- if (!rtx.equals(ResolvedType.OBJECT)) addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces,collector,rtx.getSuperclass(),includeITDs); // Recurse if we aren't at the top
+ if (!rtx.equals(ResolvedType.OBJECT)) {
+ ResolvedType superType = rtx.getSuperclass();
+ if (rtx == null || rtx == ResolvedType.MISSING) {
+ // can't find type message - with context!
+ world.showMessage(Message.ERROR,
+ WeaverMessages.format(WeaverMessages.CANT_FIND_PARENT_TYPE,rtx.getSignature()),
+ null,null);
+ } else {
+ addAndRecurse(knowninterfaces,collector,superType,includeITDs); // Recurse if we aren't at the top
+ }
+ }
ResolvedType[] interfaces = rtx.getDeclaredInterfaces(); // Go through the interfaces on the way back down
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
ResolvedType iface = interfaces[i];
public static final String CANT_FIND_TYPE_DURING_AROUND_WEAVE_PREINIT = "cftDuringAroundWeavePreinit";
public static final String CANT_FIND_TYPE_EXCEPTION_TYPE = "cftExceptionType";
public static final String CANT_FIND_TYPE_ARG_TYPE = "cftArgType";
+ public static final String CANT_FIND_PARENT_TYPE = "cantFindParentType";
public static final String DECP_BINARY_LIMITATION = "decpBinaryLimitation";
public static final String OVERWRITE_JSR45 = "overwriteJSR45";
cftDuringAroundWeavePreinit=Can't find type {0} whilst applying around advice to preinitialization join point
cftExceptionType=Can't find exception type {0} whilst processing advice
cftArgType=Can't find type {0} whilst processing args() pcd
+cantFindParentType=can''t find supertype of {0} whilst finding all methods in {0}
# Implementation limitations...
decpBinaryLimitation=can''t use declare parents to change superclass of binary form ''{0}'' (implementation limitation)