* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import { FlagMessage, Link } from 'design-system';
import * as React from 'react';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
import withIndexationContext, {
} from '../../../components/hoc/withIndexationContext';
-import { Alert } from '../../../components/ui/Alert';
import { translate } from '../../../helpers/l10n';
-import { Component } from '../../../types/types';
-interface Props extends WithIndexationContextProps {
- pageContext?: PageContext;
- component?: Pick<Component, 'qualifier' | 'name'>;
-export enum PageContext {
- Issues = 'issues',
- Portfolios = 'portfolios',
-export class PageUnavailableDueToIndexation extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
+export class PageUnavailableDueToIndexation extends React.PureComponent<WithIndexationContextProps> {
componentDidUpdate() {
if (
this.props.indexationContext.status.isCompleted &&
render() {
- const { pageContext, component } = this.props;
- let messageKey = 'indexation.page_unavailable.title';
- if (pageContext) {
- messageKey = `${messageKey}.${pageContext}`;
- }
return (
<div className="page-wrapper-simple">
- <div className="page-simple">
- <h1 className="big-spacer-bottom">
- <FormattedMessage
- id={messageKey}
- defaultMessage={translate(messageKey)}
- values={{
- componentQualifier: translate('qualifier', component?.qualifier ?? ''),
- componentName: <em>{component?.name}</em>,
- }}
- />
- </h1>
- <Alert variant="info">
- <p>{translate('indexation.page_unavailable.description')}</p>
- <p className="spacer-top">
- {translate('indexation.page_unavailable.description.additional_information')}
- </p>
- </Alert>
- </div>
+ <FlagMessage className="sw-m-10" variant="info">
+ {translate('indexation.page_unavailable.description')}
+ <br />
+ <FormattedMessage
+ defaultMessage={translate(
+ 'indexation.page_unavailable.description.additional_information'
+ )}
+ id="indexation.page_unavailable.description.additional_information"
+ values={{
+ link: (
+ <Link
+ className="sw-ml-4"
+ to="https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/instance-administration/reindexing/"
+ >
+ {translate('learn_more')}
+ </Link>
+ ),
+ }}
+ />
+ </FlagMessage>
import * as React from 'react';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet-async';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
-import { searchIssues } from '../../../api/issues';
+import { listIssues, searchIssues } from '../../../api/issues';
import { getRuleDetails } from '../../../api/rules';
import withComponentContext from '../../../app/components/componentContext/withComponentContext';
import withCurrentUserContext from '../../../app/components/current-user/withCurrentUserContext';
-import { PageContext } from '../../../app/components/indexation/PageUnavailableDueToIndexation';
import A11ySkipTarget from '../../../components/a11y/A11ySkipTarget';
import EmptySearch from '../../../components/common/EmptySearch';
import ScreenPositionHelper from '../../../components/common/ScreenPositionHelper';
import ListFooter from '../../../components/controls/ListFooter';
import Suggestions from '../../../components/embed-docs-modal/Suggestions';
+import withIndexationContext, {
+ WithIndexationContextProps,
+} from '../../../components/hoc/withIndexationContext';
import withIndexationGuard from '../../../components/hoc/withIndexationGuard';
import { Location, Router, withRouter } from '../../../components/hoc/withRouter';
import IssueTabViewer from '../../../components/rules/IssueTabViewer';
import PageActions from './PageActions';
import StyledHeader, { PSEUDO_SHADOW_HEIGHT } from './StyledHeader';
-interface Props {
+interface Props extends WithIndexationContextProps {
branchLike?: BranchLike;
component?: Component;
currentUser: CurrentUser;
const DEFAULT_QUERY = { resolved: 'false' };
const MAX_INITAL_FETCH = 1000;
const VARIANTS_FACET = 'codeVariants';
+const ISSUES_PAGE_SIZE = 100;
export class App extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
mounted = false;
createdAfterIncludesTime = () => Boolean(this.props.location.query.createdAfter?.includes('T'));
fetchIssuesHelper = (query: RawQuery) => {
+ if (this.props.component?.needIssueSync) {
+ return listIssues({
+ ...query,
+ }).then((response) => {
+ const { components, issues, rules } = response;
+ const parsedIssues = issues.map((issue) =>
+ parseIssueFromResponse(issue, components, undefined, rules)
+ );
+ return { ...response, issues: parsedIssues } as FetchIssuesPromise;
+ });
+ }
return searchIssues({
additionalFields: '_all',
facets = facets ? `${facets},${VARIANTS_FACET}` : VARIANTS_FACET;
- const parameters: Dict<string | undefined> = {
- ...getBranchLikeQuery(this.props.branchLike),
- componentKeys: component?.key,
- s: 'FILE_LINE',
- ...serializeQuery(query),
- ps: '100',
- facets,
- ...additional,
- };
+ const parameters: Dict<string | undefined> = component?.needIssueSync
+ ? {
+ ...getBranchLikeQuery(this.props.branchLike, true),
+ project: component?.key,
+ ...serializeQuery(query),
+ ps: `${ISSUES_PAGE_SIZE}`,
+ ...additional,
+ }
+ : {
+ ...getBranchLikeQuery(this.props.branchLike),
+ componentKeys: component?.key,
+ s: 'FILE_LINE',
+ ...serializeQuery(query),
+ ps: `${ISSUES_PAGE_SIZE}`,
+ facets,
+ ...additional,
+ };
if (query.createdAfter !== undefined && this.createdAfterIncludesTime()) {
parameters.createdAfter = serializeDate(query.createdAfter);
fetchPromise = this.fetchIssues({}, true, firstRequest);
- return fetchPromise.then(
- ({ effortTotal, facets, issues, paging, ...other }) => {
- if (this.mounted && areQueriesEqual(prevQuery, this.props.location.query)) {
- const openIssue = getOpenIssue(this.props, issues);
- let selected: string | undefined = undefined;
- if (issues.length > 0) {
- selected = openIssue ? openIssue.key : issues[0].key;
- }
- this.setState(({ showVariantsFilter }) => ({
- cannotShowOpenIssue: Boolean(openIssueKey && !openIssue),
- effortTotal,
- facets: parseFacets(facets),
- showVariantsFilter: firstRequest
- ? Boolean(facets.find((f) => f.property === VARIANTS_FACET)?.values.length)
- : showVariantsFilter,
- loading: false,
- locationsNavigator: true,
- issues,
- openIssue,
- paging,
- referencedComponentsById: keyBy(other.components, 'uuid'),
- referencedComponentsByKey: keyBy(other.components, 'key'),
- referencedLanguages: keyBy(other.languages, 'key'),
- referencedRules: keyBy(other.rules, 'key'),
- referencedUsers: keyBy(other.users, 'login'),
- selected,
- selectedFlowIndex: 0,
- selectedLocationIndex: undefined,
- }));
- }
+ return fetchPromise.then(this.parseFirstIssues(firstRequest, openIssueKey, prevQuery), () => {
+ if (this.mounted && areQueriesEqual(prevQuery, this.props.location.query)) {
+ this.setState({ loading: false });
+ }
- return issues;
- },
- () => {
- if (this.mounted && areQueriesEqual(prevQuery, this.props.location.query)) {
- this.setState({ loading: false });
+ return [];
+ });
+ }
+ parseFirstIssues =
+ (firstRequest: boolean, openIssueKey: string | undefined, prevQuery: RawQuery) =>
+ ({ effortTotal, facets, issues, paging, ...other }: FetchIssuesPromise) => {
+ if (this.mounted && areQueriesEqual(prevQuery, this.props.location.query)) {
+ const openIssue = getOpenIssue(this.props, issues);
+ let selected: string | undefined = undefined;
+ if (issues.length > 0) {
+ selected = openIssue ? openIssue.key : issues[0].key;
- return [];
+ this.setState(({ showVariantsFilter }) => ({
+ cannotShowOpenIssue: Boolean(openIssueKey && !openIssue),
+ effortTotal,
+ facets: parseFacets(facets),
+ showVariantsFilter: firstRequest
+ ? Boolean(facets?.find((f) => f.property === VARIANTS_FACET)?.values.length)
+ : showVariantsFilter,
+ loading: false,
+ locationsNavigator: true,
+ issues,
+ openIssue,
+ paging,
+ referencedComponentsById: keyBy(other.components, 'uuid'),
+ referencedComponentsByKey: keyBy(other.components, 'key'),
+ referencedLanguages: keyBy(other.languages, 'key'),
+ referencedRules: keyBy(other.rules, 'key'),
+ referencedUsers: keyBy(other.users, 'login'),
+ selected,
+ selectedFlowIndex: 0,
+ selectedLocationIndex: undefined,
+ }));
- );
- }
+ return issues;
+ };
fetchIssuesPage = (p: number) => {
return this.fetchIssues({ p });
{warning && <div className="sw-pb-6">{warning}</div>}
- {currentUser.isLoggedIn && (
+ {currentUser.isLoggedIn && !component?.needIssueSync && (
<div className="sw-flex sw-justify-start sw-mb-8">
let noIssuesMessage = null;
- if (paging.total === 0 && !loading) {
+ if (issues.length === 0 && !loading) {
if (this.isFiltered()) {
noIssuesMessage = <EmptySearch />;
} else if (this.state.myIssues) {
<h2 className="a11y-hidden">{translate('list_of_issues')}</h2>
- {paging.total > 0 && (
+ {issues.length > 0 && (
- {paging.total > 0 && (
+ {issues.length > 0 && (
loadMore={() => {
this.fetchMoreIssues().catch(() => undefined);
- paging={paging}
+ paging={this.props.component?.needIssueSync ? undefined : paging}
-export default withIndexationGuard(
- withRouter(withComponentContext(withCurrentUserContext(withBranchLikes(App)))),
- PageContext.Issues
+export default withRouter(
+ withComponentContext(
+ withCurrentUserContext(
+ withBranchLikes(
+ withIndexationContext(
+ withIndexationGuard<Props & WithIndexationContextProps>({
+ Component: App,
+ showIndexationMessage: ({ component, indexationContext }) =>
+ (!component && indexationContext.status.isCompleted === false) ||
+ (component?.qualifier !== ComponentQualifier.Project &&
+ component?.needIssueSync === true),
+ })
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
const PageWrapperStyle = styled.div`