<h2><%= l(:label_gantt_chart) %></h2>\r
<div class="topright">\r
-<%= link_to 'PDF ', :zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :output => 'pdf' %>\r
+<%= l(:label_export_to) %> <%= link_to 'PDF', :zoom => @zoom, :year => @year_from, :month => @month_from, :months => @months, :output => 'pdf' %>\r
<div class="topright">\r
-<%= link_to 'PDF ', :action => 'export_issues_pdf', :id => @project %> |\r
-<%= link_to 'CSV ', :action => 'export_issues_csv', :id => @project %>\r
+<%= l(:label_export_to) %> \r
+<%= link_to 'CSV', :action => 'export_issues_csv', :id => @project %>,\r
+<%= link_to 'PDF', :action => 'export_issues_pdf', :id => @project %>\r
label_version_new: Neue Version\r
label_version_plural: Versionen\r
label_confirmation: Bestätigung\r
-label_export_csv: Export zu CSV\r
-label_export_pdf: Export zu PDF\r
+label_export_to: Export zu\r
label_read: Lesen...\r
label_public_projects: Öffentliche Projekte\r
label_open_issues: Geöffnet\r
label_version_new: New version\r
label_version_plural: Versions\r
label_confirmation: Confirmation\r
-label_export_csv: Export to CSV\r
-label_export_pdf: Export to PDF\r
+label_export_to: Export to\r
label_read: Read...\r
label_public_projects: Public projects\r
label_open_issues: Open\r
label_version_new: Nueva versión\r
label_version_plural: Versiónes\r
label_confirmation: Confirmación\r
-label_export_csv: Exportar a CSV\r
-label_export_pdf: Exportar a PDF\r
+label_export_to: Exportar a\r
label_read: Leer...\r
label_public_projects: Proyectos publicos\r
label_open_issues: Abierta\r
label_version_new: Nouvelle version\r
label_version_plural: Versions\r
label_confirmation: Confirmation\r
-label_export_csv: Exporter en CSV\r
-label_export_pdf: Exporter en PDF\r
+label_export_to: Exporter en\r
label_read: Lire...\r
label_public_projects: Projets publics\r
label_open_issues: Ouverte\r