public void analyse(Project project, SensorContext context) {
Date loadingDate = new Date();
- List<IssueDto> dtos = issueDao.selectNonClosedIssuesByRootComponent(project.getId());
+ List<IssueDto> dtos = issueDao.selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(project.getId());
initialOpenIssuesStack.setIssues(dtos, loadingDate);
sensor.analyse(project, null);
- verify(issueDao).selectNonClosedIssuesByRootComponent(1);
+ verify(issueDao).selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(1);
verify(stack).setIssues(anyListOf(IssueDto.class), any(Date.class));
+ @Test
+ public void test_key_being_prefix_of_another_key() throws Exception {
+ Cache<String, String> cache = caches.createCache("components");
+ cache.put("struts-el:org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELButtonTag", "the Tag");
+ cache.put("struts-el:org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELButtonTagBeanInfo", "the BeanInfo");
+ assertThat(cache.get("struts-el:org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELButtonTag")).isEqualTo("the Tag");
+ assertThat(cache.get("struts-el:org.apache.strutsel.taglib.html.ELButtonTagBeanInfo")).isEqualTo("the BeanInfo");
+ }
public void test_put_get_remove_on_groups() throws Exception {
Cache<String, Float> cache = caches.createCache("measures");
- public List<IssueDto> selectNonClosedIssuesByRootComponent(int componentId) {
+ public List<IssueDto> selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(int componentId) {
SqlSession session = mybatis.openSession();
try {
IssueMapper mapper = session.getMapper(IssueMapper.class);
- return mapper.selectNonClosedIssues(componentId);
+ return mapper.selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(componentId);
} finally {
IssueDto selectByKey(String key);
- List<IssueDto> selectNonClosedIssues(int rootComponentId);
+ List<IssueDto> selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(int rootComponentId);
List<IssueDto> selectIssues(@Param("query") IssueQuery query, @Param("componentRootKeys") Collection<String> componentRootKeys,
@Nullable @Param("userId") Integer userId, @Param("role") String role, @Param("maxResults") Integer maxResult);
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
.copyTable(source, dest, "rules_parameters")
.copyTable(source, dest, "rules_profiles");
if (projectId != null) {
- String projectsConditionForIssues = "SELECT id from projects where id=" + projectId + " or root_id=" + projectId;
String snapshotCondition = "islast=" + database.getDialect().getTrueSqlValue() + " and (project_id=" + projectId + " or root_project_id=" + projectId + ")";
- template
- .copyTable(source, dest, "projects", "(id=" + projectId + " or root_id=" + projectId + ")")
- .copyTable(source, dest, "issues", "component_id in (" + projectsConditionForIssues + ")", "status<>'" + Issue.STATUS_CLOSED + "'")
- .copyTable(source, dest, "snapshots", snapshotCondition);
+ template.copyTable(source, dest, "projects", "(id=" + projectId + " or root_id=" + projectId + ")");
+ template.copyTable(source, dest, "snapshots", snapshotCondition);
+ String forRootModule = "(root_component_id in (select id from projects where id=" + projectId + " and qualifier='TRK'))";
+ String forSubModule = "(component_id in (select id from projects where id=" + projectId + " or root_id=" + projectId + "))";
+ template.copyTable(source, dest, "issues", "(" + forRootModule + ") or( " + forSubModule + ")", "status<>'" + Issue.STATUS_CLOSED + "'");
where i.kee=#{kee} and i.rule_id=r.id and p.id=i.component_id and i.root_component_id=root.id
- <select id="selectNonClosedIssues" parameterType="int" resultType="Issue">
- select distinct
- <include refid="issueColumns"/>
- from issues i, rules r, projects p, projects root
+ <select id="selectNonClosedIssuesByModule" parameterType="int" resultType="Issue">
+ select
+ i.id,
+ i.kee as kee,
+ i.component_id as componentId,
+ i.root_component_id as rootComponentId,
+ i.rule_id as ruleId,
+ i.action_plan_key as actionPlanKey,
+ i.severity as severity,
+ i.manual_severity as manualSeverity,
+ i.message as message,
+ i.line as line,
+ i.effort_to_fix as effortToFix,
+ i.status as status,
+ i.resolution as resolution,
+ i.checksum as checksum,
+ i.reporter as reporter,
+ i.assignee as assignee,
+ i.author_login as authorLogin,
+ i.issue_attributes as issueAttributes,
+ i.issue_creation_date as issueCreationDate,
+ i.issue_update_date as issueUpdateDate,
+ i.issue_close_date as issueCloseDate,
+ i.created_at as createdAt,
+ i.updated_at as updatedAt,
+ r.plugin_rule_key as ruleKey,
+ r.plugin_name as ruleRepo,
+ p.kee as componentKey
+ from issues i, rules r, projects p
where i.status <> 'CLOSED'
and (p.root_id=#{id} or (p.root_id is null and p.id=#{id}))
and i.component_id=p.id
- and i.root_component_id=root.id
and r.id=i.rule_id
- public void should_select_open_issues() {
- setupData("shared", "should_select_open_issues");
+ public void should_select_non_closed_issues_by_module() {
+ setupData("shared", "should_select_non_closed_issues_by_module");
- List<IssueDto> dtos = dao.selectNonClosedIssuesByRootComponent(400);
+ // 400 is a non-root module
+ List<IssueDto> dtos = dao.selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(400);
IssueDto issue = dtos.get(0);
+ // 399 is the root module. It does not have issues.
+ assertThat(dao.selectNonClosedIssuesByModule(399)).isEmpty();
import com.google.common.io.Files;
import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource;
+import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
+ @Test
+ public void should_export_issues_of_project_tree() throws IOException, SQLException {
+ setupData("multi-modules-with-issues");
+ when(serverFileSystem.getTempDir()).thenReturn(temporaryFolder.getRoot());
+ // 300 : root module -> export issues of all modules
+ byte[] database = localDatabaseFactory.createDatabaseForDryRun(300L);
+ dataSource = createDatabase(database);
+ assertThat(rowCount("issues")).isEqualTo(1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void should_export_issues_of_sub_module() throws IOException, SQLException {
+ setupData("multi-modules-with-issues");
+ when(serverFileSystem.getTempDir()).thenReturn(temporaryFolder.getRoot());
+ // 301 : sub module with 1 closed issue and 1 open issue
+ byte[] database = localDatabaseFactory.createDatabaseForDryRun(301L);
+ dataSource = createDatabase(database);
+ assertThat(rowCount("issues")).isEqualTo(1);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void should_export_issues_of_sub_module_2() throws IOException, SQLException {
+ setupData("multi-modules-with-issues");
+ when(serverFileSystem.getTempDir()).thenReturn(temporaryFolder.getRoot());
+ // 302 : sub module without any issues
+ byte[] database = localDatabaseFactory.createDatabaseForDryRun(302L);
+ dataSource = createDatabase(database);
+ assertThat(rowCount("issues")).isEqualTo(0);
+ FileUtils.cleanDirectory(temporaryFolder.getRoot());
+ }
private BasicDataSource createDatabase(byte[] db) throws IOException {
File file = temporaryFolder.newFile("db.h2.db");
Files.write(db, file);
--- /dev/null
+ <issues
+ id="100"
+ kee="100"
+ component_id="401"
+ root_component_id="399"
+ rule_id="500"
+ severity="BLOCKER"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="200"
+ effort_to_fix="[null]"
+ status="OPEN"
+ resolution="[null]"
+ checksum="[null]"
+ reporter="user"
+ assignee="user"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ issue_attributes="[null]"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="2013-04-16"
+ updated_at="[null]"
+ />
+ <issues
+ id="101"
+ kee="101"
+ component_id="402"
+ root_component_id="399"
+ rule_id="501"
+ severity="MAJOR"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="120"
+ effort_to_fix="[null]"
+ status="OPEN"
+ resolution="FIXED"
+ checksum="[null]"
+ reporter="[null]"
+ assignee="user"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ issue_attributes="[null]"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="2013-04-10"
+ updated_at="[null]"
+ />
+ <issues
+ id="102"
+ kee="102"
+ component_id="402"
+ root_component_id="399"
+ rule_id="501"
+ severity="MAJOR"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="120"
+ effort_to_fix="[null]"
+ status="CLOSED"
+ resolution="FIXED"
+ checksum="[null]"
+ reporter="[null]"
+ assignee="user"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ issue_attributes="[null]"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="2013-04-10"
+ updated_at="[null]"
+ />
+++ /dev/null
- <issues
- id="100"
- kee="100"
- component_id="401"
- root_component_id="399"
- rule_id="500"
- severity="BLOCKER"
- manual_severity="[false]"
- message="[null]"
- line="200"
- effort_to_fix="[null]"
- status="OPEN"
- resolution="[null]"
- checksum="[null]"
- reporter="user"
- assignee="user"
- author_login="[null]"
- issue_attributes="[null]"
- issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
- issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
- issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
- created_at="2013-04-16"
- updated_at="[null]"
- />
- <issues
- id="101"
- kee="101"
- component_id="402"
- root_component_id="399"
- rule_id="501"
- severity="MAJOR"
- manual_severity="[false]"
- message="[null]"
- line="120"
- effort_to_fix="[null]"
- status="OPEN"
- resolution="FIXED"
- checksum="[null]"
- reporter="[null]"
- assignee="user"
- author_login="[null]"
- issue_attributes="[null]"
- issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
- issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
- issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
- created_at="2013-04-10"
- updated_at="[null]"
- />
- <issues
- id="102"
- kee="102"
- component_id="402"
- root_component_id="399"
- rule_id="501"
- severity="MAJOR"
- manual_severity="[false]"
- message="[null]"
- line="120"
- effort_to_fix="[null]"
- status="CLOSED"
- resolution="FIXED"
- checksum="[null]"
- reporter="[null]"
- assignee="user"
- author_login="[null]"
- issue_attributes="[null]"
- issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
- issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
- issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
- created_at="2013-04-10"
- updated_at="[null]"
- />
--- /dev/null
+ ~ SonarQube, open source software quality management tool.
+ ~ Copyright (C) 2008-2013 SonarSource
+ ~ mailto:contact AT sonarsource DOT com
+ ~
+ ~ SonarQube is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ ~ modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ ~ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ ~ version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ ~
+ ~ SonarQube is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ ~ Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ ~
+ ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ ~ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ ~ Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ -->
+ <metrics id="1" name="ncloc" VAL_TYPE="INT" DESCRIPTION="[null]" domain="[null]" short_name=""
+ enabled="[true]" worst_value="[null]" optimized_best_value="[null]" best_value="[null]" direction="0" hidden="[false]" delete_historical_data="[null]"/>
+ <metrics id="2" name="coverage" VAL_TYPE="INT" DESCRIPTION="[null]" domain="[null]" short_name=""
+ enabled="[true]" worst_value="0" optimized_best_value="[true]" best_value="100" direction="1" hidden="[false]" delete_historical_data="[null]"/>
+ <rules_profiles id="1" name="Sonar way with Findbugs" language="java" parent_name="" version="1"
+ used_profile="[false]"/>
+ <projects id="300" kee="struts" root_id="[null]" qualifier="TRK" scope="PRJ" />
+ <projects id="301" kee="struts-core" root_id="300" qualifier="BRC" scope="PRJ" />
+ <projects id="302" kee="struts-el" root_id="300" qualifier="BRC" scope="PRJ" />
+ <projects id="303" kee="Action.java" root_id="301" qualifier="CLA" scope="FIL" />
+ <snapshots id="3000" project_id="300" root_snapshot_id="[null]" path="" islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="3001" project_id="301" root_snapshot_id="3000" path="3000." islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="3002" project_id="302" root_snapshot_id="3000" path="3000." islast="[true]"/>
+ <snapshots id="3003" project_id="303" root_snapshot_id="3000" path="3000.3001." islast="[true]"/>
+ <rules id="500" plugin_rule_key="AvoidCycle" plugin_name="squid"/>
+ <rules id="501" plugin_rule_key="NullRef" plugin_name="squid"/>
+ <!-- issues in module -->
+ <issues
+ id="100"
+ kee="ISSUE-100"
+ component_id="303"
+ root_component_id="300"
+ rule_id="500"
+ severity="BLOCKER"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="200"
+ effort_to_fix="[null]"
+ status="OPEN"
+ resolution="[null]"
+ checksum="[null]"
+ reporter="user"
+ assignee="user"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ issue_attributes="[null]"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="[null]"
+ updated_at="[null]"
+ />
+ <issues
+ id="101"
+ kee="ISSUE-101"
+ component_id="303"
+ root_component_id="300"
+ rule_id="501"
+ severity="MAJOR"
+ manual_severity="[false]"
+ message="[null]"
+ line="120"
+ effort_to_fix="[null]"
+ status="CLOSED"
+ resolution="FIXED"
+ checksum="[null]"
+ reporter="[null]"
+ assignee="user"
+ author_login="[null]"
+ issue_attributes="[null]"
+ issue_creation_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_update_date="2013-04-16"
+ issue_close_date="2013-04-16"
+ created_at="[null]"
+ updated_at="[null]"
+ />
\ No newline at end of file