunmasını sağlar.",
"Name" : "Ad",
"Redirection URI" : "Yönlendirme Adresi",
"Client Identifier" : "İstemci Belirteci",
"Secret" : "Parola",
"Add client" : "İstemci Ekle",
- "Add" : "Ekle"
+ "Add" : "Ekle",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 dış hizmetlerin %s için erişim isteğinde bulunmasını sağlar."
"Allows OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "Diğer web uygulamaları için OAuth2 uyumlu kimlik doğrulaması sağlar.",
"The OAuth2 app allows administrators to configure the built-in authentication workflow to also allow OAuth2 compatible authentication from other web applications." : "OAuth2 uygulaması, yöneticilerin iç kimlik doğrulama iş akışını yapılandırabilmesini ve diğer web uygulamaları için OAuth2 uyumlu kimlik doğrulaması kullanılabilmesini sağlar.",
"OAuth 2.0 clients" : "OAuth 2.0 istemcileri",
- "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 dış hizmetlerin %s için erişim isteğinde bulunmasını sağlar.",
"Name" : "Ad",
"Redirection URI" : "Yönlendirme Adresi",
"Client Identifier" : "İstemci Belirteci",
"Secret" : "Parola",
"Add client" : "İstemci Ekle",
- "Add" : "Ekle"
+ "Add" : "Ekle",
+ "OAuth 2.0 allows external services to request access to %s." : "OAuth 2.0 dış hizmetlerin %s için erişim isteğinde bulunmasını sağlar."
"Update notification" : "Upozornění na aktualizaci",
"Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater." : "Zobrazí oznámení o aktualizacích pro Nextcloud a poskytuje sjednocené přihlašování pro aktualizace.",
"The version you are running is not maintained anymore. Please make sure to update to a supported version as soon as possible." : "Verze, kterou provozujete, už není udržovaná. Aktualizujte co nejdříve na podporovanou verzi.",
+ "Apps missing updates" : "Aplikace s chybějícími aktualizacemi",
+ "View in store" : "Zobrazit v instalačním katalogu",
"Apps with available updates" : "Aplikace s dostupnými aktualizacemi",
"Open updater" : "Otevřít aktualizátor",
"Download now" : "Stáhnout nyní",
+ "What's new?" : "Co je nového?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "Kontrola aktualizací ještě neskončila. Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Používáte nejnovější verzi.",
"A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:" : "Pro kontrolu aktualizací se používá jiný než výchozí server:",
"Update notification" : "Upozornění na aktualizaci",
"Displays update notifications for Nextcloud and provides the SSO for the updater." : "Zobrazí oznámení o aktualizacích pro Nextcloud a poskytuje sjednocené přihlašování pro aktualizace.",
"The version you are running is not maintained anymore. Please make sure to update to a supported version as soon as possible." : "Verze, kterou provozujete, už není udržovaná. Aktualizujte co nejdříve na podporovanou verzi.",
+ "Apps missing updates" : "Aplikace s chybějícími aktualizacemi",
+ "View in store" : "Zobrazit v instalačním katalogu",
"Apps with available updates" : "Aplikace s dostupnými aktualizacemi",
"Open updater" : "Otevřít aktualizátor",
"Download now" : "Stáhnout nyní",
+ "What's new?" : "Co je nového?",
"The update check is not yet finished. Please refresh the page." : "Kontrola aktualizací ještě neskončila. Načtěte stránku znovu.",
"Your version is up to date." : "Používáte nejnovější verzi.",
"A non-default update server is in use to be checked for updates:" : "Pro kontrolu aktualizací se používá jiný než výchozí server:",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all\tusers and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Dvoufázové ověřování je možné vynutit pro všechny\tuživatele a konkrétní skupiny. Pokud nemají nastaveného poskytovatele dvoufázového ověřování, nebudou se moci přihlásit do systému.",
+ "Enforcement of two-factor authentication can be set for certain groups only." : "Vynucení dvoufázového ověřování je možné nastavit pouze pro určité skupiny.",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced for all\tmembers of the following groups." : "Dvoufázové ověřování je vynucováno pro všechny\tčleny následujících skupin.",
+ "Enforced groups" : "Vynucené skupiny",
"Two-factor authentication is not enforced for\tmembers of the following groups." : "Dvoufázové ověřování není vynucováno pro\tčleny následujících skupin.",
+ "Excluded groups" : "Vynechané skupiny",
+ "Save changes" : "Uložit změny",
"Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Oficiální aplikace jsou vyvíjeny komunitou. Poskytují klíčové funkce a jsou připravené na produkční nasazení.",
"Official" : "Oficiální",
+ "by" : "od",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aktualizovat na {version}",
"Remove" : "Odstranit",
"Disable" : "Zakázat",
"All" : "Vše",
+ "Limit app usage to groups" : "Omezit používání skupin na skupiny",
"This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Tato aplikace nemá nastavenou žádnou minimální verzi Nextcloudu. To se v budoucnu projeví jako chyba.",
"This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Tato aplikace nemá nastavenou žádnou maximální verzi Nextcloudu. To se v budoucnu projeví jako chyba.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Tuto aplikaci nelze nainstalovat, protože nejsou splněny následující závislosti:",
+ "Update to {update}" : "Aktualizovat na {update}",
+ "Results from other categories" : "Výsledky z ostatních kategorií",
"No apps found for your version" : "Nebyly nalezeny aplikace pro vaši verzi",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all\tusers and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Dvoufázové ověřování je možné vynutit pro všechny\tuživatele a konkrétní skupiny. Pokud nemají nastaveného poskytovatele dvoufázového ověřování, nebudou se moci přihlásit do systému.",
+ "Enforcement of two-factor authentication can be set for certain groups only." : "Vynucení dvoufázového ověřování je možné nastavit pouze pro určité skupiny.",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced for all\tmembers of the following groups." : "Dvoufázové ověřování je vynucováno pro všechny\tčleny následujících skupin.",
+ "Enforced groups" : "Vynucené skupiny",
"Two-factor authentication is not enforced for\tmembers of the following groups." : "Dvoufázové ověřování není vynucováno pro\tčleny následujících skupin.",
+ "Excluded groups" : "Vynechané skupiny",
+ "Save changes" : "Uložit změny",
"Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Oficiální aplikace jsou vyvíjeny komunitou. Poskytují klíčové funkce a jsou připravené na produkční nasazení.",
"Official" : "Oficiální",
+ "by" : "od",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aktualizovat na {version}",
"Remove" : "Odstranit",
"Disable" : "Zakázat",
"All" : "Vše",
+ "Limit app usage to groups" : "Omezit používání skupin na skupiny",
"This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Tato aplikace nemá nastavenou žádnou minimální verzi Nextcloudu. To se v budoucnu projeví jako chyba.",
"This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Tato aplikace nemá nastavenou žádnou maximální verzi Nextcloudu. To se v budoucnu projeví jako chyba.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Tuto aplikaci nelze nainstalovat, protože nejsou splněny následující závislosti:",
+ "Update to {update}" : "Aktualizovat na {update}",
+ "Results from other categories" : "Výsledky z ostatních kategorií",
"No apps found for your version" : "Nebyly nalezeny aplikace pro vaši verzi",