def destroy
- Enumeration.find(params[:id]).destroy
- flash[:notice] = l(:notice_successful_delete)
- redirect_to :action => 'list'
- rescue
- flash[:error] = "Unable to delete enumeration"
- redirect_to :action => 'list'
+ @enumeration = Enumeration.find(params[:id])
+ if !@enumeration.in_use?
+ # No associated objects
+ @enumeration.destroy
+ redirect_to :action => 'index'
+ elsif params[:reassign_to_id]
+ if reassign_to = Enumeration.find_by_opt_and_id(@enumeration.opt, params[:reassign_to_id])
+ @enumeration.destroy(reassign_to)
+ redirect_to :action => 'index'
+ end
+ end
+ @enumerations = Enumeration.get_values(@enumeration.opt) - [@enumeration]
+ #rescue
+ # flash[:error] = 'Unable to delete enumeration'
+ # redirect_to :action => 'index'
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:opt]
validates_length_of :name, :maximum => 30
+ # Single table inheritance would be an option
- "IPRI" => :enumeration_issue_priorities,
- "DCAT" => :enumeration_doc_categories,
- "ACTI" => :enumeration_activities
+ "IPRI" => {:label => :enumeration_issue_priorities, :model => Issue, :foreign_key => :priority_id},
+ "DCAT" => {:label => :enumeration_doc_categories, :model => Document, :foreign_key => :category_id},
+ "ACTI" => {:label => :enumeration_activities, :model => TimeEntry, :foreign_key => :activity_id}
def self.get_values(option)
def option_name
- OPTIONS[self.opt]
+ OPTIONS[self.opt][:label]
def before_save
Enumeration.update_all("is_default = #{connection.quoted_false}", {:opt => opt}) if is_default?
+ def objects_count
+ OPTIONS[self.opt][:model].count(:conditions => "#{OPTIONS[self.opt][:foreign_key]} = #{id}")
+ end
+ def in_use?
+ self.objects_count != 0
+ end
+ alias :destroy_without_reassign :destroy
+ # Destroy the enumeration
+ # If a enumeration is specified, objects are reassigned
+ def destroy(reassign_to = nil)
+ if reassign_to && reassign_to.is_a?(Enumeration)
+ OPTIONS[self.opt][:model].update_all("#{OPTIONS[self.opt][:foreign_key]} = #{reassign_to.id}", "#{OPTIONS[self.opt][:foreign_key]} = #{id}")
+ end
+ destroy_without_reassign
+ end
def <=>(enumeration)
position <=> enumeration.position
def check_integrity
- case self.opt
- when "IPRI"
- raise "Can't delete enumeration" if Issue.find(:first, :conditions => ["priority_id=?", self.id])
- when "DCAT"
- raise "Can't delete enumeration" if Document.find(:first, :conditions => ["category_id=?", self.id])
- when "ACTI"
- raise "Can't delete enumeration" if TimeEntry.find(:first, :conditions => ["activity_id=?", self.id])
- end
+ raise "Can't delete enumeration" if self.in_use?
--- /dev/null
+<h2><%= l(@enumeration.option_name) %>: <%=h @enumeration %></h2>
+<% form_tag({}) do %>
+<div class="box">
+<p><strong><%= l(:text_enumeration_destroy_question, @enumeration.objects_count) %></strong></p>
+<p><%= l(:text_enumeration_category_reassign_to) %>
+<%= select_tag 'reassign_to_id', ("<option>--- #{l(:actionview_instancetag_blank_option)} ---</option>" + options_from_collection_for_select(@enumerations, 'id', 'name')) %></p>
+<%= submit_tag l(:button_apply) %>
+<%= link_to l(:button_cancel), :controller => 'enumerations', :action => 'index' %>
+<% end %>
-<% Enumeration::OPTIONS.each do |option, name| %>
-<h3><%= l(name) %></h3>
+<% Enumeration::OPTIONS.each do |option, params| %>
+<h3><%= l(params[:label]) %></h3>
<% enumerations = Enumeration.get_values(option) %>
<% if enumerations.any? %>
<%= link_to image_tag('1downarrow.png', :alt => l(:label_sort_lower)), {:action => 'move', :id => enumeration, :position => 'lower'}, :method => :post, :title => l(:label_sort_lower) %>
<%= link_to image_tag('2downarrow.png', :alt => l(:label_sort_lowest)), {:action => 'move', :id => enumeration, :position => 'lowest'}, :method => :post, :title => l(:label_sort_lowest) %>
+ <td align="center" style="width:10%;">
+ <%= link_to l(:button_delete), { :action => 'destroy', :id => enumeration }, :method => :post, :confirm => l(:text_are_you_sure), :class => "icon icon-del" %>
+ </td>
<% end %>
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Assign reported hours to the project
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reassign reported hours to this issue:'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
default_role_manager: Manager
default_role_developper: Developer
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_assign_time_entries_to_project: Reporter les heures sur le projet
text_reassign_time_entries: 'Reporter les heures sur cette demande:'
text_user_wrote: '%s a écrit:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: 'Cette valeur est affectée à %d objets.'
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Réaffecter les objets à cette valeur:'
default_role_manager: Manager
default_role_developper: Développeur
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s írta:'
label_duplicated_by: duplikálta
setting_enabled_scm: Forráskódkezelő (SCM) engedélyezése
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
enumeration_issue_priorities: Sakssprioriteringer
enumeration_doc_categories: Dokument-kategorier
enumeration_activities: Aktiviteter (tidssporing)
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'\r
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by\r
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM\r
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'\r
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'\r
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s написал:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
text_user_wrote: '%s wrote:'
label_duplicated_by: duplicated by
setting_enabled_scm: Enabled SCM
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
enumeration_issue_priorities: 項目優先權
enumeration_doc_categories: 文件分類
enumeration_activities: 活動 (時間追蹤)
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
enumeration_issue_priorities: 问题优先级
enumeration_doc_categories: 文档类别
enumeration_activities: 活动(时间跟踪)
+text_enumeration_category_reassign_to: 'Reassign them to this value:'
+text_enumeration_destroy_question: '%d objects are assigned to this value.'
--- /dev/null
+# redMine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
+require 'enumerations_controller'
+# Re-raise errors caught by the controller.
+class EnumerationsController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end
+class EnumerationsControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ fixtures :enumerations, :issues, :users
+ def setup
+ @controller = EnumerationsController.new
+ @request = ActionController::TestRequest.new
+ @response = ActionController::TestResponse.new
+ @request.session[:user_id] = 1 # admin
+ end
+ def test_index
+ get :index
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'list'
+ end
+ def test_destroy_enumeration_not_in_use
+ post :destroy, :id => 7
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => 'enumerations', :action => 'index'
+ assert_nil Enumeration.find_by_id(7)
+ end
+ def test_destroy_enumeration_in_use
+ post :destroy, :id => 4
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template 'destroy'
+ assert_not_nil Enumeration.find_by_id(4)
+ end
+ def test_destroy_enumeration_in_use_with_reassignment
+ issue = Issue.find(:first, :conditions => {:priority_id => 4})
+ post :destroy, :id => 4, :reassign_to_id => 6
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => 'enumerations', :action => 'index'
+ assert_nil Enumeration.find_by_id(4)
+ # check that the issue was reassign
+ assert_equal 6, issue.reload.priority_id
+ end
--- /dev/null
+# redMine - project management software
+# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Jean-Philippe Lang
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper'
+class EnumerationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ fixtures :enumerations, :issues
+ def setup
+ end
+ def test_objects_count
+ # low priority
+ assert_equal 5, Enumeration.find(4).objects_count
+ # urgent
+ assert_equal 0, Enumeration.find(7).objects_count
+ end
+ def test_in_use
+ # low priority
+ assert Enumeration.find(4).in_use?
+ # urgent
+ assert !Enumeration.find(7).in_use?
+ end
+ def test_destroy_with_reassign
+ Enumeration.find(4).destroy(Enumeration.find(6))
+ assert_nil Issue.find(:first, :conditions => {:priority_id => 4})
+ assert_equal 5, Enumeration.find(6).objects_count
+ end