public void testChange() throws Exception {
Comment2000 ca = new Comment2000(data_a, 0, data_a.length);
Comment2000 cb = new Comment2000(data_b, 0, data_b.length);
+ Comment2000 cn = new Comment2000();
ca.setText("Comments are fun things to add in, aren't they?");
+ cn.setAuthor("Hogwarts");
+ cn.setAuthorInitials("H");
+ cn.setText("Comments are fun things to add in, aren't they?");
// Change the Comment2000Atom
Comment2000Atom c2a = ca.getComment2000Atom();
+ Comment2000Atom c2n = cn.getComment2000Atom();
+ c2n.setNumber(1);
+ c2n.setXOffset(0x0a);
+ c2n.setYOffset(0x0a);
Date new_date = sdf.parse("2006-01-24 22:25:03.725");
+ c2n.setDate(new_date);
// Check now the same
assertEquals(ca.getText(), cb.getText());
+ assertEquals(cn.getText(), cb.getText());
assertEquals(ca.getAuthor(), cb.getAuthor());
+ assertEquals(cn.getAuthor(), cb.getAuthor());
assertEquals(ca.getAuthorInitials(), cb.getAuthorInitials());
+ assertEquals(cn.getAuthorInitials(), cb.getAuthorInitials());
// Check bytes weren't the same
try {
// Check bytes are now the same
- ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- ca.writeOut(baos);
- byte[] b = baos.toByteArray();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream baosa = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ByteArrayOutputStream baosn = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ ca.writeOut(baosa);
+ cn.writeOut(baosn);
+ byte[] ba = baosa.toByteArray();
+ byte[] bn = baosn.toByteArray();
// Should now be the same
- assertEquals(data_b.length, b.length);
+ assertEquals(data_b.length, ba.length);
+ for(int i=0; i<data_b.length; i++) {
+ assertEquals(data_b[i],ba[i]);
+ }
+ assertEquals(data_b.length, bn.length);
for(int i=0; i<data_b.length; i++) {
- assertEquals(data_b[i],b[i]);
+ assertEquals(data_b[i],bn[i]);