cache_sweeper :version_sweeper, :only => [ :edit, :destroy ]
+ def show
+ end
def edit
if and @version.update_attributes(params[:version])
flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_update)
flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_delete)
redirect_to :controller => 'projects', :action => 'list_files', :id => @project
+ def status_by
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { render :action => 'show' }
+ format.js { render(:update) {|page| page.replace_html 'status_by', render_issue_status_by(@version, params[:status_by])} }
+ end
+ end
def find_project
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
module VersionsHelper
+ STATUS_BY_CRITERIAS = %w(category tracker priority author assigned_to)
+ def render_issue_status_by(version, criteria)
+ criteria ||= 'category'
+ raise 'Unknown criteria' unless STATUS_BY_CRITERIAS.include?(criteria)
+ h = {|k,v| k[v] = [0, 0]}
+ begin
+ # Total issue count
+ Issue.count(:group => criteria,
+ :conditions => ["#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id = ?",]).each {|c,s| h[c][0] = s}
+ # Open issues count
+ Issue.count(:group => criteria,
+ :include => :status,
+ :conditions => ["#{Issue.table_name}.fixed_version_id = ? AND #{IssueStatus.table_name}.is_closed = ?",, false]).each {|c,s| h[c][1] = s}
+ rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ # When grouping by an association, Rails throws this exception if there's no result (bug)
+ end
+ counts = h.keys.compact.sort.collect {|k| {:group => k, :total => h[k][0], :open => h[k][1], :closed => (h[k][0] - h[k][1])}}
+ max = counts.collect {|c| c[:total]}.max
+ render :partial => 'issue_counts', :locals => {:version => version, :criteria => criteria, :counts => counts, :max => max}
+ end
+ def status_by_options_for_select(value)
+ options_for_select(STATUS_BY_CRITERIAS.collect {|criteria| [l("field_#{criteria}".to_sym), criteria]}, value)
+ end
+ def <=>(category)
+ name <=>
+ end
def to_s; name end
def to_s; name end
+ def <=>(tracker)
+ name <=>
+ end
def self.all
find(:all, :order => 'position')
<% end %>
<% @versions.each do |version| %>
- <a name="<%= %>"><h3 class="icon22 icon22-package"><%= %></h3></a>
- <% if version.completed? %>
- <p><%= format_date(version.effective_date) %></p>
- <% elsif version.overdue? %>
- <p><strong><%= l(:label_roadmap_overdue, distance_of_time_in_words(, version.effective_date)) %> (<%= format_date(version.effective_date) %>)</strong></p>
- <% elsif version.effective_date %>
- <p><strong><%=l(:label_roadmap_due_in)%> <%= distance_of_time_in_words, version.effective_date %> (<%= format_date(version.effective_date) %>)</strong></p>
- <% end %>
- <p><%=h version.description %></p>
- <% if version.fixed_issues.count > 0 %>
- <%= progress_bar([version.closed_pourcent, version.completed_pourcent], :width => '40em', :legend => ('%0.0f%' % version.completed_pourcent)) %>
- <p class="progress-info">
- <%= link_to(version.closed_issues_count, :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project, :status_id => 'c', :fixed_version_id => version, :set_filter => 1) %>
- <%= lwr(:label_closed_issues, version.closed_issues_count) %>
- (<%= '%0.0f' % (version.closed_issues_count.to_f / version.fixed_issues.count * 100) %>%)
- <%= link_to(version.open_issues_count, :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => @project, :status_id => 'o', :fixed_version_id => version, :set_filter => 1) %>
- <%= lwr(:label_open_issues, version.open_issues_count)%>
- (<%= '%0.0f' % (version.open_issues_count.to_f / version.fixed_issues.count * 100) %>%)
- </p>
- <%= render(:partial => "wiki/content", :locals => {:content => version.wiki_page.content}) if version.wiki_page %>
- <% issues = version.fixed_issues.find(:all,
- :include => [:status, :tracker],
- :conditions => ["tracker_id in (#{@selected_tracker_ids.join(',')})"],
- :order => "#{Tracker.table_name}.position") unless @selected_tracker_ids.empty?
- issues ||= []
- %>
- <ul>
- <% if issues.size > 0 %>
- <% issues.each do |issue| %>
- <li>
- <%= link = link_to_issue(issue)
- issue.status.is_closed? ? content_tag("del", link) : link %>: <%=h issue.subject %>
- <%= content_tag "em", "(#{l(:label_closed_issues)})" if issue.status.is_closed? %>
- </li>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- </ul>
- <% else %>
- <p><em><%= l(:label_roadmap_no_issues) %></em></p>
- <% end %>
+ <%= tag 'a', :name => %>
+ <h3 class="icon22 icon22-package"><%= link_to h(, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version %></h3>
+ <%= render :partial => 'versions/overview', :locals => {:version => version} %>
+ <%= render(:partial => "wiki/content", :locals => {:content => version.wiki_page.content}) if version.wiki_page %>
+ <% issues = version.fixed_issues.find(:all,
+ :include => [:status, :tracker],
+ :conditions => ["tracker_id in (#{@selected_tracker_ids.join(',')})"],
+ :order => "#{Tracker.table_name}.position") unless @selected_tracker_ids.empty?
+ issues ||= []
+ %>
+ <ul>
+ <% if issues.size > 0 %>
+ <% issues.each do |issue| %>
+ <li>
+ <%= link = link_to_issue(issue)
+ issue.status.is_closed? ? content_tag("del", link) : link %>: <%=h issue.subject %>
+ <%= content_tag "em", "(#{l(:label_closed_issues)})" if issue.status.is_closed? %>
+ </li>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ </ul>
<% end %>
<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<%= link_to, :anchor => %><br />
<% end %>
<% end %>
+<% set_html_title l(:label_roadmap) %>
<% for version in @project.versions.sort %>
<tr class="<%= cycle 'odd', 'even' %>">
- <td><%=h %></td>
+ <td><%= link_to h(, :controller => 'versions', :action => 'show', :id => version %></td>
<td align="center"><%= format_date(version.effective_date) %></td>
<td><%=h version.description %></td>
<td><%= link_to(version.wiki_page_title, :controller => 'wiki', :page => Wiki.titleize(version.wiki_page_title)) unless version.wiki_page_title.blank? || %></td>
--- /dev/null
+<form id="status_by_form">
+<%= l(:label_issues_by,
+ select_tag('status_by',
+ status_by_options_for_select(criteria),
+ :id => 'status_by_select',
+ :onchange => remote_function(:url => { :action => :status_by, :id => version },
+ :with => "Form.serialize('status_by_form')"))) %>
+<% if counts.empty? %>
+ <p><em><%= l(:label_no_data) %></em></p>
+<% else %>
+ <table>
+ <% counts.each do |count| %>
+ <tr>
+ <td width="130px" align="right" >
+ <%= link_to count[:group], {:controller => 'issues',
+ :action => 'index',
+ :project_id => version.project,
+ :set_filter => 1,
+ :fixed_version_id => version,
+ "#{criteria}_id" => count[:group]} %>
+ </td>
+ <td width="240px">
+ <%= progress_bar((count[:closed].to_f / count[:total])*100,
+ :legend => "#{count[:closed]}/#{count[:total]}",
+ :width => "#{(count[:total].to_f / max * 200).floor}px;") %>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <% end %>
+ </table>
+<% end %>
--- /dev/null
+<% if version.completed? %>
+ <p><%= format_date(version.effective_date) %></p>
+<% elsif version.overdue? %>
+ <p><strong><%= l(:label_roadmap_overdue, distance_of_time_in_words(, version.effective_date)) %> (<%= format_date(version.effective_date) %>)</strong></p>
+<% elsif version.effective_date %>
+ <p><strong><%=l(:label_roadmap_due_in)%> <%= distance_of_time_in_words, version.effective_date %> (<%= format_date(version.effective_date) %>)</strong></p>
+<% end %>
+<p><%=h version.description %></p>
+<% if version.fixed_issues.count > 0 %>
+ <%= progress_bar([version.closed_pourcent, version.completed_pourcent], :width => '40em', :legend => ('%0.0f%' % version.completed_pourcent)) %>
+ <p class="progress-info">
+ <%= link_to(version.closed_issues_count, :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => version.project, :status_id => 'c', :fixed_version_id => version, :set_filter => 1) %>
+ <%= lwr(:label_closed_issues, version.closed_issues_count) %>
+ (<%= '%0.0f' % (version.closed_issues_count.to_f / version.fixed_issues.count * 100) %>%)
+ <%= link_to(version.open_issues_count, :controller => 'issues', :action => 'index', :project_id => version.project, :status_id => 'o', :fixed_version_id => version, :set_filter => 1) %>
+ <%= lwr(:label_open_issues, version.open_issues_count)%>
+ (<%= '%0.0f' % (version.open_issues_count.to_f / version.fixed_issues.count * 100) %>%)
+ </p>
+<% else %>
+ <p><em><%= l(:label_roadmap_no_issues) %></em></p>
+<% end %>
--- /dev/null
+<div class="contextual">
+<%= link_to_if_authorized l(:button_edit), {:controller => 'versions', :action => 'edit', :id => @version}, :class => 'icon icon-edit' %>
+<h2><%= h( %></h2>
+<div id="status_by" style="float:right;">
+<%= render_issue_status_by(@version, params[:status_by]) if @version.fixed_issues.count > 0 %>
+<%= render :partial => 'versions/overview', :locals => {:version => @version} %>
+<%= render(:partial => "wiki/content", :locals => {:content => @version.wiki_page.content}) if @version.wiki_page %>
+<% set_html_title h( %>
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Muss mindestens %d Zeichen lang sein.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
label_issue_new: New issue
label_issue_plural: Issues
label_issue_view_all: View all issues
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
label_document: Document
label_document_new: New document
label_document_plural: Documents
setting_time_format: Formato de hora
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
label_issue_new: Nouvelle demande
label_issue_plural: Demandes
label_issue_view_all: Voir toutes les demandes
+label_issues_by: Demandes par %s
label_document: Document
label_document_new: Nouveau document
label_document_plural: Documents
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.\r
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)\r
button_annotate: Annotate\r
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s\r
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
text_caracters_minimum: Must be at least %d characters long.
setting_bcc_recipients: Blind carbon copy recipients (bcc)
button_annotate: Annotate
+label_issues_by: Issues by %s
# Issues
map.permission :view_issues, {:projects => [:changelog, :roadmap],
:issues => [:index, :changes, :show, :context_menu],
+ :versions => [:show, :status_by],
:queries => :index,
:reports => :issue_report}, :public => true
map.permission :add_issues, {:projects => :add_issue}
p.pourcent {font-size: 80%;}
p.progress-info {clear: left; font-style: italic; font-size: 80%;}
+div#status_by { margin-left: 16px; margin-bottom: 16px; }
/***** Tabs *****/
#content .tabs{height: 2.6em;}
#content .tabs ul{margin:0;}
--- /dev/null
+# redMine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
+require 'versions_controller'
+# Re-raise errors caught by the controller.
+class VersionsController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end
+class VersionsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ fixtures :projects, :versions, :users, :roles, :members, :enabled_modules
+ def setup
+ @controller =
+ @request =
+ @response =
+ User.current = nil
+ end
+ def test_show
+ get :show, :id => 2
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'show'
+ assert_not_nil assigns(:version)
+ assert_tag :tag => 'h2', :content => /1.0/
+ end