--- /dev/null
+/* ====================================================================
+ Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.examples.hwmf;
+import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
+import java.awt.Color;
+import java.awt.Font;
+import java.awt.Graphics2D;
+import java.awt.Rectangle;
+import java.awt.Shape;
+import java.awt.TexturePaint;
+import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
+import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
+import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
+import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
+import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
+import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
+import org.apache.poi.hwmf.draw.HwmfROP3Composite;
+import org.apache.poi.hwmf.record.HwmfTernaryRasterOp;
+ * Generates an image table describing the various ternary raster operations
+ *
+ * inspired from http://www.evmsoft.net/en/roptest.html
+ */
+public final class ROP3Table {
+ private ROP3Table() {
+ }
+ private static byte[] PATTERN = {
+ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ };
+ private static final HwmfTernaryRasterOp[] OPS = HwmfTernaryRasterOp.values();
+ private static final int COLS = 16;
+ private static final double BOX = 100, SCALE = 1, HEADER = 1.1;
+ private static final Rectangle2D RECT = new Rectangle2D.Double(0.05* BOX, 0.05* BOX, 0.90* BOX, 0.90* BOX);
+ private static final Shape CIRCLE_BIG = new Ellipse2D.Double(0.15* BOX, 0.15* BOX, 0.70* BOX, 0.70* BOX);
+ private static final Shape CIRCLE_SMALL = new Ellipse2D.Double(0.40* BOX, 0.40* BOX, 0.20* BOX, 0.20* BOX);
+ private static final Shape LABEL_BOX = new Rectangle.Double(0.06* BOX, 0.85* BOX, 0.88* BOX, 0.10* BOX);
+ private static final AlphaComposite SRC_OVER = AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER);
+ private static final AffineTransform INIT_AT = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(SCALE, SCALE);
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
+ BufferedImage pattern = getPattern();
+ BufferedImage source = getSource();
+ BufferedImage dest = new BufferedImage(
+ (int)(BOX * COLS * SCALE),
+ (int)(BOX *(Math.max(OPS.length/COLS,1) + HEADER)* SCALE),
+ BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
+ Graphics2D g = dest.createGraphics();
+ g.setFont(new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 10));
+ g.setTransform(INIT_AT);
+ g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
+ for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
+ String str = new String[]{"Dest:","Source:","Pattern:"}[i];
+ TextLayout t = new TextLayout(str, g.getFont(), g.getFontRenderContext());
+ Rectangle2D b = t.getBounds();
+ g.drawString(str, (float)(((i*2+0.95)*BOX - b.getWidth())), (float)(0.55 * BOX));
+ }
+ g.translate(BOX, 0);
+ fillDest(g);
+ g.translate(2*BOX, 0);
+ g.drawImage(source, 0, 0, null);
+ g.translate(2*BOX, 0);
+ g.setPaint(new TexturePaint(pattern, RECT));
+ g.fill(RECT);
+ int idx=0;
+ for (HwmfTernaryRasterOp op : OPS) {
+ g.setTransform(INIT_AT);
+ g.translate(0, HEADER * BOX);
+ g.translate(BOX*(idx%COLS), BOX*(idx/COLS));
+ fillDest(g);
+ fillPattern(g, op, pattern, source);
+ fillLabel(g, op);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ g.dispose();
+ ImageIO.write(dest, "PNG", new File("rop3.png"));
+ }
+ private static BufferedImage getPattern() {
+ byte[] bw = { 0, -1 };
+ BufferedImage pattern = new BufferedImage(8, 8, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_INDEXED, new IndexColorModel(1, 2, bw, bw, bw));
+ pattern.getRaster().setDataElements(0, 0, 8, 8, PATTERN);
+ return pattern;
+ }
+ private static BufferedImage getSource() {
+ BufferedImage checker = new BufferedImage((int) BOX, (int) BOX, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
+ Graphics2D cg = checker.createGraphics();
+ cg.setColor(Color.PINK);
+ cg.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.05* BOX, 0.05* BOX, 0.90* BOX, 0.90* BOX));
+ cg.setColor(new Color(0xE6E6FA, false));
+ cg.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.05* BOX, 0.05* BOX, 0.45* BOX, 0.45* BOX));
+ cg.fill(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.50* BOX, 0.50* BOX, 0.45* BOX, 0.45* BOX));
+ cg.dispose();
+ return checker;
+ }
+ private static void fillDest(Graphics2D g) {
+ g.setComposite(SRC_OVER);
+ g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
+ g.fill(RECT);
+ g.setColor(new Color(0xDAA520, false));
+ g.fill(CIRCLE_BIG);
+ g.setColor(Color.RED);
+ g.fill(CIRCLE_SMALL);
+ }
+ private static void fillPattern(Graphics2D g, HwmfTernaryRasterOp op, BufferedImage pattern, BufferedImage source) {
+ g.setComposite(new HwmfROP3Composite(g.getTransform(), RECT, op, pattern, Color.YELLOW, Color.BLUE));
+ g.setClip(RECT);
+ g.drawImage(source, 0, 0, null);
+ g.setClip(null);
+ g.setComposite(SRC_OVER);
+ }
+ private static void fillLabel(Graphics2D g, HwmfTernaryRasterOp op) {
+ g.setColor(Color.WHITE);
+ g.fill(LABEL_BOX);
+ g.setColor(Color.BLACK);
+ TextLayout t = new TextLayout(op.name(), g.getFont(), g.getFontRenderContext());
+ Rectangle2D b = t.getBounds();
+ g.drawString(op.name(), (float)((BOX -b.getWidth())/2.), (float)(0.94* BOX));
+ }
byte[] getBMPData();
* The ColorUsage Enumeration (a 16-bit unsigned integer) specifies whether a color table
* exists in a device-independent bitmap (DIB) and how to interpret its values,
return null;
* The META_FILLREGION record fills a region using a specified brush.
public static class WmfFillRegion implements HwmfRecord {
* A 16-bit unsigned integer used to index into the WMF Object Table to get
* the region to be filled.
* brush to use for filling the region.
protected int brushIndex;
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.fillRegion;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
regionIndex = leis.readUShort();
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
Shape region = ctx.getProperties().getRegion();
if (region != null) {
* defined in the playback device context.
public static class WmfPaintRegion implements HwmfRecord {
* A 16-bit unsigned integer used to index into the WMF Object Table to get
* the region to be painted.
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.paintRegion;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
regionIndex = leis.readUShort();
return LittleEndianConsts.SHORT_SIZE;
Shape region = ctx.getProperties().getRegion();
if (region != null) {
- }
+ }
public int getRegionIndex() {
return GenericRecordUtil.getGenericProperties("regionIndex", this::getRegionIndex);
* The META_FLOODFILL record fills an area of the output surface with the brush that
* is defined in the playback device context.
public static class WmfFloodFill implements HwmfRecord {
/** A 32-bit ColorRef Object that defines the color value. */
protected final HwmfColorRef colorRef = new HwmfColorRef();
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.floodFill;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
int size = colorRef.init(leis);
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public HwmfColorRef getColorRef() {
* This MUST be one of the values: ALTERNATE = 0x0001, WINDING = 0x0002
protected HwmfPolyfillMode polyFillMode;
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.setPolyFillMode;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
polyFillMode = HwmfPolyfillMode.valueOf(leis.readUShort() & 3);
protected HwmfFloodFillMode mode;
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.extFloodFill;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
// A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the fill operation to be performed. This
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public HwmfFloodFillMode getMode() {
* The META_INVERTREGION record draws a region in which the colors are inverted.
public static class WmfInvertRegion implements HwmfRecord {
* A 16-bit unsigned integer used to index into the WMF Object Table to get
* the region to be inverted.
private int regionIndex;
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.invertRegion;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
regionIndex = leis.readUShort();
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public int getRegionIndex() {
return GenericRecordUtil.getGenericProperties("regionIndex", this::getRegionIndex);
* The META_PATBLT record paints a specified rectangle using the brush that is defined in the playback
* raster operation.
public static class WmfPatBlt implements HwmfRecord {
* A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines the raster operation code.
* This code MUST be one of the values in the Ternary Raster Operation enumeration table.
private HwmfTernaryRasterOp rasterOperation;
private final Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.patBlt;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
rasterOperation = readRasterOperation(leis);
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public HwmfTernaryRasterOp getRasterOperation() {
public static class WmfStretchBlt implements HwmfRecord {
* A 32-bit unsigned integer that defines how the source pixels, the current brush
- * in the playback device context, and the destination pixels are to be combined to form the new
+ * in the playback device context, and the destination pixels are to be combined to form the new
* image. This code MUST be one of the values in the Ternary Raster Operation Enumeration
protected HwmfTernaryRasterOp rasterOperation;
* This object MUST be specified, even if the raster operation does not require a source.
protected HwmfBitmap16 target;
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.stretchBlt;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
final boolean hasBitmap = hasBitmap(recordSize, recordFunction);
target = new HwmfBitmap16();
size += target.init(leis);
return size;
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
protected final Rectangle2D dstBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
- * A variable-sized DeviceIndependentBitmap Object (section that is the
+ * A variable-sized DeviceIndependentBitmap Object (section that is the
* source of the color data.
protected final HwmfBitmapDib bitmap = new HwmfBitmapDib();
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.stretchDib;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
rasterOperation = readRasterOperation(leis);
size += bitmap.init(leis, (int)(recordSize-6-size));
return size;
- }
+ }
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public static class WmfBitBlt extends WmfStretchBlt {
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.bitBlt;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
final boolean hasBitmap = hasBitmap(recordSize/2, recordFunction);
srcBounds.setRect(srcPnt.getX(), srcPnt.getY(), dstBounds.getWidth(), dstBounds.getHeight());
return size;
* A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines whether the Colors field of the
* DIB contains explicit RGB values or indexes into a palette.
- private ColorUsage colorUsage;
+ private ColorUsage colorUsage;
* A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the number of scan lines in the source.
* A 16-bit unsigned integer that defines the starting scan line in the source.
- private int startScan;
+ private int startScan;
/** the source rectangle */
protected final Rectangle2D srcBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
* A variable-sized DeviceIndependentBitmap Object that is the source of the color data.
- private HwmfBitmapDib dib;
+ private HwmfBitmapDib dib;
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.setDibToDev;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
colorUsage = ColorUsage.valueOf(leis.readUShort());
srcBounds.setRect(srcPnt.getX(), srcPnt.getY(), dstBounds.getWidth(), dstBounds.getHeight());
return size;
- }
+ }
public void draw(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public void applyObject(HwmfGraphics ctx) {
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.dibBitBlt;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
final boolean hasBitmap = hasBitmap(recordSize/2, recordFunction);
public HwmfRecordType getWmfRecordType() {
return HwmfRecordType.dibStretchBlt;
public int init(LittleEndianInputStream leis, long recordSize, int recordFunction) throws IOException {
final boolean hasBitmap = hasBitmap(recordSize, recordFunction);
target = new HwmfBitmapDib();
size += target.init(leis, (int)(recordSize-6-size));
return size;
int rasterOpIndex = leis.readUShort();
HwmfTernaryRasterOp rasterOperation = HwmfTernaryRasterOp.valueOf(rasterOpIndex);
- assert(rasterOperation != null && rasterOpCode == rasterOperation.opCode);
+ assert(rasterOperation != null && rasterOpCode == rasterOperation.getOpCode());
return rasterOperation;
package org.apache.poi.hwmf.record;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Deque;
* Each ternary raster operation code represents a Boolean operation in which the values of the pixels in
* the source, the selected brush, and the destination are combined. Following are the three operands
* All Boolean operations are presented in reverse Polish notation. For example, the following operation
* replaces the values of the pixels in the destination bitmap with a combination of the pixel values of the
* source and brush: PSo.
- *
+ *
* The following operation combines the values of the pixels in the source and brush with the pixel values
* of the destination bitmap: DPSoo (there are alternative spellings of some functions, so although a
* particular spelling MAY NOT be listed in the enumeration, an equivalent form SHOULD be).
- *
+ *
* Each raster operation code is a 32-bit integer whose high-order word is a Boolean operation index and
* whose low-order word is the operation code. The 16-bit operation index is a zero-extended, 8-bit
* value that represents the result of the Boolean operation on predefined brush, source, and destination
* values. For example, the operation indexes for the PSo and DPSoo operations are shown in the
* following list.
- *
+ *
* <table>
* <tr><th>P</th><th>S</th><th>D</th><th>DPo</th><th>DPan</th></tr>
* <tr><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>0</td></tr>
* <tr><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>0</td><td>1</td><td>1</td></tr>
* <tr><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>1</td><td>1</td></tr>
* </table>
- *
+ *
* The operation indexes are determined by reading the binary values in a column of the table from the
* bottom up. For example, in the PSo column, the binary value is 11111100, which is equivalent to 00FC
* (hexadecimal is implicit for these values), which is the operation index for PSo.
- *
+ *
* Using this method, DPSoo can be seen to have the operation index 00FE. Operation indexes define the
* locations of corresponding raster operation codes in the preceding enumeration. The PSo operation is
* in line 252 (0x00FC) of the enumeration; DPSoo is in line 254 (0x00FE).
- *
+ *
* The most commonly used raster operations have been given explicit enumeration names, which
* SHOULD be used; examples are PATCOPY and WHITENESS.
- *
+ *
* When the source and destination bitmaps are monochrome, a bit value of 0 represents a black pixel
* and a bit value of 1 represents a white pixel. When the source and the destination bitmaps are color,
* those colors are represented with red green blue (RGB) values.
public enum HwmfTernaryRasterOp {
- BLACKNESS(0x0000,0x0042,"0"),
- DPSOON(0x0001,0x0289,"DPSoon"),
- DPSONA(0x0002,0x0C89,"DPSona"),
- PSON(0x0003,0x00AA,"PSon"),
- SDPONA(0x0004,0x0C88,"SDPona"),
- DPON(0x0005,0x00A9,"DPon"),
- PDSXNON(0x0006,0x0865,"PDSxnon"),
- PDSAON(0x0007,0x02C5,"PDSaon"),
- SDPNAA(0x0008,0x0F08,"SDPnaa"),
- PDSXON(0x0009,0x0245,"PDSxon"),
- DPNA(0x000A,0x0329,"DPna"),
- PSDNAON(0x000B,0x0B2A,"PSDnaon"),
- SPNA(0x000C,0x0324,"SPna"),
- PDSNAON(0x000D,0x0B25,"PDSnaon"),
- PDSONON(0x000E,0x08A5,"PDSonon"),
- PN(0x000F,0x0001,"Pn"),
- PDSONA(0x0010,0x0C85,"PDSona"),
- NOTSRCERASE(0x0011,0x00A6,"DSon"),
- SDPXNON(0x0012,0x0868,"SDPxnon"),
- SDPAON(0x0013,0x02C8,"SDPaon"),
- DPSXNON(0x0014,0x0869,"DPSxnon"),
- DPSAON(0x0015,0x02C9,"DPSaon"),
- PSDPSANAXX(0x0016,0x5CCA,"PSDPSanaxx"),
- SSPXDSXAXN(0x0017,0x1D54,"SSPxDSxaxn"),
- SPXPDXA(0x0018,0x0D59,"SPxPDxa"),
- SDPSANAXN(0x0019,0x1CC8,"SDPSanaxn"),
- PDSPAOX(0x001A,0x06C5,"PDSPaox"),
- SDPSXAXN(0x001B,0x0768,"SDPSxaxn"),
- PSDPAOX(0x001C,0x06CA,"PSDPaox"),
- DSPDXAXN(0x001D,0x0766,"DSPDxaxn"),
- PDSOX(0x001E,0x01A5,"PDSox"),
- PDSOAN(0x001F,0x0385,"PDSoan"),
- DPSNAA(0x0020,0x0F09,"DPSnaa"),
- SDPXON(0x0021,0x0248,"SDPxon"),
- DSNA(0x0022,0x0326,"DSna"),
- SPDNAON(0x0023,0x0B24,"SPDnaon"),
- SPXDSXA(0x0024,0x0D55,"SPxDSxa"),
- PDSPANAXN(0x0025,0x1CC5,"PDSPanaxn"),
- SDPSAOX(0x0026,0x06C8,"SDPSaox"),
- SDPSXNOX(0x0027,0x1868,"SDPSxnox"),
- DPSXA(0x0028,0x0369,"DPSxa"),
- PSDPSAOXXN(0x0029,0x16CA,"PSDPSaoxxn"),
- DPSANA(0x002A,0x0CC9,"DPSana"),
- SSPXPDXAXN(0x002B,0x1D58,"SSPxPDxaxn"),
- SPDSOAX(0x002C,0x0784,"SPDSoax"),
- PSDNOX(0x002D,0x060A,"PSDnox"),
- PSDPXOX(0x002E,0x064A,"PSDPxox"),
- PSDNOAN(0x002F,0x0E2A,"PSDnoan"),
- PSNA(0x0030,0x032A,"PSna"),
- SDPNAON(0x0031,0x0B28,"SDPnaon"),
- SDPSOOX(0x0032,0x0688,"SDPSoox"),
- NOTSRCCOPY(0x0033,0x0008,"Sn"),
- SPDSAOX(0x0034,0x06C4,"SPDSaox"),
- SPDSXNOX(0x0035,0x1864,"SPDSxnox"),
- SDPOX(0x0036,0x01A8,"SDPox"),
- SDPOAN(0x0037,0x0388,"SDPoan"),
- PSDPOAX(0x0038,0x078A,"PSDPoax"),
- SPDNOX(0x0390,0x604,"SPDnox"),
- SPDSXOX(0x003A,0x0644,"SPDSxox"),
- SPDNOAN(0x003B,0x0E24,"SPDnoan"),
- PSX(0x003C,0x004A,"PSx"),
- SPDSONOX(0x003D,0x18A4,"SPDSonox"),
- SPDSNAOX(0x003E,0x1B24,"SPDSnaox"),
- PSAN(0x003F,0x00EA,"PSan"),
- PSDNAA(0x0040,0x0F0A,"PSDnaa"),
- DPSXON(0x0041,0x0249,"DPSxon"),
- SDXPDXA(0x0042,0x0D5D,"SDxPDxa"),
- SPDSANAXN(0x0043,0x1CC4,"SPDSanaxn"),
- SRCERASE(0x0044,0x0328,"SDna"),
- DPSNAON(0x0045,0x0B29,"DPSnaon"),
- DSPDAOX(0x0046,0x06C6,"DSPDaox"),
- PSDPXAXN(0x0047,0x076A,"PSDPxaxn"),
- SDPXA(0x0048,0x0368,"SDPxa"),
- PDSPDAOXXN(0x0049,0x16C5,"PDSPDaoxxn"),
- DPSDOAX(0x004A,0x0789,"DPSDoax"),
- PDSNOX(0x004B,0x0605,"PDSnox"),
- SDPANA(0x004C,0x0CC8,"SDPana"),
- SSPXDSXOXN(0x004D,0x1954,"SSPxDSxoxn"),
- PDSPXOX(0x004E,0x0645,"PDSPxox"),
- PDSNOAN(0x004F,0x0E25,"PDSnoan"),
- PDNA(0x0050,0x0325,"PDna"),
- DSPNAON(0x0051,0x0B26,"DSPnaon"),
- DPSDAOX(0x0052,0x06C9,"DPSDaox"),
- SPDSXAXN(0x0053,0x0764,"SPDSxaxn"),
- DPSONON(0x0054,0x08A9,"DPSonon"),
- DSTINVERT(0x0055,0x0009,"Dn"),
- DPSOX(0x0056,0x01A9,"DPSox"),
- DPSOAN(0x0005,0x70389,"DPSoan"),
- PDSPOAX(0x0058,0x0785,"PDSPoax"),
- DPSNOX(0x0059,0x0609,"DPSnox"),
- PATINVERT(0x005A,0x0049,"DPx"),
- DPSDONOX(0x005B,0x18A9,"DPSDonox"),
- DPSDXOX(0x005C,0x0649,"DPSDxox"),
- DPSNOAN(0x005D,0x0E29,"DPSnoan"),
- DPSDNAOX(0x005E,0x1B29,"DPSDnaox"),
- DPAN(0x005F,0x00E9,"DPan"),
- PDSXA(0x0060,0x0365,"PDSxa"),
- DSPDSAOXXN(0x0061,0x16C6,"DSPDSaoxxn"),
- DSPDOAX(0x0062,0x0786,"DSPDoax"),
- SDPNOX(0x0063,0x0608,"SDPnox"),
- SDPSOAX(0x0064,0x0788,"SDPSoax"),
- DSPNOX(0x0065,0x0606,"DSPnox"),
- SRCINVERT(0x0066,0x0046,"DSx"),
- SDPSONOX(0x0067,0x18A8,"SDPSonox"),
- DSPDSONOXXN(0x0068,0x58A6,"DSPDSonoxxn"),
- PDSXXN(0x0069,0x0145,"PDSxxn"),
- DPSAX(0x006A,0x01E9,"DPSax"),
- PSDPSOAXXN(0x006B,0x178A,"PSDPSoaxxn"),
- SDPAX(0x006C,0x01E8,"SDPax"),
- PDSPDOAXXN(0x006D,0x1785,"PDSPDoaxxn"),
- SDPSNOAX(0x006E,0x1E28,"SDPSnoax"),
- // PDXNAN(0x006F,0x0C65,"PDXnan"), // invalid combo
- PDSANA(0x0070,0x0CC5,"PDSana"),
- SSDXPDXAXN(0x0071,0x1D5C,"SSDxPDxaxn"),
- SDPSXOX(0x0072,0x0648,"SDPSxox"),
- SDPNOAN(0x0073,0x0E28,"SDPnoan"),
- DSPDXOX(0x0074,0x0646,"DSPDxox"),
- DSPNOAN(0x0075,0x0E26,"DSPnoan"),
- SDPSNAOX(0x0076,0x1B28,"SDPSnaox"),
- DSAN(0x0077,0x00E6,"DSan"),
- PDSAX(0x0078,0x01E5,"PDSax"),
- DSPDSOAXXN(0x0079,0x1786,"DSPDSoaxxn"),
- DPSDNOAX(0x007A,0x1E29,"DPSDnoax"),
- SDPXNAN(0x007B,0x0C68,"SDPxnan"),
- SPDSNOAX(0x007C,0x1E24,"SPDSnoax"),
- DPSXNAN(0x007D,0x0C69,"DPSxnan"),
- SPXDSXO(0x007E,0x0955,"SPxDSxo"),
- DPSAAN(0x007F,0x03C9,"DPSaan"),
- DPSAA(0x0080,0x03E9,"DPSaa"),
- SPXDSXON(0x0081,0x0975,"SPxDSxon"),
- DPSXNA(0x0082,0x0C49,"DPSxna"),
- SPDSNOAXN(0x0083,0x1E04,"SPDSnoaxn"),
- SDPXNA(0x0084,0x0C48,"SDPxna"),
- PDSPNOAXN(0x0085,0x1E05,"PDSPnoaxn"),
- DSPDSOAXX(0x0086,0x17A6,"DSPDSoaxx"),
- PDSAXN(0x0087,0x01C5,"PDSaxn"),
- SRCAND(0x0088,0x00C6,"DSa"),
- SDPSNAOXN(0x0089,0x1B08,"SDPSnaoxn"),
- DSPNOA(0x008A,0x0E06,"DSPnoa"),
- DSPDXOXN(0x008B,0x0666,"DSPDxoxn"),
- SDPNOA(0x008C,0x0E08,"SDPnoa"),
- SDPSXOXN(0x008D,0x0668,"SDPSxoxn"),
- SSDXPDXAX(0x008E,0x1D7C,"SSDxPDxax"),
- PDSANAN(0x008F,0x0CE5,"PDSanan"),
- PDSXNA(0x0090,0x0C45,"PDSxna"),
- SDPSNOAXN(0x0091,0x1E08,"SDPSnoaxn"),
- DPSDPOAXX(0x0092,0x17A9,"DPSDPoaxx"),
- SPDAXN(0x0093,0x01C4,"SPDaxn"),
- PSDPSOAXX(0x0094,0x17AA,"PSDPSoaxx"),
- DPSAXN(0x0095,0x01C9,"DPSaxn"),
- DPSXX(0x0096,0x0169,"DPSxx"),
- PSDPSONOXX(0x0097,0x588A,"PSDPSonoxx"),
- SDPSONOXN(0x0098,0x1888,"SDPSonoxn"),
- DSXN(0x0099,0x0066,"DSxn"),
- DPSNAX(0x009A,0x0709,"DPSnax"),
- SDPSOAXN(0x009B,0x07A8,"SDPSoaxn"),
- SPDNAX(0x009C,0x0704,"SPDnax"),
- DSPDOAXN(0x009D,0x07A6,"DSPDoaxn"),
- DSPDSAOXX(0x009E,0x16E6,"DSPDSaoxx"),
- PDSXAN(0x009F,0x0345,"PDSxan"),
- DPA(0x00A0,0x00C9,"DPa"),
- PDSPNAOXN(0x00A1,0x1B05,"PDSPnaoxn"),
- DPSNOA(0x00A2,0x0E09,"DPSnoa"),
- DPSDXOXN(0x00A3,0x0669,"DPSDxoxn"),
- PDSPONOXN(0x00A4,0x1885,"PDSPonoxn"),
- PDXN(0x00A5,0x0065,"PDxn"),
- DSPNAX(0x00A6,0x0706,"DSPnax"),
- PDSPOAXN(0x00A7,0x07A5,"PDSPoaxn"),
- DPSOA(0x00A8,0x03A9,"DPSoa"),
- DPSOXN(0x00A9,0x0189,"DPSoxn"),
- D(0x00AA,0x0029,"D"),
- DPSONO(0x00AB,0x0889,"DPSono"),
- SPDSXAX(0x00AC,0x0744,"SPDSxax"),
- DPSDAOXN(0x00AD,0x06E9,"DPSDaoxn"),
- DSPNAO(0x00AE,0x0B06,"DSPnao"),
- DPNO(0x00AF,0x0229,"DPno"),
- PDSNOA(0x00B0,0x0E05,"PDSnoa"),
- PDSPXOXN(0x00B1,0x0665,"PDSPxoxn"),
- SSPXDSXOX(0x00B2,0x1974,"SSPxDSxox"),
- SDPANAN(0x00B3,0x0CE8,"SDPanan"),
- PSDNAX(0x00B4,0x070A,"PSDnax"),
- DPSDOAXN(0x00B5,0x07A9,"DPSDoaxn"),
- DPSDPAOXX(0x00B6,0x16E9,"DPSDPaoxx"),
- SDPXAN(0x00B7,0x0348,"SDPxan"),
- PSDPXAX(0x00B8,0x074A,"PSDPxax"),
- DSPDAOXN(0x00B9,0x06E6,"DSPDaoxn"),
- DPSNAO(0x00BA,0x0B09,"DPSnao"),
- MERGEPAINT(0x00BB,0x0226,"DSno"),
- SPDSANAX(0x00BC,0x1CE4,"SPDSanax"),
- SDXPDXAN(0x00BD,0x0D7D,"SDxPDxan"),
- DPSXO(0x00BE,0x0269,"DPSxo"),
- DPSANO(0x00BF,0x08C9,"DPSano"),
- MERGECOPY(0x00C0,0x00CA,"PSa"),
- SPDSNAOXN(0x00C1,0x1B04,"SPDSnaoxn"),
- SPDSONOXN(0x00C2,0x1884,"SPDSonoxn"),
- PSXN(0x00C3,0x006A,"PSxn"),
- SPDNOA(0x00C4,0x0E04,"SPDnoa"),
- SPDSXOXN(0x00C5,0x0664,"SPDSxoxn"),
- SDPNAX(0x00C6,0x0708,"SDPnax"),
- PSDPOAXN(0x00C7,0x07AA,"PSDPoaxn"),
- SDPOA(0x00C8,0x03A8,"SDPoa"),
- SPDOXN(0x00C9,0x0184,"SPDoxn"),
- DPSDXAX(0x00CA,0x0749,"DPSDxax"),
- SPDSAOXN(0x00CB,0x06E4,"SPDSaoxn"),
- SRCCOPY(0x00CC,0x0020,"S"),
- SDPONO(0x00CD,0x0888,"SDPono"),
- SDPNAO(0x00CE,0x0B08,"SDPnao"),
- SPNO(0x00CF,0x0224,"SPno"),
- PSDNOA(0x00D0,0x0E0A,"PSDnoa"),
- PSDPXOXN(0x00D1,0x066A,"PSDPxoxn"),
- PDSNAX(0x00D2,0x0705,"PDSnax"),
- SPDSOAXN(0x00D3,0x07A4,"SPDSoaxn"),
- SSPXPDXAX(0x00D4,0x1D78,"SSPxPDxax"),
- DPSANAN(0x00D5,0x0CE9,"DPSanan"),
- PSDPSAOXX(0x00D6,0x16EA,"PSDPSaoxx"),
- DPSXAN(0x00D7,0x0349,"DPSxan"),
- PDSPXAX(0x00D8,0x0745,"PDSPxax"),
- SDPSAOXN(0x00D9,0x06E8,"SDPSaoxn"),
- DPSDANAX(0x00DA,0x1CE9,"DPSDanax"),
- SPXDSXAN(0x00DB,0x0D75,"SPxDSxan"),
- SPDNAO(0x00DC,0x0B04,"SPDnao"),
- SDNO(0x00DD,0x0228,"SDno"),
- SDPXO(0x00DE,0x0268,"SDPxo"),
- SDPANO(0x00DF,0x08C8,"SDPano"),
- PDSOA(0x00E0,0x03A5,"PDSoa"),
- PDSOXN(0x00E1,0x0185,"PDSoxn"),
- DSPDXAX(0x00E2,0x0746,"DSPDxax"),
- PSDPAOXN(0x00E3,0x06EA,"PSDPaoxn"),
- SDPSXAX(0x00E4,0x0748,"SDPSxax"),
- PDSPAOXN(0x00E5,0x06E5,"PDSPaoxn"),
- SDPSANAX(0x00E6,0x1CE8,"SDPSanax"),
- SPXPDXAN(0x00E7,0x0D79,"SPxPDxan"),
- SSPXDSXAX(0x00E8,0x1D74,"SSPxDSxax"),
- DSPDSANAXXN(0x00E9,0x5CE6,"DSPDSanaxxn"),
- DPSAO(0x00EA,0x02E9,"DPSao"),
- DPSXNO(0x00EB,0x0849,"DPSxno"),
- SDPAO(0x00EC,0x02E8,"SDPao"),
- SDPXNO(0x00ED,0x0848,"SDPxno"),
- SRCPAINT(0x00EE,0x0086,"DSo"),
- SDPNOO(0x00EF,0x0A08,"SDPnoo"),
- PATCOPY(0x00F0,0x0021,"P"),
- PDSONO(0x00F1,0x0885,"PDSono"),
- PDSNAO(0x00F2,0x0B05,"PDSnao"),
- PSNO(0x00F3,0x022A,"PSno"),
- PSDNAO(0x00F4,0x0B0A,"PSDnao"),
- PDNO(0x00F5,0x0225,"PDno"),
- PDSXO(0x00F6,0x0265,"PDSxo"),
- PDSANO(0x00F7,0x08C5,"PDSano"),
- PDSAO(0x00F8,0x02E5,"PDSao"),
- PDSXNO(0x00F9,0x0845,"PDSxno"),
- DPO(0x00FA,0x0089,"DPo"),
- PATPAINT(0x00FB,0x0A09,"DPSnoo"),
- PSO(0x00FC,0x008A,"PSo"),
- PSDNOO(0x00FD,0x0A0A,"PSDnoo"),
- DPSOO(0x00FE,0x02A9,"DPSoo"),
- WHITENESS(0x00FF,0x0062,"1");
- int opIndex;
- int opCode;
- String opCmd;
- HwmfTernaryRasterOp(int opIndex, int opCode, String opCmd) {
- this.opIndex=opIndex;
- this.opCode=opCode;
- this.opCmd=opCmd;
+ /** Fills the destination rectangle with black */
+ BLACKNESS(0x00000042),
+ DPSOON(0x00010289),
+ DPSONA(0x00020C89),
+ PSON(0x000300AA),
+ SDPONA(0x00040C88),
+ DPON(0x000500A9),
+ PDSXNON(0x00060865),
+ PDSAON(0x000702C5),
+ SDPNAA(0x00080F08),
+ PDSXON(0x00090245),
+ DPNA(0x000A0329),
+ PSDNAON(0x000B0B2A),
+ SPNA(0x000C0324),
+ PDSNAON(0x000D0B25),
+ PDSONON(0x000E08A5),
+ PN(0x000F0001),
+ PDSONA(0x00100C85),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (not (Dst or Src)) */
+ NOTSRCERASE(0x001100A6),
+ SDPXNON(0x00120868),
+ SDPAON(0x001302C8),
+ DPSXNON(0x00140869),
+ DPSAON(0x001502C9),
+ SSPXDSXAXN(0x00171D54),
+ SPXPDXA(0x00180D59),
+ SDPSANAXN(0x00191CC8),
+ PDSPAOX(0x001A06C5),
+ SDPSXAXN(0x001B0768),
+ PSDPAOX(0x001C06CA),
+ DSPDXAXN(0x001D0766),
+ PDSOX(0x001E01A5),
+ PDSOAN(0x001F0385),
+ DPSNAA(0x00200F09),
+ SDPXON(0x00210248),
+ DSNA(0x00220326),
+ SPDNAON(0x00230B24),
+ SPXDSXA(0x00240D55),
+ PDSPANAXN(0x00251CC5),
+ SDPSAOX(0x002606C8),
+ SDPSXNOX(0x00271868),
+ DPSXA(0x00280369),
+ PSDPSAOXXN(0x002916CA),
+ DPSANA(0x002A0CC9),
+ SSPXPDXAXN(0x002B1D58),
+ SPDSOAX(0x002C0784),
+ PSDNOX(0x002D060A),
+ PSDPXOX(0x002E064A),
+ PSDNOAN(0x002F0E2A),
+ PSNA(0x0030032A),
+ SDPNAON(0x00310B28),
+ SDPSOOX(0x00320688),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (not Src) */
+ NOTSRCCOPY(0x00330008),
+ SPDSAOX(0x003406C4),
+ SPDSXNOX(0x00351864),
+ SDPOX(0x003601A8),
+ SDPOAN(0x00370388),
+ PSDPOAX(0x0038078A),
+ SPDNOX(0x0390604),
+ SPDSXOX(0x003A0644),
+ SPDNOAN(0x003B0E24),
+ PSX(0x003C004A),
+ SPDSONOX(0x003D18A4),
+ SPDSNAOX(0x003E1B24),
+ PSAN(0x003F00EA),
+ PSDNAA(0x00400F0A),
+ DPSXON(0x00410249),
+ SDXPDXA(0x00420D5D),
+ SPDSANAXN(0x00431CC4),
+ /** Fills the destination area with ((not Dst) and Src) */
+ SRCERASE(0x00440328),
+ DPSNAON(0x00450B29),
+ DSPDAOX(0x004606C6),
+ PSDPXAXN(0x0047076A),
+ SDPXA(0x00480368),
+ PDSPDAOXXN(0x004916C5),
+ DPSDOAX(0x004A0789),
+ PDSNOX(0x004B0605),
+ SDPANA(0x004C0CC8),
+ SSPXDSXOXN(0x004D1954),
+ PDSPXOX(0x004E0645),
+ PDSNOAN(0x004F0E25),
+ PDNA(0x00500325),
+ DSPNAON(0x00510B26),
+ DPSDAOX(0x005206C9),
+ SPDSXAXN(0x00530764),
+ DPSONON(0x005408A9),
+ /** Inverts the colors of the destination area */
+ DSTINVERT(0x00550009),
+ DPSOX(0x005601A9),
+ DPSOAN(0x000570389),
+ PDSPOAX(0x00580785),
+ DPSNOX(0x00590609),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Dst xor Pattern) */
+ PATINVERT(0x005A0049),
+ DPSDONOX(0x005B18A9),
+ DPSDXOX(0x005C0649),
+ DPSNOAN(0x005D0E29),
+ DPSDNAOX(0x005E1B29),
+ DPAN(0x005F00E9),
+ PDSXA(0x00600365),
+ DSPDSAOXXN(0x006116C6),
+ DSPDOAX(0x00620786),
+ SDPNOX(0x00630608),
+ SDPSOAX(0x00640788),
+ DSPNOX(0x00650606),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Dst xor Src) */
+ SRCINVERT(0x00660046),
+ SDPSONOX(0x006718A8),
+ DSPDSONOXXN(0x006858A6),
+ PDSXXN(0x00690145),
+ DPSAX(0x006A01E9),
+ PSDPSOAXXN(0x006B178A),
+ SDPAX(0x006C01E8),
+ PDSPDOAXXN(0x006D1785),
+ SDPSNOAX(0x006E1E28),
+ PDSXNAN(0x006F0C65),
+ PDSANA(0x00700CC5),
+ SSDXPDXAXN(0x00711D5C),
+ SDPSXOX(0x00720648),
+ SDPNOAN(0x00730E28),
+ DSPDXOX(0x00740646),
+ DSPNOAN(0x00750E26),
+ SDPSNAOX(0x00761B28),
+ DSAN(0x007700E6),
+ PDSAX(0x007801E5),
+ DSPDSOAXXN(0x00791786),
+ DPSDNOAX(0x007A1E29),
+ SDPXNAN(0x007B0C68),
+ SPDSNOAX(0x007C1E24),
+ DPSXNAN(0x007D0C69),
+ SPXDSXO(0x007E0955),
+ DPSAAN(0x007F03C9),
+ DPSAA(0x008003E9),
+ SPXDSXON(0x00810975),
+ DPSXNA(0x00820C49),
+ SPDSNOAXN(0x00831E04),
+ SDPXNA(0x00840C48),
+ PDSPNOAXN(0x00851E05),
+ DSPDSOAXX(0x008617A6),
+ PDSAXN(0x008701C5),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Dst and Src) */
+ SRCAND(0x008800C6),
+ SDPSNAOXN(0x00891B08),
+ DSPNOA(0x008A0E06),
+ DSPDXOXN(0x008B0666),
+ SDPNOA(0x008C0E08),
+ SDPSXOXN(0x008D0668),
+ SSDXPDXAX(0x008E1D7C),
+ PDSANAN(0x008F0CE5),
+ PDSXNA(0x00900C45),
+ SDPSNOAXN(0x00911E08),
+ DPSDPOAXX(0x009217A9),
+ SPDAXN(0x009301C4),
+ PSDPSOAXX(0x009417AA),
+ DPSAXN(0x009501C9),
+ DPSXX(0x00960169),
+ PSDPSONOXX(0x0097588A),
+ SDPSONOXN(0x00981888),
+ DSXN(0x00990066),
+ DPSNAX(0x009A0709),
+ SDPSOAXN(0x009B07A8),
+ SPDNAX(0x009C0704),
+ DSPDOAXN(0x009D07A6),
+ DSPDSAOXX(0x009E16E6),
+ PDSXAN(0x009F0345),
+ DPA(0x00A000C9),
+ PDSPNAOXN(0x00A11B05),
+ DPSNOA(0x00A20E09),
+ DPSDXOXN(0x00A30669),
+ PDSPONOXN(0x00A41885),
+ PDXN(0x00A50065),
+ DSPNAX(0x00A60706),
+ PDSPOAXN(0x00A707A5),
+ DPSOA(0x00A803A9),
+ DPSOXN(0x00A90189),
+ D(0x00AA0029),
+ DPSONO(0x00AB0889),
+ SPDSXAX(0x00AC0744),
+ DPSDAOXN(0x00AD06E9),
+ DSPNAO(0x00AE0B06),
+ DPNO(0x00AF0229),
+ PDSNOA(0x00B00E05),
+ PDSPXOXN(0x00B10665),
+ SSPXDSXOX(0x00B21974),
+ SDPANAN(0x00B30CE8),
+ PSDNAX(0x00B4070A),
+ DPSDOAXN(0x00B507A9),
+ DPSDPAOXX(0x00B616E9),
+ SDPXAN(0x00B70348),
+ PSDPXAX(0x00B8074A),
+ DSPDAOXN(0x00B906E6),
+ DPSNAO(0x00BA0B09),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Dst or not Src) */
+ MERGEPAINT(0x00BB0226),
+ DPSXO(0x00BE0269),
+ DPSANO(0x00BF08C9),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Src and Pattern) */
+ MERGECOPY(0x00C000CA),
+ SPDSNAOXN(0x00C11B04),
+ SPDSONOXN(0x00C21884),
+ PSXN(0x00C3006A),
+ SPDNOA(0x00C40E04),
+ SPDSXOXN(0x00C50664),
+ SDPNAX(0x00C60708),
+ PSDPOAXN(0x00C707AA),
+ SDPOA(0x00C803A8),
+ SPDOXN(0x00C90184),
+ DPSDXAX(0x00CA0749),
+ SPDSAOXN(0x00CB06E4),
+ /** Fills the destination area with Src */
+ SRCCOPY(0x00CC0020),
+ SDPONO(0x00CD0888),
+ SDPNAO(0x00CE0B08),
+ SPNO(0x00CF0224),
+ PSDNOA(0x00D00E0A),
+ PSDPXOXN(0x00D1066A),
+ PDSNAX(0x00D20705),
+ SPDSOAXN(0x00D307A4),
+ SSPXPDXAX(0x00D41D78),
+ DPSANAN(0x00D50CE9),
+ PSDPSAOXX(0x00D616EA),
+ DPSXAN(0x00D70349),
+ PDSPXAX(0x00D80745),
+ SDPSAOXN(0x00D906E8),
+ SPXDSXAN(0x00DB0D75),
+ SPDNAO(0x00DC0B04),
+ SDNO(0x00DD0228),
+ SDPXO(0x00DE0268),
+ SDPANO(0x00DF08C8),
+ PDSOA(0x00E003A5),
+ PDSOXN(0x00E10185),
+ DSPDXAX(0x00E20746),
+ PSDPAOXN(0x00E306EA),
+ SDPSXAX(0x00E40748),
+ PDSPAOXN(0x00E506E5),
+ SDPSANAX(0x00E61CE8),
+ SPXPDXAN(0x00E70D79),
+ SSPXDSXAX(0x00E81D74),
+ DPSAO(0x00EA02E9),
+ DPSXNO(0x00EB0849),
+ SDPAO(0x00EC02E8),
+ SDPXNO(0x00ED0848),
+ /** Combines the colors of the source and the destination using the operator OR on each pixel */
+ SRCPAINT(0x00EE0086),
+ SDPNOO(0x00EF0A08),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Pattern) */
+ PATCOPY(0x00F00021),
+ PDSONO(0x00F10885),
+ PDSNAO(0x00F20B05),
+ PSNO(0x00F3022A),
+ PSDNAO(0x00F40B0A),
+ PDNO(0x00F50225),
+ PDSXO(0x00F60265),
+ PDSANO(0x00F708C5),
+ PDSAO(0x00F802E5),
+ PDSXNO(0x00F90845),
+ DPO(0x00FA0089),
+ /** Fills the destination area with (Dst or (not Src) or Pattern) */
+ PATPAINT(0x00FB0A09),
+ PSO(0x00FC008A),
+ PSDNOO(0x00FD0A0A),
+ DPSOO(0x00FE02A9),
+ /** Fills the destination rectangle with white */
+ WHITENESS(0x00FF0062);
+ private static final String[] ARG_ORDER = {
+ null, null, null, null,
+ null, null, null, null,
+ "SSP.DS", "SP.DS", null, null,
+ "SSP.PD", "SP.PD", null, null,
+ "SSD.PD", "SD.PD", null, null
+ };
+ private static final String OPS = "nxoa";
+ public int opValue;
+ HwmfTernaryRasterOp(int opValue) {
+ this.opValue=opValue;
public static HwmfTernaryRasterOp valueOf(int opIndex) {
for (HwmfTernaryRasterOp bb : HwmfTernaryRasterOp.values()) {
- if (bb.opIndex == opIndex) {
+ if (bb.getOpIndex() == opIndex) {
return bb;
return null;
+ public int getOpIndex() {
+ return opValue >>> 16;
+ }
+ public int getOpCode() {
+ return opValue & 0xFF;
+ }
public String describeCmd() {
String[] stack = new String[10];
int stackPnt = 0;
- for (char c : opCmd.toCharArray()) {
+ for (char c : calcCmd().toCharArray()) {
switch (c) {
case 'S':
case 'D':
return stack[--stackPnt];
+ public String calcCmd() {
+ // taken from https://wiki.winehq.org/Ternary_Raster_Ops
+ // bit 0-4: Specify the order of arguments to the raster operation
+ String argOrder = ARG_ORDER[this.opValue & 0x001F];
+ assert(argOrder != null);
+ // The boolean operators, 1st (6-7 bit), 2nd (8-9 bit), 3rd (a-b bit), 4th (c-d bit), 5th (e-f bit)
+ int nbrOfOps = 0;
+ int[] opArr = new int[5];
+ for (int i=0, bit=6; i<opArr.length; i++, bit+=2) {
+ if ((opArr[i] = (this.opValue >>> bit) & 0x03) != 0) {
+ nbrOfOps = i+1;
+ }
+ }
+ StringBuilder sbArg = new StringBuilder(), sbOp = new StringBuilder();
+ sbArg.append(argOrder.charAt(0));
+ for (int opIdx=0,argIdx=1; opIdx < nbrOfOps; opIdx++) {
+ char opCh = OPS.charAt(opArr[opIdx]);
+ char ch = argOrder.charAt(argIdx);
+ sbOp.append(opCh);
+ if (ch == '.') {
+ sbArg.insert(argIdx, sbOp.charAt(0));
+ sbOp.deleteCharAt(0);
+ }
+ if (opCh == 'n') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ sbArg.append(ch == '.' ? argOrder.charAt(++argIdx) : ch);
+ argIdx++;
+ }
+ sbArg.append(sbOp);
+ // bit 5: Used to apply the NOT operator to the results of the other operations
+ // if 0, there are a ODD number of operations, even number otherwise
+ if ((nbrOfOps % 2) == ((this.opValue >>> 0x05) & 1)) {
+ sbArg.append('n');
+ }
+ String ret = sbArg.toString();
+ return ret.startsWith("DDx") ? "DDx".equals(ret) ? "0" : "1" : ret;
+ }
+ public void process(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ for (char op : calcCmd().toCharArray()) {
+ switch (op) {
+ case 'S': opS(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case 'P': opP(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case 'D': opD(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case 'n': opN(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case 'a': opA(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case 'o': opO(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case 'x': opX(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case '1': op1(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ case '0': op0(stack, dst, src, pat); break;
+ default: throw new IllegalStateException();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static void opS(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ stack.push(src);
+ }
+ private static void opP(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ stack.push(pat);
+ }
+ private static void opD(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ stack.push(dst);
+ }
+ private static void opN(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ int[] oper = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, true);
+ for (int i=0; i<oper.length; i++) {
+ oper[i] = (oper[i]&0xFF000000) | (~oper[i] & 0x00FFFFFF);
+ }
+ stack.push(oper);
+ }
+ private static void opA(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ int[] oper1 = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, true);
+ int[] oper2 = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<oper1.length; i++) {
+ oper1[i] = (oper1[i]&0xFF000000) | ((oper1[i] & oper2[i]) & 0x00FFFFFF);
+ }
+ stack.push(oper1);
+ }
+ private static void opO(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ int[] oper1 = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, true);
+ int[] oper2 = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<oper1.length; i++) {
+ oper1[i] = (oper1[i]&0xFF000000) | ((oper1[i] | oper2[i]) & 0x00FFFFFF);
+ }
+ stack.push(oper1);
+ }
+ private static void opX(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ int[] oper1 = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, true);
+ int[] oper2 = checkClone(stack.pop(), dst, src, pat, false);
+ for (int i=0; i<oper1.length; i++) {
+ oper1[i] = (oper1[i]&0xFF000000) | ((oper1[i] ^ oper2[i]) & 0x00FFFFFF);
+ }
+ stack.push(oper1);
+ }
+ private static void op1(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ int[] oper = new int[dst.length];
+ Arrays.fill(oper, 0xFFFFFFFF);
+ stack.push(oper);
+ }
+ private static void op0(Deque<int[]> stack, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat) {
+ int[] oper = new int[dst.length];
+ Arrays.fill(oper, 0xFF000000);
+ stack.push(oper);
+ }
+ private static int[] checkClone(int[] oper, int[] dst, int[] src, int[] pat, boolean force) {
+ if (force && (oper == src || oper == pat || oper == dst)) {
+ return oper.clone();
+ } else {
+ return oper;
+ }
+ }
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