import org.apache.archiva.web.xmlrpc.api.beans.RemoteRepository;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.validator.GenericValidator;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.IndeterminateConfigurationException;
private Registry registry;
+ private static final String REPOSITORY_ID_VALID_EXPRESSION = "^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+$";
+ private static final String REPOSITORY_NAME_VALID_EXPRESSION = "^([a-zA-Z0-9.)/_(-]|\\s)+$";
+ private static final String REPOSITORY_LOCATION_VALID_EXPRESSION = "^[-a-zA-Z0-9._/~:?!&=\\\\]+$";
public AdministrationServiceImpl( ArchivaConfiguration archivaConfig, RepositoryContentConsumers repoConsumersUtil,
RepositoryContentFactory repoFactory,
RepositorySessionFactory repositorySessionFactory,
throw new Exception( "Invalid cron expression." );
+ if( !GenericValidator.matchRegexp( repoId, REPOSITORY_ID_VALID_EXPRESSION ) )
+ {
+ throw new Exception( "Invalid repository ID. Identifier must only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), dots(.), and dashes(-)." );
+ }
+ if( !GenericValidator.matchRegexp( name, REPOSITORY_NAME_VALID_EXPRESSION ) )
+ {
+ throw new Exception( "Invalid repository name. Repository Name must only contain alphanumeric characters, white-spaces(' '), " +
+ "forward-slashes(/), open-parenthesis('('), close-parenthesis(')'), underscores(_), dots(.), and dashes(-)." );
+ }
+ String repoLocation = removeExpressions( location );
+ if( !GenericValidator.matchRegexp( repoLocation, REPOSITORY_LOCATION_VALID_EXPRESSION ) )
+ {
+ throw new Exception( "Invalid repository location. Directory must only contain alphanumeric characters, equals(=), question-marks(?), " +
+ "exclamation-points(!), ampersands(&), forward-slashes(/), back-slashes(\\), underscores(_), dots(.), colons(:), tildes(~), and dashes(-)." );
+ }
ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repository = new ManagedRepositoryConfiguration();
repository.setId( repoId );
repository.setReleases( releasesIncluded );
repository.setSnapshots( snapshotsIncluded );
repository.setName( name );
- repository.setLocation( removeExpressions( location ) );
+ repository.setLocation( repoLocation );
repository.setLayout( layout );
repository.setRefreshCronExpression( cronExpression );
+ public void testAddManagedRepositoryInvalidId()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ String projId = "org.apache.archiva";
+ String repoId = projId + "<script>alert('xss')</script>";
+ String layout = "default";
+ String name = projId + " Releases";
+ ManagedRepositoryConfiguration managedRepo = createManagedRepo( "repo1", "default", "repo", true, false );
+ RemoteRepositoryConfiguration remoteRepo = createRemoteRepository( "central", "Central Repository", "default",
+ "" );
+ List<String> repositories = new ArrayList<String>();
+ repositories.add( managedRepo.getName() );
+ RepositoryGroupConfiguration repoGroup = createRepoGroupConfig( "repoGroup", repositories );
+ Map<String, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration> managedRepoMap =
+ new HashMap<String, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration>();
+ Map<String, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration> remoteRepoMap = new HashMap<String, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration>();
+ Map<String, RepositoryGroupConfiguration> repoGroupMap = new HashMap<String, RepositoryGroupConfiguration>();
+ managedRepoMap.put( "repo1", managedRepo );
+ remoteRepoMap.put( "repo1", remoteRepo );
+ repoGroupMap.put( "repo1", repoGroup );
+ archivaConfigControl.expectAndReturn( archivaConfig.getConfiguration(), config );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getManagedRepositoriesAsMap(), managedRepoMap );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getRemoteRepositoriesAsMap(), remoteRepoMap );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap(), repoGroupMap );
+ archivaConfigControl.replay();
+ configControl.replay();
+ try
+ {
+ service.addManagedRepository( repoId, layout, name, "${appserver.base}/test-repository/" + projId + ".releases", true, true, false, true,
+ "0 15 3 * * ? *" );
+ fail( "An exception should have been thrown! Repository ID is not valid." );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ assertEquals( "Invalid repository ID. Identifier must only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores(_), dots(.), and dashes(-).",
+ e.getMessage() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAddManagedRepositoryInvalidName()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ String projId = "org.apache.archiva";
+ String repoId = projId + ".releases";
+ String layout = "default";
+ String name = projId + " <script>alert('xss')</script>";
+ ManagedRepositoryConfiguration managedRepo = createManagedRepo( "repo1", "default", "repo", true, false );
+ RemoteRepositoryConfiguration remoteRepo = createRemoteRepository( "central", "Central Repository", "default",
+ "" );
+ List<String> repositories = new ArrayList<String>();
+ repositories.add( managedRepo.getName() );
+ RepositoryGroupConfiguration repoGroup = createRepoGroupConfig( "repoGroup", repositories );
+ Map<String, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration> managedRepoMap =
+ new HashMap<String, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration>();
+ Map<String, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration> remoteRepoMap = new HashMap<String, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration>();
+ Map<String, RepositoryGroupConfiguration> repoGroupMap = new HashMap<String, RepositoryGroupConfiguration>();
+ managedRepoMap.put( "repo1", managedRepo );
+ remoteRepoMap.put( "repo1", remoteRepo );
+ repoGroupMap.put( "repo1", repoGroup );
+ archivaConfigControl.expectAndReturn( archivaConfig.getConfiguration(), config );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getManagedRepositoriesAsMap(), managedRepoMap );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getRemoteRepositoriesAsMap(), remoteRepoMap );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap(), repoGroupMap );
+ archivaConfigControl.replay();
+ configControl.replay();
+ try
+ {
+ service.addManagedRepository( repoId, layout, name, "${appserver.base}/test-repository/" + projId + ".releases", true, true, false, true,
+ "0 15 3 * * ? *" );
+ fail( "An exception should have been thrown! Repository name is not valid." );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ assertEquals( "Invalid repository name. Repository Name must only contain alphanumeric characters, white-spaces(' '), " +
+ "forward-slashes(/), open-parenthesis('('), close-parenthesis(')'), underscores(_), dots(.), and dashes(-).",
+ e.getMessage() );
+ }
+ }
+ public void testAddManagedRepositoryInvalidLocation()
+ throws Exception
+ {
+ String projId = "org.apache.archiva";
+ String repoId = projId + ".releases";
+ String layout = "default";
+ String name = projId + " Releases";
+ String appserverBase = "target";
+ ManagedRepositoryConfiguration managedRepo = createManagedRepo( "repo1", "default", "repo", true, false );
+ RemoteRepositoryConfiguration remoteRepo = createRemoteRepository( "central", "Central Repository", "default",
+ "" );
+ List<String> repositories = new ArrayList<String>();
+ repositories.add( managedRepo.getName() );
+ RepositoryGroupConfiguration repoGroup = createRepoGroupConfig( "repoGroup", repositories );
+ Map<String, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration> managedRepoMap =
+ new HashMap<String, ManagedRepositoryConfiguration>();
+ Map<String, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration> remoteRepoMap = new HashMap<String, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration>();
+ Map<String, RepositoryGroupConfiguration> repoGroupMap = new HashMap<String, RepositoryGroupConfiguration>();
+ managedRepoMap.put( "repo1", managedRepo );
+ remoteRepoMap.put( "repo1", remoteRepo );
+ repoGroupMap.put( "repo1", repoGroup );
+ archivaConfigControl.expectAndReturn( archivaConfig.getConfiguration(), config );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getManagedRepositoriesAsMap(), managedRepoMap );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getRemoteRepositoriesAsMap(), remoteRepoMap );
+ configControl.expectAndReturn( config.getRepositoryGroupsAsMap(), repoGroupMap );
+ registryControl.expectAndReturn( registry.getString( "appserver.base", "${appserver.base}" ), appserverBase );
+ registryControl.expectAndReturn( registry.getString( "appserver.home", "${appserver.home}" ), appserverBase );
+ archivaConfigControl.replay();
+ configControl.replay();
+ registryControl.replay();
+ try
+ {
+ service.addManagedRepository( repoId, layout, name, "${appserver.base}/<script>alert('xss')</script>" + projId + ".releases", true, true, false, true,
+ "0 15 3 * * ? *" );
+ fail( "An exception should have been thrown! Repository location is not valid." );
+ }
+ catch( Exception e )
+ {
+ assertEquals( "Invalid repository location. Directory must only contain alphanumeric characters, equals(=), question-marks(?), " +
+ "exclamation-points(!), ampersands(&), forward-slashes(/), back-slashes(\\), underscores(_), dots(.), colons(:), tildes(~), and dashes(-).",
+ e.getMessage() );
+ }
+ registryControl.verify();
+ }
/* private methods */
private void assertRemoteRepo( RemoteRepository remoteRepo, RemoteRepositoryConfiguration expectedRepoConfig )