private void sortMungers() {
List sorted = PartialOrder.sort(mungers);
+ // Bunch of code to work out whether to report xlints for advice that isn't ordered at this Joinpoint
+ possiblyReportUnorderedAdvice(sorted);
if (sorted == null) {
// this means that we have circular dependencies
for (Iterator i = mungers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
mungers = sorted;
+ // not quite optimal... but the xlint is ignore by default
+ private void possiblyReportUnorderedAdvice(List sorted) {
+ if (sorted!=null && getIWorld().getLint().unorderedAdviceAtShadow.isEnabled() && mungers.size()>1) {
+ // Stores a set of strings of the form 'aspect1:aspect2' which indicates there is no
+ // precedence specified between the two aspects at this shadow.
+ Set clashingAspects = new HashSet();
+ int max = mungers.size();
+ // Compare every pair of advice mungers
+ for (int i = max-1; i >=0; i--) {
+ for (int j=0; j<i; j++) {
+ Object a = mungers.get(i);
+ Object b = mungers.get(j);
+ // Make sure they are the right type
+ if (a instanceof BcelAdvice && b instanceof BcelAdvice) {
+ BcelAdvice adviceA = (BcelAdvice)a;
+ BcelAdvice adviceB = (BcelAdvice)b;
+ if (!adviceA.concreteAspect.equals(adviceB.concreteAspect)) {
+ AdviceKind adviceKindA = adviceA.getKind();
+ AdviceKind adviceKindB = adviceB.getKind();
+ // make sure they are the nice ones (<6) and not any synthetic advice ones we
+ // create to support other features of the language.
+ if (adviceKindA.getKey()<(byte)6 && adviceKindB.getKey()<(byte)6 &&
+ adviceKindA.getPrecedence() == adviceKindB.getPrecedence()) {
+ // Ask the world if it knows about precedence between these
+ Integer order = getIWorld().getPrecedenceIfAny(
+ adviceA.concreteAspect,
+ adviceB.concreteAspect);
+ if (order!=null &&
+ order.equals(new Integer(0))) {
+ String key = adviceA.getDeclaringAspect()+":"+adviceB.getDeclaringAspect();
+ String possibleExistingKey = adviceB.getDeclaringAspect()+":"+adviceA.getDeclaringAspect();
+ if (!clashingAspects.contains(possibleExistingKey)) clashingAspects.add(key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (Iterator iter = clashingAspects.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
+ String element = (String) iter.next();
+ String aspect1 = element.substring(0,element.indexOf(":"));
+ String aspect2 = element.substring(element.indexOf(":")+1);
+ getIWorld().getLint().unorderedAdviceAtShadow.signal(
+ new String[]{this.toString(),aspect1,aspect2},
+ this.getSourceLocation(),null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/** Prepare the shadow for implementation. After this is done, the shadow
* should be in such a position that each munger simply needs to be implemented.
public int compareByPrecedence(ResolvedType aspect1, ResolvedType aspect2) {
return precedenceCalculator.compareByPrecedence(aspect1, aspect2);
+ public Integer getPrecedenceIfAny(ResolvedType aspect1, ResolvedType aspect2) {
+ return precedenceCalculator.getPrecedenceIfAny(aspect1, aspect2);
+ }
* compares by precedence with the additional rule that a super-aspect is
+ public Integer getPrecedenceIfAny(ResolvedType aspect1,ResolvedType aspect2) {
+ return (Integer)cachedResults.get(new PrecedenceCacheKey(aspect1,aspect2));
+ }
public int compareByPrecedenceAndHierarchy(ResolvedType firstAspect, ResolvedType secondAspect) {
if (firstAspect.equals(secondAspect)) return 0;