configurations {
+ javadocs
sourceSets {
testImplementation "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:${junitVersion}"
testRuntimeOnly "org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:${junitVersion}"
+ javadocs project(':poi-ooxml')
+ javadocs project(':poi-scratchpad')
final String MODULE_NAME = 'org.apache.poi.poi'
javadoc {
-// fails currently, need to fix the sources
- failOnError = false
-// if(JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
-// options.addBooleanOption('html5', true)
-// }
+ failOnError = true
+ doFirst {
+ options {
+ if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible()) {
+ addBooleanOption('html5', true)
+ }
+ links ''
+ links ''
+ use = true
+ splitIndex = true
+ source = "1.8"
+ classpath += configurations.javadocs.files
+ }
+ }
artifacts {
* <b>International Formats</b><br>
* Since version 2003 Excel has supported international formats. These are denoted
* with a prefix "[$-xxx]" (where xxx is a 1-7 digit hexadecimal number).
- * See the Microsoft article
- * <a href="">
- * Creating international number formats
- * </a> for more details on these codes.
+ *
+ * @see <a href="">Review guidelines for customizing a number format</a>
public final class HSSFDataFormat implements DataFormat {
private static final String[] _builtinFormats = BuiltinFormats.getAll();
_movedBuiltins = true;
// See if we can find it
for(int i=0; i<_formats.size(); i++) {
if(format.equals(_formats.get(i))) {
public static int getNumberOfBuiltinBuiltinFormats() {
return _builtinFormats.length;
* Ensures that the formats list can hold entries
* up to and including the entry with this index
* @param column - the column number this cell represents
* @return HSSFCell a high level representation of the created cell.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if columnIndex < 0 or greater than 255,
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if columnIndex < 0 or greater than 255,
* the maximum number of columns supported by the Excel binary format (.xls)
* @param columnIndex - the column number this cell represents
* @return HSSFCell a high level representation of the created cell.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if columnIndex < 0 or greater than 255,
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if columnIndex < 0 or greater than 255,
* the maximum number of columns supported by the Excel binary format (.xls)
* Shifts columns in range [startColumn, endColumn] for n places to the right.
- * For n < 0, it will shift columns left.
+ * For n < 0, it will shift columns left.
* Additionally adjusts formulas.
* Probably should also process other features (hyperlinks, comments...) in the way analog to shiftRows method
* @param startColumn the column to start shifting
* @param components the Strings making up the path to a document.
* The Strings must be ordered as they appear in the directory hierarchy of the the document.
* The first string must be the name of a directory in the root of the POIFSFileSystem, and
- * every Nth (for N > 1) string thereafter must be the name of a directory in the directory
- * identified by the (N-1)th string. <p> If the components parameter is null or has zero length,
- * the POIFSDocumentPath is appropriate for a document that is in the root of a POIFSFileSystem
+ * every Nth (for N > 1) string thereafter must be the name of a directory in the directory
+ * identified by the (N-1)th string.<p>
+ * If the components parameter is null or has zero length, the POIFSDocumentPath is appropriate
+ * for a document that is in the root of a POIFSFileSystem
* @exception IllegalArgumentException
* if any of the elements in the components parameter are null or have zero length
* @return the nth component;
- * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if n < 0 or n >= length()
+ * @exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if n < 0 or n >= length()
public String getComponent(int n) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
return components[ n ];
public class DirectoryProperty extends Property implements Parent, Iterable<Property> {
/** List of Property instances */
- private List<Property> _children;
+ private final List<Property> _children = new ArrayList<>();
/** set of children's names */
- private Set<String> _children_names;
+ private final Set<String> _children_names = new HashSet<>();
* Default constructor
public DirectoryProperty(String name)
- _children = new ArrayList<>();
- _children_names = new HashSet<>();
final int offset)
super(index, array, offset);
- _children = new ArrayList<>();
- _children_names = new HashSet<>();
public static class PropertyComparator implements Comparator<Property>, Serializable {
* compare method. Assumes both parameters are non-null
* instances of Property. One property is less than another if
* @param o1 first object to compare, better be a Property
* @param o2 second object to compare, better be a Property
- * @return negative value if o1 < o2,
+ * @return negative value if o1 < o2,
* zero if o1 == o2,
- * positive value if o1 > o2.
+ * positive value if o1 > o2.
public int compare(Property o1, Property o2)
* <li>arcTo</li>
- * <li>moveTo/li>
- * <li>lineTo/li>
- * <li>cubicBezTo/li>
- * <li>quadBezTo/li>
- * <li>close/li>
+ * <li>moveTo</li>
+ * <li>lineTo</li>
+ * <li>cubicBezTo</li>
+ * <li>quadBezTo</li>
+ * <li>close</li>
* </ul>
public interface PathCommand {
* Gets the value of the pos property.
- *
- * @return
- * possible object is
- * {@link CTAdjPoint2D }
- *
public AdjustPoint getPos() {
return pos;
* Sets the value of the pos property.
- *
- * @param value
- * allowed object is
- * {@link CTAdjPoint2D }
- *
public void setPos(AdjustPoint value) {
this.pos = value;
* @return The created SlideShow
* @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading the data
- * @throws EncryptedDocumentException If the SlideShow<?,?> given is password protected
+ * @throws EncryptedDocumentException If the SlideShow given is password protected
public static SlideShow<?,?> create(InputStream inp) throws IOException, EncryptedDocumentException {
return create(inp, null);
* Specifies a list of text alignment types
- public enum TextAlign {
+ enum TextAlign {
* For horizontal text, left aligned.
* For vertical text, top aligned.
* Align text so that it is justified across the whole line. It
* is smart in the sense that it will not justify sentences
* which are short
- *
+ *
* For horizontal text, flush left and right.
* For vertical text, flush top and bottom.
* Kashida justify low.
- */
+ */
* Distribute space between characters.
* Thai distribution justification.
- *
+ *
- public enum FontAlign {
+ enum FontAlign {
* Characters hang from top of line height.
* Also known as "Hanging"
* Characters centered within line height.
* Place characters on font baseline.
- * Also known as "Roman"
+ * Also known as "Roman"
* Characters are anchored to the very bottom of a single line.
* This is different than BASELINE because of letters such as "g", "q", and "y".
- public interface BulletStyle {
+ interface BulletStyle {
String getBulletCharacter();
String getBulletFont();
* The bullet point font size
- * If bulletFontSize >= 0, then space is a percentage of normal line height.
- * If bulletFontSize < 0, the absolute value in points
+ * If bulletFontSize >= 0, then space is a percentage of normal line height.
+ * If bulletFontSize < 0, the absolute value in points
* @return the bullet point font size
* Convenience function to set a solid color
void setBulletFontColor(Color color);
void setBulletFontColor(PaintStyle color);
* A {@code null} value means to use the text font color.
PaintStyle getBulletFontColor();
AutoNumberingScheme getAutoNumberingScheme();
* Index (1-based) of the first auto number value, or null if auto numbering scheme
* @param spaceBefore the vertical white space before the paragraph, null to unset
- void setSpaceBefore(Double spaceBefore);
+ void setSpaceBefore(Double spaceBefore);
* The amount of vertical white space after the paragraph
* This may be specified in two different ways, percentage spacing and font point spacing:
* @return the vertical white space after the paragraph or null, if unset
- Double getSpaceAfter();
+ Double getSpaceAfter();
* Set the amount of vertical white space that will be present after the paragraph.
* @param spaceAfter the vertical white space after the paragraph, null to unset
- public void setSpaceAfter(Double spaceAfter);
+ void setSpaceAfter(Double spaceAfter);
* @return the left margin (in points) of the paragraph or null, if unset
* Specifies the left margin of the paragraph. This is specified in addition to the text body
* inset and applies only to this text paragraph. That is the text body Inset and the LeftMargin
* attributes are additive with respect to the text position.
- *
+ *
* @param leftMargin the left margin (in points) or null to unset
void setLeftMargin(Double leftMargin);
* Specifies the right margin of the paragraph. This is specified in addition to the text body
* inset and applies only to this text paragraph. That is the text body Inset and the RightMargin
* attributes are additive with respect to the text position.
- *
+ *
* The right margin is not support and therefore ignored by the HSLF implementation.
- *
+ *
* @return the right margin (in points) of the paragraph or null, if unset
Double getRightMargin();
* @param rightMargin the right margin (in points) of the paragraph
void setRightMargin(Double rightMargin);
* @return the indent (in points) applied to the first line of text in the paragraph.
* or null, if unset
Double getIndent();
- * Specifies the indent size that will be applied to the first line of text in the paragraph.
- *
+ * Specifies the indent size that will be applied to the first line of text in the paragraph.
+ *
* @param indent the indent (in points) applied to the first line of text in the paragraph
void setIndent(Double indent);
* @return the text level of this paragraph (0-based). Default is 0.
- */
+ */
int getIndentLevel();
* @param level the level (0 ... 4)
void setIndentLevel(int level);
* Returns the vertical line spacing that is to be used within a paragraph.
* This may be specified in two different ways, percentage spacing and font point spacing:
* <p>
- * If linespacing >= 0, then linespacing is a percentage of normal line height.
- * If linespacing < 0, the absolute value of linespacing is the spacing in points
+ * If linespacing >= 0, then linespacing is a percentage of normal line height.
+ * If linespacing < 0, the absolute value of linespacing is the spacing in points
* </p>
* @return the vertical line spacing or null, if unset
Double getLineSpacing();
* This element specifies the vertical line spacing that is to be used within a paragraph.
* This may be specified in two different ways, percentage spacing and font point spacing:
* // spacing will be 48 points
* paragraph.setLineSpacing(-48.0);
* </code></pre>
- *
+ *
* @param lineSpacing the vertical line spacing
void setLineSpacing(Double lineSpacing);
String getDefaultFontFamily();
* @return the default font size, in case its not set in the textrun or null, if unset
Double getDefaultFontSize();
* Returns the alignment that is applied to the paragraph.
* see {@link}.
* @param align text align
- */
+ */
void setTextAlign(TextAlign align);
* Returns the font alignment that is applied to the paragraph.
* If this attribute is omitted, then null is return,
* user code can imply the a value of {@link FontAlign#AUTO}
- *
+ *
* @return alignment that is applied to the paragraph
FontAlign getFontAlign();
- * @return the bullet style of the paragraph, if {@code null} then no bullets are used
+ * @return the bullet style of the paragraph, if {@code null} then no bullets are used
BulletStyle getBulletStyle();
* Sets the bullet styles. If no styles are given, the bullets are omitted.
* Possible attributes are integer/double (bullet size), Color (bullet color),
* character (bullet character), string (bullet font), AutoNumberingScheme
- *
- * @param styles
void setBulletStyle(Object... styles);
* @return the default size for a tab character within this paragraph in points, null if unset
Double getDefaultTabSize();
TextShape<S,P> getParentShape();
* Fetch the text runs that are contained within this block of text
* Convenience method to determine if this text paragraph is part of
* the slide header or footer
- *
+ *
* @return true if this paragraph is part of a header or footer placeholder
- *
+ *
* @since POI 3.15-beta2
boolean isHeaderOrFooter();
* Get the {@link TabStop TabStops} - the list can't be and it's entries shouldn't be modified.
* Opposed to other properties, this method is not cascading to the master sheet,
* different levels aren't merged.
* @return the tabstop collection or {@code null} if no tabstops are defined
- *
+ *
* @since POI 4.0.0
List<? extends TabStop> getTabStops();
* Set the {@link TabStop} collection
- * @param tabStops the {@link TabStop} collection
- *
* @since POI 4.0.0
void addTabStops(double positionInPoints, TabStop.TabStopType tabStopType);
* Removes the tabstops of this paragraphs.
* This doesn't affect inherited tabstops, e.g. inherited by the slide master
- *
+ *
* @since POI 4.0.0
void clearTabStops();
* Returns an instance of a condition object.
- * @param opString The operator as a string. One of <tt>"<"</tt>,
- * <tt>"<="</tt>, <tt>">"</tt>, <tt>">="</tt>,
- * <tt>"="</tt>, <tt>"=="</tt>, <tt>"!="</tt>, or
- * <tt>"<>"</tt>.
- * @param constStr The constant (such as <tt>"12"</tt>).
+ * @param opString The operator as a string. One of {@code <},
+ * {@code <=}, {@code >}, {@code >=},
+ * {@code =}, {@code ==}, {@code !=} or
+ * {@code <>}.
+ * @param constStr The constant (such as {@code 12}).
* @return A condition object for the given condition.
* values.
* <p>
* Each format part can contain a color, a condition, and will always contain a
- * format specification. For example <tt>"[Red][>=10]#"</tt> has a color
- * (<tt>[Red]</tt>), a condition (<tt>>=10</tt>) and a format specification
- * (<tt>#</tt>).
+ * format specification. For example {@code "[Red][>=10]#"} has a color
+ * ({@code [Red]}), a condition ({@code >=10}) and a format specification
+ * ({@code #}).
* <p>
* This class also contains patterns for matching the subparts of format
* specification. These are used internally, but are made public in case other
* code has use for them.
- *
- * @author Ken Arnold, Industrious Media LLC
public class CellFormatPart {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CellFormat.class.getName());
private final int numerator;
* Create a fraction given a double value and a denominator.
- *
+ *
* @param val double value of fraction
* @param exactDenom the exact denominator
* @return a SimpleFraction with the given values set.
int num = (int)Math.round(val*exactDenom);
return new SimpleFraction(num,exactDenom);
* Create a fraction given the double value and either the maximum error
* allowed or the maximum number of denominator digits.
* @param value the double value to convert to a fraction.
* @param maxDenominator maximum denominator value allowed.
- *
+ *
* @throws RuntimeException if the continued fraction failed to
* converge.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if value > Integer.MAX_VALUE
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if value > Integer.MAX_VALUE
public static SimpleFraction buildFractionMaxDenominator(double value, int maxDenominator){
return buildFractionMaxDenominator(value, 0, maxDenominator, 100);
* This class is used to simplify error handling logic <i>within</i> operator and function
* implementations. Note - <tt>OperationEval.evaluate()</tt> and <tt>Function.evaluate()</tt>
* method signatures do not throw this exception so it cannot propagate outside.<p>
- *
+ *
* Here is an example coded without <tt>EvaluationException</tt>, to show how it can help:
- * <pre>
+ * <pre>{@code
* public Eval evaluate(Eval[] args, int srcRow, short srcCol) {
* // ...
* Eval arg0 = args[0];
* temp += ((NumericValueEval)ve).getNumberValue();
* }
* // ...
- * }
- * </pre>
- * In this example, if any error is encountered while processing the arguments, an error is
+ * }
+ * }</pre>
+ * In this example, if any error is encountered while processing the arguments, an error is
* returned immediately. This code is difficult to refactor due to all the points where errors
* are returned.<br>
* Using <tt>EvaluationException</tt> allows the error returning code to be consolidated to one
* place.<p>
- * <pre>
+ * <pre>{@code
* public Eval evaluate(Eval[] args, int srcRow, short srcCol) {
* try {
* // ...
* }
* return temp;
- * </pre>
+ * }</pre>
* It is not mandatory to use EvaluationException, doing so might give the following advantages:<br>
* - Methods can more easily be extracted, allowing for re-use.<br>
* - Type management (typecasting etc) is simpler because error conditions have been separated from
* intermediate calculation values.<br>
* - Fewer local variables are required. Local variables can have stronger types.<br>
- * - It is easier to mimic common Excel error handling behaviour (exit upon encountering first
- * error), because exceptions conveniently propagate up the call stack regardless of execution
+ * - It is easier to mimic common Excel error handling behaviour (exit upon encountering first
+ * error), because exceptions conveniently propagate up the call stack regardless of execution
* points or the number of levels of nested calls.<p>
- *
+ *
* <b>Note</b> - Only standard evaluation errors are represented by <tt>EvaluationException</tt> (
* i.e. conditions expected to be encountered when evaluating arbitrary Excel formulas). Conditions
* that could never occur in an Excel spreadsheet should result in runtime exceptions. Care should
- * be taken to not translate any POI internal error into an Excel evaluation error code.
- *
+ * be taken to not translate any POI internal error into an Excel evaluation error code.
+ *
* @author Josh Micich
public final class EvaluationException extends Exception {
public static EvaluationException numberError() {
return new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.NUM_ERROR);
public ErrorEval getErrorEval() {
return _errorEval;
* Blank > Negative numbers
* Blank == 0
- * Blank < Positive numbers
+ * Blank < Positive numbers
* </pre>
public static final FreeRefFunction instance = new Countifs();
- *
* COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]...)
* need at least 2 arguments and need to have an even number of arguments (criteria_range1, criteria1 plus x*(criteria_range, criteria))
+ *
* @see
+ * @see <a href="">COUNTIFS function</a>
protected boolean hasInitialRange() {
return false;
- * Implementation for Excel Bin2Dec() function.<p>
+ * Implementation for Excel Bin2Dec() function.
* <p>
* <b>Syntax</b>:<br> <b>Bin2Dec </b>(<b>number</b>,<b>[places]</b> )<br>
* <p>
* <p>
* Remarks
* <ul>
- * <li>If number < -512 or if number > 511, DEC2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.</li>
+ * <li>If number < -512 or if number > 511, DEC2BIN returns the #NUM! error value.</li>
* <li>If number is nonnumeric, DEC2BIN returns the #VALUE! error value.</li>
* <li>If DEC2BIN requires more than places characters, it returns the #NUM! error value.</li>
* <li>If places is not an integer, it is truncated.</li>
- * Implementation for Excel DELTA() function.<p>
+ * Implementation for Excel DELTA() function.
* <p>
* <b>Syntax</b>:<br> <b>DEC2HEX </b>(<b>number</b>,<b>places</b> )<br>
* <p>
* Negative numbers are represented using two's-complement notation.
* <ul>
- * <li>If number < -549,755,813,888 or if number > 549,755,813,887, this function returns the #NUM! error value.</li>
+ * <li>If number < -549,755,813,888 or if number > 549,755,813,887, this function returns the #NUM! error value.</li>
* <li>If number is nonnumeric, this function returns the #VALUE! error value.</li>
* </ul>
- * <h2>places</h2>
+ * Places<P>
* The number of characters to use. The places argument is useful for padding the
* return value with leading 0s (zeros).
* </ul>
* For more info on the terms/abbreviations please use the references below
* (hyperlinks are subject to change):
- * </br>Online References:
+ * <p>
+ * Online References:
* <ol>
* <li>GNU Emacs Calc 2.02 Manual:</li>
* <li>Yahoo Financial Glossary:</li>
* <li>MS Excel function reference:</li>
* </ol>
- * <h3>Implementation Notes:</h3>
+ *
+ * Implementation Notes:<p>
+ *
* Symbols used in the formulae that follow:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>p: present value</li>
* Future value of an amount given the number of payments, rate, amount
* of individual payment, present value and boolean value indicating whether
* payments are due at the beginning of period
- * (false => payments are due at end of period)
+ * (false => payments are due at end of period)
* @param r rate
* @param n num of periods
* @param y pmt per period
* Present value of an amount given the number of future payments, rate, amount
* of individual payment, future value and boolean value indicating whether
* payments are due at the beginning of period
- * (false => payments are due at end of period)
+ * (false => payments are due at end of period)
* @param r rate
* @param n num of periods
* @param y pmt per period
+import org.apache.poi.util.Removal;
* Implemented by all functions that can be called with zero arguments
- * @author Josh Micich
+ * @deprecated replaced by lambda expressions in 5.0.1
+@Removal(version = "6.0.0")
public interface Function0Arg extends Function {
* see {@link Function#evaluate(ValueEval[], int, int)}
* <p>
* Starting with the guess, the method cycles through the calculation until the result
* is accurate within 0.00001 percent. If IRR can't find a result that works
- * after 20 tries, the Double.NaN<> is returned.
+ * after 20 tries, the {@code Double.NaN} is returned.
* </p>
* <p>
* The implementation is inspired by the NewtonSolver from the Apache Commons-Math library,
* @param values the income values.
* @param guess the initial guess of irr.
- * @return the irr value. The method returns <code>Double.NaN</code>
+ * @return the irr value. The method returns {@code Double.NaN}
* if the maximum iteration count is exceeded
* @see <a href="">
* <b>VLOOKUP</b>(<b>lookup_value</b>, <b>lookup_vector</b>, result_vector)<p>
* <b>lookup_value</b> The value to be found in the lookup vector.<br>
- * <b>lookup_vector</> An area reference for the lookup data. <br>
+ * <b>lookup_vector</b> An area reference for the lookup data. <br>
* <b>result_vector</b> Single row or single column area reference from which the result value is chosen.<br>
- *
- * @author Josh Micich
public final class Lookup extends Var2or3ArgFunction {
public ValueEval evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval arg0, ValueEval arg1) {
// complex rules to choose lookupVector and resultVector from the single area ref
try {
The array form of LOOKUP is very similar to the HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions. The difference is that HLOOKUP searches for the value of lookup_value in the first row, VLOOKUP searches in the first column, and LOOKUP searches according to the dimensions of array.
TwoDEval lookupArray = LookupUtils.resolveTableArrayArg(arg1);
ValueVector lookupVector;
ValueVector resultVector;
if (lookupArray.getWidth() > lookupArray.getHeight()) {
// If array covers an area that is wider than it is tall (more columns than rows), LOOKUP searches for the value of lookup_value in the first row.
lookupVector = createVector(lookupArray.getRow(0));
// if a rectangular area reference was passed in as arg1, lookupVector and resultVector should be the same size
assert (lookupVector.getSize() == resultVector.getSize());
int index = LookupUtils.lookupIndexOfValue(lookupValue, lookupVector, true);
return resultVector.getItem(index);
} catch (final EvaluationException e) {
- * @throws EvaluationException (#NUM!) if <tt>result</tt> is <tt>NaN</> or <tt>Infinity</tt>
+ * @throws EvaluationException (#NUM!) if <tt>result</tt> is <tt>NaN</tt> or <tt>Infinity</tt>
public static void checkValue(double result) throws EvaluationException {
if (Double.isNaN(result) || Double.isInfinite(result)) {
public static final Function POISSON = new Fixed3ArgFunction() {
private static final double DEFAULT_RETURN_RESULT =1;
* This checks is x = 0 and the mean = 0.
* Excel currently returns the value 1 where as the
if (aDouble < 0) {
throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.NUM_ERROR);
return true;
// check for default result : excel implementation for 0,0
// is different to Math Common.
if (isDefaultResult(x,mean)) {
- return new NumberEval(DEFAULT_RETURN_RESULT);
+ return new NumberEval(DEFAULT_RETURN_RESULT);
// check the arguments : as per excel function def
} catch (EvaluationException e) {
return e.getErrorEval();
return new NumberEval(result);
* Implementation for the Excel function SUMIFS<p>
- * Syntax : <br>
- * SUMIFS ( <b>sum_range</b>, <b>criteria_range1</b>, <b>criteria1</>,
- * [<b>criteria_range2</b>, <b>criteria2</b>], ...) <br>
+ * Syntax : <p>
+ * SUMIFS ( <b>sum_range</b>, <b>criteria_range1</b>, <b>criteria1</b>,
+ * [<b>criteria_range2</b>, <b>criteria2</b>], ...)
* <ul>
* <li><b>sum_range</b> Required. One or more cells to sum, including numbers or names, ranges,
* or cell references that contain numbers. Blank and text values are ignored.</li>
* <li><b> criteria_range2, criteria2, ...</b> Optional. Additional ranges and their associated criteria.
* Up to 127 range/criteria pairs are allowed.
* </ul>
- * </p>
- *
public final class Sumifs extends Baseifs {
* COUNTIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...
* need at least 3 arguments and need to have an odd number of arguments (sum-range plus x*(criteria_range, criteria))
- * @see
protected boolean hasInitialRange() {
- * Greater than operator PTG ">"
+ * Greater than operator PTG ">"
public final class GreaterThanPtg extends ValueOperatorPtg {
public static final byte sid = 0x0D;
- * Less than operator PTG "<". The SID is taken from the
+ * Less than operator PTG "<". The SID is taken from the
* Openoffice.orgs Documentation of the Excel File Format,
* Table 3.5.7
* Interface for classes providing differential style definitions, such as conditional format rules
* and table/pivot table styles.
- *
+ *
* @since 3.17 beta 1
public interface DifferentialStyleProvider {
- * @return - border formatting object if defined, <code>null</code> otherwise
+ * @return - border formatting object if defined, {@code null} otherwise
BorderFormatting getBorderFormatting();
- * @return - font formatting object if defined, <code>null</code> otherwise
+ * @return - font formatting object if defined, {@code null} otherwise
FontFormatting getFontFormatting();
ExcelNumberFormat getNumberFormat();
- * @return - pattern formatting object if defined, <code>null</code> otherwise
+ * @return - pattern formatting object if defined, {@code null} otherwise
PatternFormatting getPatternFormatting();
* This is the number of rows or columns in a band or stripe.
- * For styles that represent stripes, it must be > 1, for all others it is 0.
+ * For styles that represent stripes, it must be > 1, for all others it is 0.
* Not the greatest overloading by the OOXML spec.
- * @return number of rows/columns in a stripe for stripe styles, 0 for all others
+ * @return number of rows/columns in a stripe for stripe styles, 0 for all others
int getStripeSize();
* When a font definition is part of a theme definition, then the font is categorized as either a major or minor font scheme component.
* When a new theme is chosen, every font that is part of a theme definition is updated to use the new major or minor font definition for that
* theme.
- * Usually major fonts are used for styles like headings, and minor fonts are used for body & paragraph text.
+ * Usually major fonts are used for styles like headings, and minor fonts are used for body & paragraph text.
* @author Gisella Bronzetti
- private int value;
+ private final int value;
- private FontScheme(int val) {
+ FontScheme(int val) {
value = val;
return value;
- private static FontScheme[] _table = new FontScheme[4];
- static {
- for (FontScheme c : values()) {
- _table[c.getValue()] = c;
- }
- }
+ private static final FontScheme[] _table = {
+ };
public static FontScheme valueOf(int value){
return _table[value];
* Enumerates error values in SpreadsheetML formula calculations.
- *
+ *
* See also OOO's excelfileformat.pdf (2.5.6)
public enum FormulaError {
_NO_ERROR(-1, "(no error)"),
* Intended to indicate when two areas are required to intersect, but do not.
* <p>Example:
* Intended to indicate when what looks like a name is used, but no such name has been defined.
* <p>Example:
- * XYZ/3, where XYZ is not a defined name. Total is & A10,
- * where neither Total nor is is a defined name. Presumably, "Total is " & A10
- * was intended. SUM(A1C10), where the range A1:C10 was intended.
- * </p>
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>XYZ/3, where XYZ is not a defined name.</li>
+ * <li>{@code Total is & A10}, where neither {@code Total} nor {@code is} is a defined name.
+ * Presumably, {@code "Total is " & A10} was intended.</li>
+ * <li>SUM(A1C10), where the range A1:C10 was intended.</li>
+ * </ul>
NAME(0x1D, "#NAME?"),
* This error value can be produced by calling the function NA
NA(0x2A, "#N/A"),
// These are POI-specific error codes
// It is desirable to make these (arbitrary) strings look clearly different from any other
// value expression that might appear in a formula. In addition these error strings should
// look unlike the standard Excel errors. Hence tilde ('~') was used.
* POI specific code to indicate that there is a circular reference
* in the formula
smap.put(error.getString(), error);
public static boolean isValidCode(int errorCode) {
for (FormulaError error : values()) {
if (error.getCode() == errorCode) return true;
* cell reference, constant or a formula.
* </p>
* Examples:
- * <pre><blockquote>
+ * <pre>{@code
* Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Loan Calculator");
* Name name;
* name = wb.createName();
* name.setNameName("Values_Entered");
- * name.setRefersToFormula("IF(Loan_Amount*Interest_Rate>0,1,0)");
+ * name.setRefersToFormula("IF(Loan_Amount*Interest_Rate > 0,1,0)");
- * </blockquote></pre>
+ * }</pre>
public interface Name {
* </a>
Pattern isStructuredReference = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z_\\\\][a-zA-Z0-9._]*\\[.*\\]");
* Get the top-left column index relative to the sheet
* @return table start column index on sheet
* @return table name
String getName();
* @return name of the table style, if there is one. May be a built-in name or user-defined.
* @since 3.17 beta 1
String getStyleName();
* Returns the index of a given named column in the table (names are case insensitive in XSSF).
- * Note this list is lazily loaded and cached for performance.
+ * Note this list is lazily loaded and cached for performance.
* Changes to the underlying table structure are not reflected in later calls
* unless <code>XSSFTable.updateHeaders()</code> is called to reset the cache.
* @param columnHeader the column header name to get the table column index of
* Note: This is misleading. The OOXML spec indicates this is true if the totals row
* has <b><i>ever</i></b> been shown, not whether or not it is currently displayed.
- * Use {@link #getTotalsRowCount()} > 0 to decide whether or not the totals row is visible.
+ * Use {@link #getTotalsRowCount()} > 0 to decide whether or not the totals row is visible.
* @return true if a totals row has ever been shown for this table
* @since 3.15 beta 2
* @see #getTotalsRowCount()
boolean isHasTotalsRow();
* @return 0 for no totals rows, 1 for totals row shown.
- * Values > 1 are not currently used by Excel up through 2016, and the OOXML spec
+ * Values > 1 are not currently used by Excel up through 2016, and the OOXML spec
* doesn't define how they would be implemented.
* @since 3.17 beta 1
int getTotalsRowCount();
* @return 0 for no header rows, 1 for table headers shown.
- * Values > 1 might be used by Excel for pivot tables?
+ * Values > 1 might be used by Excel for pivot tables?
* @since 3.17 beta 1
int getHeaderRowCount();
* @return TableStyleInfo for this instance
* @since 3.17 beta 1
TableStyleInfo getStyle();
* checks if the given cell is part of the table. Includes checking that they are on the same sheet.
* @param cell
if (cell == null) return false;
return contains(new CellReference(cell.getSheet().getSheetName(), cell.getRowIndex(), cell.getColumnIndex(), true, true));
* checks if the given cell is part of the table. Includes checking that they are on the same sheet.
* @param cell reference to a possibly undefined cell location
* Utility class that builds on {@link CellRangeAddress}
- *
+ *
* Portions of this class may be moved to {@link CellRangeAddressBase}
public final class CellRangeUtil {
* Get the type of intersection between two cell ranges
- *
+ *
* @param crB - the specified range
* @return code which reflects how the specified range is related to this range.<br>
* Possible return codes are:
* <ul>
- * <li>{@link #NO_INTERSECTION} - the specified range is outside of this range;</li>
+ * <li>{@link #NO_INTERSECTION} - the specified range is outside of this range;</li>
* <li>{@link #OVERLAP} - both ranges partially overlap</li>
* <li>{@link #INSIDE} - the specified range is inside of this one</li>
* <li>{@link #ENCLOSES} - the specified range encloses (possibly exactly the same as) this range</li>
int firstCol = crB.getFirstColumn();
int lastCol = crB.getLastColumn();
- if (
+ if (
gt(crA.getFirstRow(), lastRow) || lt(crA.getLastRow(), firstRow) ||
- gt(crA.getFirstColumn(), lastCol) || lt(crA.getLastColumn(), firstCol)
+ gt(crA.getFirstColumn(), lastCol) || lt(crA.getLastColumn(), firstCol)
int x = intersect(range1, range2);
- case CellRangeUtil.NO_INTERSECTION:
- // nothing in common: at most they could be adjacent to each other and thus form a single bigger area
+ case CellRangeUtil.NO_INTERSECTION:
+ // nothing in common: at most they could be adjacent to each other and thus form a single bigger area
if(hasExactSharedBorder(range1, range2)) {
return new CellRangeAddress[] { createEnclosingCellRange(range1, range2), };
- // else - No intersection and no shared border: do nothing
+ // else - No intersection and no shared border: do nothing
return null;
case CellRangeUtil.OVERLAP:
// commented out the cells overlap implementation, it caused endless loops, see Bug 55380
- * Check if cell range A contains cell range B (B <= A)
- *
+ * Check if cell range A contains cell range B (B <= A)
+ *
* TODO: move this into {@link CellRangeAddressBase}
- *
+ *
* @param crA cell range A
* @param crB cell range B
* @return true if cell range A contains cell range B
* Check if the two cell ranges have a shared border.
- *
+ *
* @return <code>true</code> if the ranges have a complete shared border (i.e.
* the two ranges together make a simple rectangular region.
int oFirstCol = crB.getFirstColumn();
int oLastCol = crB.getLastColumn();
- if (crA.getFirstRow() > 0 && crA.getFirstRow()-1 == oLastRow ||
+ if (crA.getFirstRow() > 0 && crA.getFirstRow()-1 == oLastRow ||
oFirstRow > 0 && oFirstRow-1 == crA.getLastRow()) {
// ranges have a horizontal border in common
// make sure columns are identical:
* Create an enclosing CellRange for the two cell ranges.
- *
+ *
* @return enclosing CellRange
public static CellRangeAddress createEnclosingCellRange(CellRangeAddress crA, CellRangeAddress crB) {
if( crB == null) {
return crA.copy();
int minRow = lt(crB.getFirstRow(), crA.getFirstRow()) ?crB.getFirstRow() :crA.getFirstRow();
int maxRow = gt(crB.getLastRow(), crA.getLastRow()) ?crB.getLastRow() :crA.getLastRow();
int minCol = lt(crB.getFirstColumn(),crA.getFirstColumn())?crB.getFirstColumn():crA.getFirstColumn();
- * If this value is set to > 0, {@link #safelyAllocate(long, int)} will ignore the
+ * If this value is set to > 0, {@link #safelyAllocate(long, int)} will ignore the
* maximum record length parameter.
* This is designed to allow users to bypass the hard-coded maximum record lengths
* @param value the new value
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of
- * range (index < 0 || index > size()).
+ * range (index < 0 || index > size()).
public void add(final int index, final int value)
* @return true if this list changed as a result of the call.
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of
- * range (index < 0 || index > size())
+ * range (index < 0 || index > size())
public boolean addAll(final int index, final IntList c)
* @return the element at the specified position in this list.
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of
- * range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
+ * range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
public int get(final int index)
* @return the element previously at the specified position.
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of
- * range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
+ * range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
public int remove(final int index)
* @return the element previously at the specified position.
* @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of
- * range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
+ * range (index < 0 || index >= size()).
public int set(final int index, final int element)