-- Lua script to perform bayes classification
-- This script accepts the following parameters:
-- key1 - prefix for bayes tokens (e.g. for per-user classification)
--- key2 - set of tokens encoded in messagepack array of int64_t
+-- key2 - set of tokens encoded in messagepack array of strings
local prefix = KEYS[1]
-local input_tokens = cmsgpack.unpack(KEYS[2])
local output_spam = {}
local output_ham = {}
-- This optimisation will save a lot of space for sparse tokens, and in Bayes that assumption is normally held
if learned_ham > 0 and learned_spam > 0 then
+ local input_tokens = cmsgpack.unpack(KEYS[2])
for i, token in ipairs(input_tokens) do
- local token_data = redis.call('HMGET', prefix_underscore .. tostring(token), 'H', 'S')
+ local token_data = redis.call('HMGET', prefix_underscore .. token, 'H', 'S')
if token_data then
local ham_count = token_data[1]
-- key2 - boolean is_spam
-- key3 - string symbol
-- key4 - boolean is_unlearn
--- key5 - set of tokens encoded in messagepack array of int64_t
+-- key5 - set of tokens encoded in messagepack array of strings
local prefix = KEYS[1]
local is_spam = KEYS[2] == 'true' and true or false
redis.call('HINCRBY', prefix, learned_key, is_unlearn and -1 or 1) -- increase or decrease learned count
for _, token in ipairs(input_tokens) do
- redis.call('HINCRBY', prefix_underscore .. tostring(token), hash_key, 1)
+ redis.call('HINCRBY', prefix_underscore .. token, hash_key, 1)
\ No newline at end of file
static char *
rspamd_redis_serialize_tokens(struct rspamd_task *task, GPtrArray *tokens, gsize *ser_len)
- /* Each token is int64_t that requires 9 bytes + 4 bytes array len + 1 byte array magic */
- gsize req_len = tokens->len * 9 + 5, i;
- gchar *buf, *p;
+ /* Each token is int64_t that requires 10 bytes (2 int32_t) + 4 bytes array len + 1 byte array magic */
+ char max_int64_str[] = "18446744073709551615";
+ auto req_len = tokens->len * sizeof(max_int64_str) + 5;
rspamd_token_t *tok;
- buf = (gchar *) rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, req_len);
- p = buf;
+ auto *buf = (gchar *) rspamd_mempool_alloc(task->task_pool, req_len);
+ auto *p = buf;
/* Array */
*p++ = (gchar) 0xdd;
*p++ = (gchar) ((tokens->len >> 8) & 0xff);
*p++ = (gchar) (tokens->len & 0xff);
+ int i;
PTR_ARRAY_FOREACH(tokens, i, tok)
- *p++ = (gchar) 0xd3;
+ char numbuf[sizeof(max_int64_str)];
+ auto r = rspamd_snprintf(numbuf, sizeof(numbuf), "%uL", tok->data);
+ *p++ = (gchar) ((r & 0xff) | 0xa0);
- guint64 val = GUINT64_TO_BE(tok->data);
- memcpy(p, &val, sizeof(val));
- p += sizeof(val);
+ memcpy(p, &numbuf, r);
+ p += r;
*ser_len = p - buf;