Some new features has been added in ${project.version}:
- * It is now possible to create a staging repository for any managed repository
- and later merge the results
- * You can now use REST services to control Archiva or search for artifacts.
- See {{{./adminguide/webservices/rest.html}REST Services}} for more
- information.
- * Database storage for repository metadata has been replaced with a JCR
- repository based on Apache Jackrabbit by default (other options such as
- a flat-file storage may be made available in the future).
- * The search interface provide now the capability to search on OSGI metadata
- (based on the update of the Apache Maven Indexer library).
- * You can now download Maven index content from remote repositories to include
- artifacts which are not present locally in your search results.
+ * Repositories group can now return a merged index in path .indexer.
* Compatibility Changes
Released: <<???>>
+Previous Releases
+* Changes in Archiva 1.4-M1
+ Released: <<October, 26 2011>>
** New Feature
* [MRM-980] - Ability to merge repositories