- // Need to take special care of PersistPtrHolder and UserEditAtoms
- // Store where they used to be, and where they are now
- Hashtable persistPtrHolderPos = new Hashtable();
- Hashtable userEditAtomsPos = new Hashtable();
- int lastUserEditAtomPos = -1;
+ // For position dependent records, hold where they were and now are
+ // As we go along, update, and hand over, to any Position Dependent
+ // records we happen across
+ Hashtable oldToNewPositions = new Hashtable();
// Write ourselves out
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
for(int i=0; i<_records.length; i++) {
- // If it's a special record, record where it was and now is
- if(_records[i] instanceof PersistPtrHolder) {
- // Update position
- PersistPtrHolder pph = (PersistPtrHolder)_records[i];
- int oldPos = pph.getLastOnDiskOffset();
- int newPos = baos.size();
- pph.setLastOnDiskOffet(newPos);
- persistPtrHolderPos.put(new Integer(oldPos),new Integer(newPos));
- }
- if(_records[i] instanceof UserEditAtom) {
- // Update position
- UserEditAtom uea = (UserEditAtom)_records[i];
- int oldPos = uea.getLastOnDiskOffset();
+ // For now, we're only handling PositionDependentRecord's that
+ // happen at the top level.
+ // In future, we'll need the handle them everywhere, but that's
+ // a bit trickier
+ if(_records[i] instanceof PositionDependentRecord) {
+ PositionDependentRecord pdr = (PositionDependentRecord)_records[i];
+ int oldPos = pdr.getLastOnDiskOffset();
int newPos = baos.size();
- lastUserEditAtomPos = newPos;
- uea.setLastOnDiskOffet(newPos);
- userEditAtomsPos.put(new Integer(oldPos),new Integer(newPos));
- // Update internal positions
- if(uea.getLastUserEditAtomOffset() != 0) {
- Integer ueNewPos = (Integer)userEditAtomsPos.get( new Integer( uea.getLastUserEditAtomOffset() ) );
- uea.setLastUserEditAtomOffset(ueNewPos.intValue());
- }
- if(uea.getPersistPointersOffset() != 0) {
- Integer ppNewPos = (Integer)persistPtrHolderPos.get( new Integer( uea.getPersistPointersOffset() ) );
- uea.setPersistPointersOffset(ppNewPos.intValue());
- }
+ pdr.setLastOnDiskOffset(newPos);
+ oldToNewPositions.put(new Integer(oldPos),new Integer(newPos));
+ pdr.updateOtherRecordReferences(oldToNewPositions);
// Finally, write out
+ // Update our cached copy of the bytes that make up the PPT stream
+ _docstream = baos.toByteArray()
+ // Write the PPT stream into the POIFS layer
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
outFS.createDocument(bais,"PowerPoint Document");
// Update and write out the Current User atom
- if(lastUserEditAtomPos != -1) {
- currentUser.setCurrentEditOffset(lastUserEditAtomPos);
+ int oldLastUserEditAtomPos = (int)currentUser.getCurrentEditOffset();
+ Integer newLastUserEditAtomPos = (Integer)oldToNewPositions.get(new Integer(oldLastUserEditAtomPos));
+ if(newLastUserEditAtomPos == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find the new location of the UserEditAtom that used to be at " + oldLastUserEditAtomPos);
+ currentUser.setCurrentEditOffset(newLastUserEditAtomPos.intValue());
- // Send the POIFSFileSystem object out
+ // Send the POIFSFileSystem object out to the underlying stream