public static final String BINDING_NON_RUNTIME_RETENTION_ANNOTATION = "bindingNonRuntimeRetentionAnnotation";
public static final String INCORRECT_TARGET_FOR_DECLARE_ANNOTATION = "incorrectTargetForDeclareAnnotation";
+ public static final String NO_MATCH_BECAUSE_SOURCE_RETENTION = "noMatchBecauseSourceRetention";
// Generics
public static final String CANT_DECP_MULTIPLE_PARAMETERIZATIONS="cantDecpMultipleParameterizations";
referenceToNonAnnotationType=Type referred to is not an annotation type: {0}
bindingNonRuntimeRetentionAnnotation=Annotation type {0} does not have runtime retention
+noMatchBecauseSourceRetention=Failing match because annotation ''{0}'' on type ''{1}'' has SOURCE retention. Matching allowed when RetentionPolicy is CLASS or RUNTIME
# Generics
cantDecpMultipleParameterizations=Cannot declare parent {0} onto type {1} since it already has {2} in its hierarchy