expect( 1 );
assert.domEqual( ".controlgroup", function() {
$( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup().controlgroup( "destroy" );
- });
+ } );
+} );
test( "disable", function( assert ) {
expect( 2 );
var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup().controlgroup( "disable" );
"The widget does not get the disabled class, because we disable each child widget" );
strictEqual( element.find( ".ui-state-disabled" ).length, 6,
"Child widgets are disabled" );
+} );
test( "enable", function( assert ) {
expect( 2 );
"ui-state-disabled is not present on widget after enabling" );
strictEqual( element.find( "ui-state-disabled" ).length, 0,
"Child widgets are disabled" );
+} );
var tests = {
"checkboxradio": "<input type='checkbox'>",
var i, control, currentClasses,
controls = [],
- element = $( "<div>" ).controlgroup({
+ element = $( "<div>" ).controlgroup( {
direction: name
- }).appendTo( "body" );
+ } ).appendTo( "body" );
// checks the elements with in the controlgroup against the expected class list
function checkCornerClasses( classList ) {
// remove the controlgroup before we start the next set
- });
- });
+ } );
+ } );
+} );
} );
assert.lacksClasses( element, "ui-state-disabled" );
strictEqual( element.find( ".ui-state-disabled" ).length, 0, "Child widgets are not disabled" );
+} );
test( "items - null", function() {
expect( 2 );
- var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup({
+ var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup( {
items: {
"button": null,
"selectmenu": null,
"checkboxradio": null
- });
+ } );
strictEqual( element.children( ".ui-button" ).length, 0,
"Child widgets are not called when selector is null" );
element.controlgroup( "option", "items", {
"button": "button"
- });
+ } );
strictEqual( element.children( ".ui-button" ).length, 2,
"Correct child widgets are called when selector is updated" );
+} );
test( "items: custom selector", function() {
expect( 1 );
- var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup({
+ var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup( {
items: {
"button": ".button"
- });
+ } );
strictEqual( element.children( ".ui-button" ).length, 4,
"Correct child widgets are called when custom selector used" );
+} );
$.widget( "ui.test", {
- _create: function (){
+ _create: function() {
this.element.addClass( "ui-test ui-button" );
// Controlgroup requires a refresh method to exist
refresh: $.noop
+} );
test( "items: custom widget", function() {
expect( 2 );
- var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup({
+ var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup( {
items: {
"test": ".test"
- });
+ } );
strictEqual( element.children( ".ui-button" ).length, 7,
"Correct child widgets are called when custom selector used" );
strictEqual( element.children( ".ui-test" ).length, 1,
"Custom widget called" );
+} );
test( "excludeInvisible", function( assert ) {
expect( 4 );
- var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup({
+ var element = $( ".controlgroup" ).controlgroup( {
excludeInvisible: false
- }),
+ } ),
buttons = element.children( ".ui-button" );
assert.lacksClassStart( buttons.eq( 1 ), "ui-corner" );
assert.lacksClassStart( buttons.eq( 0 ), "ui-corner" );
assert.hasClasses( buttons.eq( 1 ), "ui-corner-left",
"ExcludeInvisible: true: First button is hidden second button get corner class" );
+} );
test( "direction", function( assert ) {
expect( 6 );
assert.hasClasses( element, "ui-controlgroup-vertical" );
assert.hasClasses( buttons.first(), "ui-corner-top" );
assert.hasClasses( buttons.last(), "ui-corner-bottom" );
+} );
} );