baseUrl: "js/"
// CacheBust is for dev purpose use false in prod env !
- $LAB.setGlobalDefaults({AlwaysPreserveOrder:true,BasePath:"js/",explicit_preloading:false,CacheBust:true});
+ var options = {
+ AlwaysPreserveOrder:true,
+ BasePath:"js/",
+ explicit_preloading:false,
+ CacheBust:true
+ };
+ $LAB.setGlobalDefaults(options);
- .script("bootstrap-dropdown.js").wait()
- .script("bootstrap-twipsy.js").wait()
+ .script("bootstrap-dropdown.js")
+ .script("bootstrap-twipsy.js")
- .script("knockout.simpleGrid.js").wait()
- .script("knockout.mapping-latest.debug.js").wait()
+ .script("knockout.simpleGrid.js")
+ .script("knockout.mapping-latest.debug.js")
- .script("archiva/main.js").wait(function(){
- //startArchivaApplication();
- });
+ .script("archiva/main.js");
~~ NOTE: For help with the syntax of this file, see:
-Knockout binding
\ No newline at end of file
+Knockout binding
+ Explanation on the managed repositories list/edit/add screen.
+* Javascript Beans
+ First you must map the json response on a Javascript bean (a bit borying task :-) )
+Java class with fields
+public class ManagedRepository
+ //private String id;
+ //private String name;
+ ....
+mapping function (to map the json result to your javascript beans)
+ mapManagedRepositories=function(data){
+ var mappedManagedRepositories = $.map(data.managedRepository, function(item) {
+ return mapManagedRepository(item);
+ });
+ return mappedManagedRepositories;
+ }
+ mapManagedRepository=function(data){
+ if (data==null){
+ return null;
+ }
+ return new ManagedRepository(,,data.layout,data.indexDirectory,data.location,data.snapshots,data.releases,
+ data.blockRedeployments,data.cronExpression,
+ data.scanned,data.daysOlder,data.retentionCount,data.deleteReleasedSnapshots,data.stageRepoNeeded);
+ }
+ <<<NOTE to have access to field values you must now >>>
+* View Model
+** First you must insert your template in the #main-content div
+// it's a jquery template as we do some i18n transformations
+** You can now create your view model.
+ //field which will receive values
+ this.managedRepositories=ko.observableArray([]);
+ // method which will edit an entry: an other view model is created
+ editManagedRepository=function(managedRepository){
+ var viewModel = new ManagedRepositoryViewModel(managedRepository,true,self);
+ ...
+ ko.applyBindings(viewModel,$("#main-content #managed-repository-edit").get(0));
+ ..
+ }
+ // method which will delete an entry
+ removeManagedRepository=function(managedRepository){
+ ......
+ }
+** Grid binding
+ The ManagedRepositoriesViewModel is used as it with a custom grid binding (knockout has a feature to create own binding
+ so we use one called <<<simpleGrid>>> which will display grids.
+ Grid view initialisation code (some details omitted) :
+ var managedRepositoriesViewModel = new ManagedRepositoriesViewModel();
+ $.ajax("restServices/archivaServices/managedRepositoriesService/getManagedRepositories", {
+ type: "GET",
+ dataType: 'json',
+ success: function(data) {
+ // data mapping json -> javascript
+ managedRepositoriesViewModel.managedRepositories(mapManagedRepositories(data));
+ // we define here our grid view model for fields only displayed
+ managedRepositoriesViewModel.gridViewModel = new ko.simpleGrid.viewModel({
+ data: managedRepositoriesViewModel.managedRepositories,
+ columns: [
+ {
+ headerText: $.i18n.prop('identifier'),
+ rowText: "id"
+ },
+ {
+ headerText: $.i18n.prop('name'),
+ rowText: "name"
+ },
+ {
+ headerText: $.i18n.prop('type'),
+ rowText: "getTypeLabel",
+ // FIXME i18n
+ title: "Repository type (default is Maven 2)"
+ }
+ ],
+ // max items per size, the binding has a pagination feature
+ pageSize: 5,
+ // we can define here a callback function which be called on all grid change (adding/updating/removing values from the array)
+ gridUpdateCallBack: function(){
+ $("#main-content #managed-repositories-table [title]").twipsy();
+ }
+ });
+ // apply the binding on the specified node
+ ko.applyBindings(managedRepositoriesViewModel,$("#main-content #managed-repositories-table").get(0));
+ }
+ }
+ );
+* View definition
+** Binding definition
+ We have applyed binding on the node with id "#managed-repositories-table". The binding definition is:
+ <table class="bordered-table zebra-striped" id="managed-repositories-table"
+ data-bind="simpleGrid: gridViewModel,simpleGridTemplate:'ko_managed-repositoriesGrid',pageLinksId:'managed-repositoriesPagination',data:'managedRepositories'">
+ </table>
+ * simpleGrid: gridViewModel = field name for the view model (see sample above)
+ * simpleGridTemplate:'ko_managed-repositoriesGrid' = name of the template to use (see below)
+ * pageLinksId:'managed-repositoriesPagination' = name of the template to use for pagination.
+ * data:'managedRepositories' = fields which contains data to pass to pass to the template
+** Template content
+ Template used for grid display (some details omitted).
+<script id='ko_managed-repositoriesGrid' type='text/x-jquery-tmpl'>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ // display read only fields defined in ko.simpleGrid.viewModel.columns (see above)
+ {{each(i, columnDefinition) columns}}
+ <th title="${ columnDefinition.title }">${ columnDefinition.headerText }</th>
+ {{/each}}
+ <th>Releases</th>
+ .....
+ // custom columns
+ <th>${$.i18n.prop('edit')}</th>
+ <th>${$.i18n.prop('delete')}</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ {{each(i, row) itemsOnCurrentPage()}}
+ <tr>
+ // display read only fields defined in ko.simpleGrid.viewModel.columns (see above)
+ {{each(j, columnDefinition) columns}}
+ <td>${ typeof columnDefinition.rowText == 'function' ? columnDefinition.rowText(row) : row[columnDefinition.rowText] }</td>
+ {{/each}}
+ // custom columns which images depending on a value
+ <td>
+ {{if row.releases() == true}}
+ <img src="images/weather-clear.png" title="${$.i18n.prop('release.included')}"/>
+ {{else}}
+ <img src="images/dialog-error.png" title="${$.i18n.prop('release.notincluded')}"/>
+ {{/if}}
+ </td>
+ .....
+ // custom columns with binding mapped to ManagedRepositoriesViewModel methods
+ <td><a href="#" data-bind="click: function(){ editManagedRepository(row) }">${$.i18n.prop('edit')}</a></td>
+ <td>
+ <a href="#" data-bind="click: function(){ removeManagedRepository(row) }">
+ <img src="images/edit-cut.png" title="${$.i18n.prop('delete')}"/>
+ </a>
+ </td>
+ .....
+ </tr>
+ {{/each}}
+ </tbody>