symbol_bad = 'MIME_BAD',
symbol_good = 'MIME_GOOD',
symbol_attachment = 'MIME_BAD_ATTACHMENT',
+ symbol_encrypted_archive = 'MIME_ENCRYPTED_ARCHIVE',
+ symbol_archive_in_archive = 'MIME_ARCHIVE_IN_ARCHIVE',
+ symbol_double_extension = 'MIME_DOUBLE_BAD_EXTENSION',
+ symbol_bad_extension = 'MIME_BAD_EXTENSION',
regexp = false,
extension_map = { -- extension -> mime_type
html = 'text/html',
txt = 'text/plain',
pdf = 'application/pdf'
+ bad_extensions = {
+ scr = 4,
+ exe = 2,
+ jar = 2,
+ com = 4,
+ bat = 4,
+ -- Have you ever seen that in legit email?
+ ace = 4,
+ arj = 4,
+ cab = 3,
+ },
+ -- Something that should not be in archive
+ bad_archive_extensions = {
+ pptx = 1,
+ docx = 1,
+ xlsx = 1,
+ pdf = 1,
+ jar = 3,
+ js = 3,
+ vbs = 4,
+ },
+ archive_extensions = {
+ zip = 1,
+ arj = 1,
+ rar = 1,
+ ace = 1,
+ ['7z'] = 1,
+ cab = 1,
+ }
local map = nil
local function check_mime_type(task)
+ local function check_filename(fname, ct, is_archive)
+ local parts = rspamd_str_split(fname, '.')
+ local ext
+ if #parts > 1 then
+ ext = parts[#parts]
+ end
+ if ext then
+ local badness_mult = settings['bad_extensions'][ext]
+ if badness_mult then
+ if #parts > 2 then
+ -- Double extension + bad extension == VERY bad
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_double_extension'], badness_mult, {
+ parts[#parts - 1],
+ parts[#parts]
+ })
+ else
+ -- Just bad extension
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_bad_extension'], badness_mult, fname)
+ end
+ end
+ -- Also check for archive bad extension
+ if is_archive then
+ badness_mult = settings['bad_archive_extensions'][ext]
+ if badness_mult then
+ if #parts > 2 then
+ -- Double extension + bad extension == VERY bad
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_double_extension'], badness_mult, fname)
+ else
+ -- Just bad extension
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_bad_extension'], badness_mult, fname)
+ end
+ end
+ if settings['archive_extensions'][ext] then
+ -- Archive in archive
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_archive_in_archive'], 1.0, fname)
+ end
+ end
+ local mt = settings['extension_map'][ext]
+ if mt and ct then
+ local found = nil
+ if (type(mt) == "table") then
+ for _,v in pairs(mt) do
+ if ct == v then
+ found = true
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if ct == mt then
+ found = true
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_attachment'], 1.0, fname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
local parts = task:get_parts()
if parts then
local ct = string.format('%s/%s', mtype, subtype)
if filename then
- local ext = string.match(filename, '%.([^.]+)$')
- if ext then
- local mt = settings['extension_map'][ext]
- if mt then
- local found = nil
- if (type(mt) == "table") then
- for _,v in pairs(mt) do
- if ct == v then
- found = true
- break
- end
- end
- else
- if ct == mt then
- found = true
- end
- end
- if not found then
- task:insert_result(settings['symbol_attachment'], 1.0, ext)
- end
+ check_filename(filename, ct, false)
+ end
+ if p:is_archive() then
+ local arch = p:get_archive()
+ if arch:is_encrypted() then
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_encrypted_archive'], 1.0, filename)
+ end
+ local fl = arch:get_files_full()
+ for _,f in ipairs(fl) do
+ if f['encrypted'] then
+ task:insert_result(settings['symbol_encrypted_archive'], 1.0, f['name'])
+ check_filename(f['name'], nil, true)
name = settings['symbol_attachment'],
parent = id
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ type = 'virtual',
+ name = settings['symbol_encrypted_archive'],
+ parent = id
+ })
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ type = 'virtual',
+ name = settings['symbol_archive_in_archive'],
+ parent = id
+ })
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ type = 'virtual',
+ name = settings['symbol_double_extension'],
+ parent = id
+ })
+ rspamd_config:register_symbol({
+ type = 'virtual',
+ name = settings['symbol_bad_extension'],
+ parent = id
+ })