I tripped over not finding aspectjtools in my IntelliJ Maven view many
times, because it was listed as "AspectJ Compiler". So I renamed it to
"AspectJ Tools (Compiler)". Now it resembles more the artifact ID and
still retains the information that it is the artifact containing AJC.
For the 'lib' module I removed the 'name' tag again, because it is not
one of the main artifacts we publish. Now the POMs are more like Andy
might have intended them to be, using a human-readable 'name' only for
the main artifacts.
Signed-off-by: Alexander Kriegisch <Alexander@Kriegisch.name>
- <name>AspectJ Compiler</name>
+ <name>AspectJ Tools (Compiler)</name>
- <name>AspectJ Test Libraries</name>
This module downloads + installs libraries used by many tests, especially those running as Ant jobs. You should not
build this module during every build because it is somewhat slow, downloading stuff from 3rd-party websites,