+ # Returns a h2 tag and sets the html title with the given arguments
+ def title(*args)
+ strings = args.map do |arg|
+ if arg.is_a?(Array) && arg.size >= 2
+ link_to(*arg)
+ else
+ h(arg.to_s)
+ end
+ end
+ html_title args.reverse.map {|s| (s.is_a?(Array) ? s.first : s).to_s}
+ content_tag('h2', strings.join(' » ').html_safe)
+ end
+ # Sets the html title
+ # Returns the html title when called without arguments
+ # Current project name and app_title and automatically appended
+ # Exemples:
+ # html_title 'Foo', 'Bar'
+ # html_title # => 'Foo - Bar - My Project - Redmine'
def html_title(*args)
if args.empty?
title = @html_title || []
title << @project.name if @project
title << Setting.app_title unless Setting.app_title == title.last
- title.select {|t| !t.blank? }.join(' - ')
+ title.reject(&:blank?).join(' - ')
@html_title ||= []
@html_title += args
s = raw_json(["foo"])
assert s.html_safe?
+ def test_html_title_should_app_title_if_not_set
+ assert_equal 'Redmine', html_title
+ end
+ def test_html_title_should_join_items
+ html_title 'Foo', 'Bar'
+ assert_equal 'Foo - Bar - Redmine', html_title
+ end
+ def test_html_title_should_append_current_project_name
+ @project = Project.find(1)
+ html_title 'Foo', 'Bar'
+ assert_equal 'Foo - Bar - eCookbook - Redmine', html_title
+ end
+ def test_title_should_return_a_h2_tag
+ assert_equal '<h2>Foo</h2>', title('Foo')
+ end
+ def test_title_should_set_html_title
+ title('Foo')
+ assert_equal 'Foo - Redmine', html_title
+ end
+ def test_title_should_turn_arrays_into_links
+ assert_equal '<h2><a href="/foo">Foo</a></h2>', title(['Foo', '/foo'])
+ assert_equal 'Foo - Redmine', html_title
+ end
+ def test_title_should_join_items
+ assert_equal '<h2>Foo » Bar</h2>', title('Foo', 'Bar')
+ assert_equal 'Bar - Foo - Redmine', html_title
+ end