<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "../tests/ajcTestSuite.dtd">
+ To log unexpected results, run
+ with -logPass -ajctestRequireKeywords=expect-fail
+ or with -logFail -ajctestSkipKeywords=expect-fail
hmm. not running suite if any test fails setup?
<ajc-test dir="new" title="bad arguments passed to ajc"
<compile files="NoSuchFile.java"/>
<ajc-test dir="harness"
title="1 error and 1 warning, with warning line wrong"
<ajc-test dir="harness"
title="1 error and 1 warning, failed to specify expected warning "
- keywords="expect-fail">
+ keywords="expect-fail"
+ comment="unexpected pass b/c 1.1 bug: declare fails to warn">
<compile files="ErrorWarning.java">
<message kind="error" line="13"/>
<compile files="TestNoTester.java"/>
<run class="TestNoTester" skipTester="true"/>
+ <ajc-test dir="harness/classpathTest"
+ title="specify jars and directories on classpath"
+ keywords="purejava">
+ <compile classpath="classesDir,jars/required.jar"
+ files="Main.java"/>
+ <run class="Main"/>
+ </ajc-test>
+ <ajc-test dir="harness/classpathTest"
+ title="specify aspectpath and classpath jars and directories">
+ <compile classpath="classesDir,jars/required.jar"
+ aspectpath="jars/requiredAspects.jar"
+ files="AspectMain.java"/>
+ <run class="AspectMain"/>
+ </ajc-test>