And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded
And I see that the file is shared with me by "admin"
+ Scenario: share an empty folder with another user
+ Given I act as John
+ And I am logged in as the admin
+ And I act as Jane
+ And I am logged in
+ And I act as John
+ And I create a new folder named "Shared folder"
+ And I see that the file list contains a file named "Shared folder"
+ When I share "Shared folder" with "user0"
+ And I see that the file is shared with "user0"
+ And I act as Jane
+ # The Files app is open again to reload the file list
+ And I open the Files app
+ Then I see that the file list contains a file named "Shared folder"
+ And I open the details view for "Shared folder"
+ And I see that the details view is open
+ And I open the "Sharing" tab in the details view
+ And I see that the "Sharing" tab in the details view is eventually loaded
+ And I see that the file is shared with me by "admin"
+ Scenario: sharee sees a folder created by the owner in a shared folder
+ Given I act as John
+ And I am logged in as the admin
+ And I act as Jane
+ And I am logged in
+ And I act as John
+ And I create a new folder named "Shared folder"
+ And I see that the file list contains a file named "Shared folder"
+ And I share "Shared folder" with "user0"
+ And I see that the file is shared with "user0"
+ And I enter in the folder named "Shared folder"
+ And I create a new folder named "Subfolder"
+ And I see that the file list contains a file named "Subfolder"
+ When I act as Jane
+ # The Files app is open again to reload the file list
+ And I open the Files app
+ And I enter in the folder named "Shared folder"
+ Then I see that the file list contains a file named "Subfolder"
+ Scenario: owner sees a folder created by the sharee in a shared folder
+ Given I act as John
+ And I am logged in as the admin
+ And I act as Jane
+ And I am logged in
+ And I act as John
+ And I create a new folder named "Shared folder"
+ And I see that the file list contains a file named "Shared folder"
+ And I share "Shared folder" with "user0"
+ And I see that the file is shared with "user0"
+ And I act as Jane
+ # The Files app is open again to reload the file list
+ And I open the Files app
+ And I enter in the folder named "Shared folder"
+ And I create a new folder named "Subfolder"
+ And I see that the file list contains a file named "Subfolder"
+ When I act as John
+ And I enter in the folder named "Shared folder"
+ Then I see that the file list contains a file named "Subfolder"
Scenario: marking a file as favorite causes the file list to be sorted again
Given I am logged in
And I create a new folder named "A name alphabetically lower than welcome.txt"