int write(int src, byte[] code, int dest, byte[] newcode) {
- newcode[dest++] = code[src];
int padding = 3 - (pos & 3);
int nops = gap - padding;
+ int bytecodeSize = 5 + (3 - (orgPos & 3)) + tableSize();
+ adjustOffsets(bytecodeSize, nops);
+ newcode[dest++] = code[src];
while (padding-- > 0)
newcode[dest++] = 0;
ByteArray.write32bit(defaultByte, newcode, dest);
int size = write2(dest + 4, newcode);
+ dest += size + 4;
while (nops-- > 0)
newcode[dest++] = NOP;
abstract int write2(int dest, byte[] newcode);
+ abstract int tableSize();
+ /* If the new bytecode size is shorter than the original, some NOPs
+ * are appended after this branch instruction (tableswitch or
+ * lookupswitch) to fill the gap.
+ * This method changes a branch offset to point to the first NOP
+ * if the offset originally points to the bytecode next to this
+ * branch instruction. Otherwise, the bytecode would contain
+ * dead code. It complicates the generation of StackMap and
+ * StackMapTable.
+ */
+ void adjustOffsets(int size, int nops) {
+ if (defaultByte == size)
+ defaultByte -= nops;
+ for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++)
+ if (offsets[i] == size)
+ offsets[i] -= nops;
+ }
static class Table extends Switcher {
return 8 + 4 * n;
+ int tableSize() { return 8 + 4 * offsets.length; }
static class Lookup extends Switcher {
return 4 + 8 * n;
+ int tableSize() { return 4 + 8 * matches.length; }