->setParameter('principaluri', $principals, \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)
+ $readOnlyPropertyName = '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}read-only';
while($row = $result->fetch()) {
+ $readOnly = (int) $row['access'] === Backend::ACCESS_READ;
if (isset($calendars[$row['id']])) {
- continue;
+ if ($readOnly) {
+ // New share can not have more permissions then the old one.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($calendars[$row['id']][$readOnlyPropertyName]) &&
+ $calendars[$row['id']][$readOnlyPropertyName] === 0) {
+ // Old share is already read-write, no more permissions can be gained
+ continue;
+ }
list(, $name) = URLUtil::splitPath($row['principaluri']);
'{' . Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}supported-calendar-component-set' => new SupportedCalendarComponentSet($components),
'{' . Plugin::NS_CALDAV . '}schedule-calendar-transp' => new ScheduleCalendarTransp($row['transparent']?'transparent':'opaque'),
'{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}owner-principal' => $this->convertPrincipal($row['principaluri'], !$this->legacyEndpoint),
- '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}read-only' => (int)$row['access'] === Backend::ACCESS_READ,
+ $readOnlyPropertyName => $readOnly,
foreach($this->propertyMap as $xmlName=>$dbName) {
->setParameter('principaluri', $principals, IQueryBuilder::PARAM_STR_ARRAY)
+ $readOnlyPropertyName = '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}read-only';
while($row = $result->fetch()) {
+ $readOnly = (int) $row['access'] === Backend::ACCESS_READ;
if (isset($addressBooks[$row['id']])) {
- continue;
+ if ($readOnly) {
+ // New share can not have more permissions then the old one.
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (isset($addressBooks[$row['id']][$readOnlyPropertyName]) &&
+ $addressBooks[$row['id']][$readOnlyPropertyName] === 0) {
+ // Old share is already read-write, no more permissions can be gained
+ continue;
+ }
list(, $name) = URLUtil::splitPath($row['principaluri']);
'{http://calendarserver.org/ns/}getctag' => $row['synctoken'],
'{http://sabredav.org/ns}sync-token' => $row['synctoken']?$row['synctoken']:'0',
'{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}owner-principal' => $row['principaluri'],
- '{' . \OCA\DAV\DAV\Sharing\Plugin::NS_OWNCLOUD . '}read-only' => (int)$row['access'] === Backend::ACCESS_READ,
+ $readOnlyPropertyName => $readOnly,