* Note that to run this test, you will require 2.5+gb of free
* space on your TMP/TEMP partition/disk
+ *
+ * Note that to run this test, you need to be able to mmap 2.5+gb
+ * files, which may need bigger kernel.shmmax and vm.max_map_count
+ * settings on Linux.
* TODO Fix this to work...
Assume.assumeTrue("2.5gb of free space is required on your tmp/temp " +
"partition/disk to run large file tests",
big.getFreeSpace() > 2.5*1024*1024*1024);
+ System.out.println("Slow, memory heavy test in progress....");
int s100mb = 100*1024*1024;
int s512mb = 512*1024*1024;
+ long s2gb = 2l*1024*1024*1024;
DocumentEntry entry;
+ NPOIFSFileSystem fs;
// Create a just-sub 2gb file
- NPOIFSFileSystem fs = POIFSFileSystem.create(big);
+ fs = POIFSFileSystem.create(big);
for (int i=0; i<19; i++) {
fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s100mb), "Entry"+i);
// Tidy
// Create a file with a 2gb entry
+ fs = POIFSFileSystem.create(big);
+ fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s100mb), "Small");
// TODO Check we get a helpful error about the max size
+ fs.createDocument(new DummyDataInputStream(s2gb), "Big");
protected static class DummyDataInputStream extends InputStream {
- protected final int maxSize;
- protected int size;
- public DummyDataInputStream(int maxSize) {
+ protected final long maxSize;
+ protected long size;
+ public DummyDataInputStream(long maxSize) {
this.maxSize = maxSize;
this.size = 0;
public int read() throws IOException {
if (size >= maxSize) return -1;
- return size % 128;
+ return (int)(size % 128);
public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
public int read(byte[] b, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
if (size >= maxSize) return -1;
- int sz = Math.min(len, maxSize-size);
+ int sz = (int)Math.min(len, maxSize-size);
for (int i=0; i<sz; i++) {
b[i+offset] = (byte)((size+i) % 128);