<tt>aspectjrt</tt>, but the compiler itself needs JDK 17+. Just like in previous AspectJ versions, both the runtime
<tt>aspectjrt</tt> and the load-time weaver <tt>aspectjweaver</tt> still only require JRE 8+.
+ Please note: If you run <tt>ajc</tt> on JDKs 11-16, you will probably see an error like
+ <tt>java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: RELEASE_17</tt>, and an <tt>ajcore.*.txt</tt> dump file will be created, while running
+ it on even older JDKs will rather yield an <tt>UnsupportedClassVersionError</tt>. See
+ <a href="https://github.com/eclipse-aspectj/aspectj/issues/269">GitHub issue 269</a> for more details.
History: Since 1.9.7, the AspectJ compiler <tt>ajc</tt> needed JDK 11+, before then JDK 8+.