private HSLFSlideShow hss;
private HSLFSlideShow hssRich;
- public TestTextRun() throws Exception {
+ protected void setUp() throws Exception {
String dirname = System.getProperty("HSLF.testdata.path");
// Basic (non rich) test file
filename = dirname + "/Single_Coloured_Page.ppt";
hssRich = new HSLFSlideShow(filename);
ssRich = new SlideShow(hssRich);
- }
+ }
* Test to ensure that getting the text works correctly
* correctly
public void testChangeTextInRichTextRun() throws Exception {
- // TODO
+ Slide slideOne = ssRich.getSlides()[0];
+ TextRun[] textRuns = slideOne.getTextRuns();
+ TextRun trB = textRuns[1];
+ assertEquals(3, trB.getRichTextRuns().length);
+ // We start with 3 text runs, each with their own set of styles,
+ // but all sharing the same paragraph styles
+ RichTextRun rtrB = trB.getRichTextRuns()[0];
+ RichTextRun rtrC = trB.getRichTextRuns()[1];
+ RichTextRun rtrD = trB.getRichTextRuns()[2];
+ TextPropCollection tpBP = rtrB._getRawParagraphStyle();
+ TextPropCollection tpBC = rtrB._getRawCharacterStyle();
+ TextPropCollection tpCP = rtrC._getRawParagraphStyle();
+ TextPropCollection tpCC = rtrC._getRawCharacterStyle();
+ TextPropCollection tpDP = rtrD._getRawParagraphStyle();
+ TextPropCollection tpDC = rtrD._getRawCharacterStyle();
+ // Check text and stylings
+ assertEquals(trB.getText().substring(0, 30), rtrB.getText());
+ assertNotNull(tpBP);
+ assertNotNull(tpBC);
+ assertNotNull(tpCP);
+ assertNotNull(tpCC);
+ assertNotNull(tpDP);
+ assertNotNull(tpDC);
+ assertTrue(tpBP.equals(tpCP));
+ assertTrue(tpBP.equals(tpDP));
+ assertTrue(tpCP.equals(tpDP));
+ assertFalse(tpBC.equals(tpCC));
+ assertFalse(tpBC.equals(tpDC));
+ assertFalse(tpCC.equals(tpDC));
+ // Check text in the rich runs
+ assertEquals("This is the subtitle, in bold\n", rtrB.getText());
+ assertEquals("This bit is blue and italic\n", rtrC.getText());
+ assertEquals("This bit is red (normal)", rtrD.getText());
+ String newBText = "New Subtitle, will still be bold\n";
+ String newCText = "New blue and italic text\n";
+ String newDText = "Funky new normal red text";
+ rtrB.setText(newBText);
+ rtrC.setText(newCText);
+ rtrD.setText(newDText);
+ assertEquals(newBText, rtrB.getText());
+ assertEquals(newCText, rtrC.getText());
+ assertEquals(newDText, rtrD.getText());
+ assertEquals(newBText + newCText + newDText, trB.getText());
+ // The styles should have been updated for the new sizes
+ assertEquals(newBText.length(), tpBC.getCharactersCovered());
+ assertEquals(newCText.length(), tpCC.getCharactersCovered());
+ assertEquals(newDText.length(), tpDC.getCharactersCovered());
+ // Paragraph style should be sum of text length
+ assertEquals(newBText.length() + newCText.length() + newDText.length(), tpBP.getCharactersCovered());
+ // Check stylings still as expected
+ TextPropCollection ntpBC = rtrB._getRawCharacterStyle();
+ TextPropCollection ntpCC = rtrC._getRawCharacterStyle();
+ TextPropCollection ntpDC = rtrD._getRawCharacterStyle();
+ assertEquals(tpBC.getTextPropList(), ntpBC.getTextPropList());
+ assertEquals(tpCC.getTextPropList(), ntpCC.getTextPropList());
+ assertEquals(tpDC.getTextPropList(), ntpDC.getTextPropList());