private static POILogger logger = POILogFactory.getLogger(ZipSecureFile.class);\r
private static double MIN_INFLATE_RATIO = 0.01d;\r
- private static long MAX_ENTRY_SIZE = 0xFFFFFFFFl;\r
+ private static long MAX_ENTRY_SIZE = 0xFFFFFFFFL;\r
// don't alert for expanded sizes smaller than 100k\r
- private static long GRACE_ENTRY_SIZE = 100*1024;\r
+ private final static long GRACE_ENTRY_SIZE = 100*1024;\r
// The default maximum size of extracted text \r
private static long MAX_TEXT_SIZE = 10*1024*1024;\r
* @param maxEntrySize the max. file size of a single zip entry\r
public static void setMaxEntrySize(long maxEntrySize) {\r
- if (maxEntrySize < 0 || maxEntrySize > 0xFFFFFFFFl) {\r
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max entry size is bounded [0-4GB].");\r
+ if (maxEntrySize < 0 || maxEntrySize > 0xFFFFFFFFL) { // don't use MAX_ENTRY_SIZE here!\r
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max entry size is bounded [0-4GB], but had " + maxEntrySize);\r
MAX_ENTRY_SIZE = maxEntrySize;\r
* @param maxTextSize the max. file size of a single zip entry\r
public static void setMaxTextSize(long maxTextSize) {\r
- if (maxTextSize < 0 || maxTextSize > 0xFFFFFFFFl) {\r
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max text size is bounded [0-4GB].");\r
+ if (maxTextSize < 0 || maxTextSize > 0xFFFFFFFFL) { // don't use MAX_ENTRY_SIZE here!\r
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max text size is bounded [0-4GB], but had " + maxTextSize);\r
MAX_TEXT_SIZE = maxTextSize;\r
super(file, mode);\r
- public ZipSecureFile(File file) throws ZipException, IOException {\r
+ public ZipSecureFile(File file) throws IOException {\r
@SuppressForbidden("TODO: Fix this to not use reflection (it will break in Java 9)! " +\r
"Better would be to wrap *before* instead of tyring to insert wrapper afterwards.")\r
public ThresholdInputStream run() {\r
- ThresholdInputStream newInner = null;\r
try {\r
Field f = FilterInputStream.class.getDeclaredField("in");\r
InputStream oldInner = (InputStream)f.get(zipIS);\r
- newInner = new ThresholdInputStream(oldInner, null);\r
+ ThresholdInputStream newInner = new ThresholdInputStream(oldInner, null);\r
f.set(zipIS, newInner);\r
+ return newInner;\r
} catch (Exception ex) {\r
logger.log(POILogger.WARN, "SecurityManager doesn't allow manipulation via reflection for zipbomb detection - continue with original input stream", ex);\r
- newInner = null;\r
- return newInner;\r
+ return null;\r
} else {\r
File targetFile = OpenXML4JTestDataSamples.getOutputFile("TestCreatePackageTMP.docx");
// Zap the target file, in case of an earlier run
- if(targetFile.exists()) targetFile.delete();
+ if(targetFile.exists()) {
+ assertTrue(targetFile.delete());
+ }
OPCPackage pkg = OPCPackage.create(targetFile);
File expectedFile = OpenXML4JTestDataSamples.getSampleFile("TestCreatePackageOUTPUT.docx");
// Zap the target file, in case of an earlier run
- if(targetFile.exists()) targetFile.delete();
+ if(targetFile.exists()) {
+ assertTrue(targetFile.delete());
+ }
// Create a package
OPCPackage pkg = OPCPackage.create(targetFile);
PackagePartName sheetPartName = PackagingURIHelper.createPartName("/xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml");
PackageRelationship rel =
corePart.addRelationship(sheetPartName, TargetMode.INTERNAL, "", "rSheet1");
+ assertNotNull(rel);
PackagePart part = pkg.createPart(sheetPartName, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml");
assertEquals(1, coreRels.size());
PackageRelationship coreRel = coreRels.getRelationship(0);
+ assertNotNull(coreRel);
assertEquals("/", coreRel.getSourceURI().toString());
assertEquals("/xl/workbook.xml", coreRel.getTargetURI().toString());
coreRels = pkg.getRelationshipsByType(PackageRelationshipTypes.CORE_DOCUMENT);
assertEquals(1, coreRels.size());
coreRel = coreRels.getRelationship(0);
+ assertNotNull(coreRel);
assertEquals("/", coreRel.getSourceURI().toString());
assertEquals("/xl/workbook.xml", coreRel.getTargetURI().toString());
corePart = pkg.getPart(coreRel);
PackageRelationshipCollection rels = corePart.getRelationshipsByType("");
assertEquals(1, rels.size());
rel = rels.getRelationship(0);
+ assertNotNull(rel);
assertEquals("Sheet1!A1", rel.getTargetURI().getRawFragment());
try {;
fail("You shouldn't be able to call save(File) to overwrite the current file");
- } catch(InvalidOperationException e) {}
+ } catch(InvalidOperationException e) {
+ // expected here
+ }
// Delete it
if (part.getPartName().getName().equals("/word/document.xml")) {
assertEquals(ZipPackagePart.class, part.getClass());
- assertEquals(6031l, part.getSize());
+ assertEquals(6031L, part.getSize());
if (part.getPartName().getName().equals("/word/fontTable.xml")) {
assertEquals(ZipPackagePart.class, part.getClass());
- assertEquals(1312l, part.getSize());
+ assertEquals(1312L, part.getSize());
// But not from the others"SampleSS.xls"));
fail("Shouldn't be able to open OLE2");
} catch (OLE2NotOfficeXmlFileException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format") > -1);
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("You are calling the part of POI that deals with OOXML") > -1);
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format"));
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("You are calling the part of POI that deals with OOXML"));
// OLE2 - File
try {"SampleSS.xls"));
fail("Shouldn't be able to open OLE2");
} catch (OLE2NotOfficeXmlFileException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format") > -1);
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("You are calling the part of POI that deals with OOXML") > -1);
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The supplied data appears to be in the OLE2 Format"));
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("You are calling the part of POI that deals with OOXML"));
// Raw XML - Stream"SampleSS.xml"));
fail("Shouldn't be able to open XML");
} catch (NotOfficeXmlFileException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("The supplied data appears to be a raw XML file") > -1);
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("Formats such as Office 2003 XML") > -1);
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The supplied data appears to be a raw XML file"));
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Formats such as Office 2003 XML"));
// Raw XML - File
try {"SampleSS.xml"));
fail("Shouldn't be able to open XML");
} catch (NotOfficeXmlFileException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("The supplied data appears to be a raw XML file") > -1);
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("Formats such as Office 2003 XML") > -1);
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The supplied data appears to be a raw XML file"));
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Formats such as Office 2003 XML"));
// ODF / ODS - Stream"SampleSS.txt"));
fail("Shouldn't be able to open Plain Text");
} catch (NotOfficeXmlFileException e) {
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("No valid entries or contents found") > -1);
- assertTrue(e.getMessage().indexOf("not a valid OOXML") > -1);
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("No valid entries or contents found"));
+ assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("not a valid OOXML"));
// Plain Text - File
try {
throws IOException, EncryptedDocumentException, InvalidFormatException {
// #50090 / #56865
ZipFile zipFile = ZipHelper.openZipFile(OpenXML4JTestDataSamples.getSampleFile("sample.xlsx"));
- ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- ZipOutputStream append = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
- // first, copy contents from existing war
+ assertNotNull(zipFile);
+ ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ZipOutputStream append = new ZipOutputStream(bos);
+ // first, copy contents from existing war
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zipFile.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry e2 = entries.nextElement();
byte buf[] = bos.toByteArray();
- bos = null;
+ //noinspection UnusedAssignment
+ bos = null;
Workbook wb = WorkbookFactory.create(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf));
double min_ratio = Double.MAX_VALUE;
long max_size = 0;
ZipFile zf = ZipHelper.openZipFile(file);
+ assertNotNull(zf);
Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries = zf.entries();
while (entries.hasMoreElements()) {
ZipEntry ze = entries.nextElement();
// use values close to, but within the limits
+ assertEquals(min_ratio-0.002, ZipSecureFile.getMinInflateRatio(), 0.00001);
+ assertEquals(max_size+1, ZipSecureFile.getMaxEntrySize());
WorkbookFactory.create(file, null, true).close();
// check ratio out of bounds
} finally {
// reset otherwise a lot of ooxml tests will fail
- ZipSecureFile.setMaxEntrySize(0xFFFFFFFFl);
+ ZipSecureFile.setMaxEntrySize(0xFFFFFFFFL);
throw new IllegalStateException("Expected to catch an Exception because of a detected Zip Bomb, but did not find the related error message in the exception", e);
+ @Test
+ public void testConstructors() throws IOException {
+ // verify the various ways to construct a ZipSecureFile
+ File file = OpenXML4JTestDataSamples.getSampleFile("sample.xlsx");
+ ZipSecureFile zipFile = new ZipSecureFile(file);
+ assertNotNull(zipFile.getName());
+ zipFile.close();
+ zipFile = new ZipSecureFile(file, ZipFile.OPEN_READ);
+ assertNotNull(zipFile.getName());
+ zipFile.close();
+ zipFile = new ZipSecureFile(file.getAbsolutePath());
+ assertNotNull(zipFile.getName());
+ zipFile.close();
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testMaxTextSize() {
+ long before = ZipSecureFile.getMaxTextSize();
+ try {
+ ZipSecureFile.setMaxTextSize(12345);
+ assertEquals(12345, ZipSecureFile.getMaxTextSize());
+ } finally {
+ ZipSecureFile.setMaxTextSize(before);
+ }
+ }