IE8 still doesn't keep the space in the text (or HTML) representation.
We don't really care, so adding more trims in these tests as well.
buttons = element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-buttonpane button" );
equal( buttons.length, 1, "correct number of buttons" );
equal( buttons.attr( "id" ), "my-button-id", "correct id" );
- equal( buttons.text().trim(), "a button", "correct label" );
+ equal( $.trim( buttons.text() ), "a button", "correct label" );
assert.hasClasses( buttons, "additional-class" );
deepEqual( buttons.button( "option", "icon" ), "ui-icon-cancel" );
equal( buttons.button( "option", "showLabel" ), false );
expect( 3 );
var element = $( "<div></div>" ).dialog();
- equal( element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).text().trim(), "Close",
+ equal( $.trim( element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).text() ), "Close",
"default close text" );
element = $( "<div></div>" ).dialog( { closeText: "foo" } );
- equal( element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).text().trim(), "foo",
+ equal( $.trim( element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).text() ), "foo",
"closeText on init" );
element = $( "<div></div>" ).dialog().dialog( "option", "closeText", "bar" );
- equal( element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).text().trim(), "bar",
+ equal( $.trim( element.dialog( "widget" ).find( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).text() ), "bar",
"closeText via option method" );
} );
element.selectmenu( "refresh" );
option = element.find( "option:selected" );
- " " + option.text() + element[ 0 ].selectedIndex,
- button.text(),
+ $.trim( button.text() ),
+ option.text() + element[ 0 ].selectedIndex,
"refresh: button item text"
menu.find( "li" ).last().simulate( "mouseover" ).trigger( "click" );
option = element.find( "option" ).last();
- " " + option.text() + element[ 0 ].selectedIndex,
- button.text(),
+ $.trim( button.text() ),
+ option.text() + element[ 0 ].selectedIndex,
"click: button item text"
} );
"original select state"
- equal( button.text(), " " + selected.text(), "button text" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), selected.text(), "button text" );
} );
} );
"original select state"
- equal( button.text(), " " + selected.text(), "button text" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), selected.text(), "button text" );
}, 1 );
} );
"button aria-activedescendant" );
equal( element.find( "option:selected" ).val(), options.eq( 1 ).val(),
"original select state" );
- equal( button.text(), " " + options.eq( 1 ).text(), "button text" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), options.eq( 1 ).text(), "button text" );
} );
} );
var element = $( "#speed" ).selectmenu(),
button = element.selectmenu( "widget" );
- equal( button.text(), " Medium", "button text after init" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), "Medium", "button text after init" );
button.simulate( "focus" );
setTimeout( function() {
- equal( button.text(), " Medium", "button text after focus" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), "Medium", "button text after focus" );
element[ 0 ].selectedIndex = 0;
element.selectmenu( "refresh" );
- equal( button.text(), " Slower", "button text after changing selected option" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), "Slower", "button text after changing selected option" );
element.find( "option" ).prop( "selected", false );
element.append( "<option selected value=\"selected_option\">Selected option</option>" );
element.selectmenu( "refresh" );
- equal( button.text(), " Selected option", "button text after adding selected option" );
+ equal( $.trim( button.text() ), "Selected option", "button text after adding selected option" );
} );