private $rootView; // a fsview object set to '/'
public function stream_open( $path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) {
- //file_put_contents('/home/samtuke/newtmp.txt', 'stream_open('.$path.')' );
// Get access to filesystem via filesystemview object
if ( !self::$view ) {
public function getKey() {
- //echo "\n\$this->rawPath = {$this->rawPath}";
// If a keyfile already exists for a file named identically to file to be written
if ( self::$view->file_exists( $this->userId . '/'. 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/' . $this->rawPath . '.key' ) ) {
// Find out where we are up to in the writing of data to the file
$pointer = ftell( $this->handle );
- //echo "\n\n\$rawLength = $length\n";
- //echo "\$pointer = $pointer\n";
// Make sure the userId is set
// Concat writeCache to start of $data
$data = $this->writeCache . $data;
- //echo "\n\ncache + data length = ".strlen($data)."\n";
// Clear the write cache, ready for resuse - it has been flushed and its old contents processed
$this->writeCache = '';
// // Make sure we always start on a block start
if ( 0 != ( $pointer % 8192 ) ) { // if the current positoin of file indicator is not aligned to a 8192 byte block, fix it so that it is
- //echo "\n\nNOT ON BLOCK START ";
-// echo $pointer % 8192;
-// echo "\n\n1. $currentPos\n\n";
-// //
-// echo "ftell() = ".ftell($this->handle)."\n";
// fseek( $this->handle, - ( $pointer % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
// $pointer = ftell( $this->handle );
-// echo "ftell() = ".ftell($this->handle)."\n";
// $unencryptedNewBlock = fread( $this->handle, 8192 );
-// echo "\n\n2. $currentPos\n\n";
// fseek( $this->handle, - ( $currentPos % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
-// echo "\n\n3. $currentPos\n\n";
// $block = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $unencryptedNewBlock, $this->keyfile );
} else {
- //echo "\n\nbefore before ".strlen($data)."\n";
// Read the chunk from the start of $data
$chunk = substr( $data, 0, 6126 );
- //echo "before ".strlen($data)."\n";
- //echo "\n\$this->keyfile 1 = {$this->keyfile}";
$encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $chunk, $this->keyfile );
- //echo "\n\n\$rawEnc = $encrypted\n\n";
- //echo "\$encrypted = ".strlen($encrypted)."\n";
- //echo "written = ".strlen($encrypted)."\n";
- //echo "after ".strlen($encrypted)."\n\n";
- //file_put_contents('/home/samtuke/tmp.txt', $encrypted);
// Write the data chunk to disk. This will be addended to the last data chunk if the file being handled totals more than 6126 bytes
fwrite( $this->handle, $encrypted );
- //$bef = ftell( $this->handle );
- //echo "ftell before = $bef\n";
$writtenLen = strlen( $encrypted );
//fseek( $this->handle, $writtenLen, SEEK_CUR );
-// $aft = ftell( $this->handle );
-// echo "ftell after = $aft\n";
-// echo "ftell sum = ";
-// echo $aft - $bef."\n";
// Remove the chunk we just processed from $data, leaving only unprocessed data in $data var, for handling on the next round
$data = substr( $data, 6126 );
$this->size = max( $this->size, $pointer + $length );
- //echo "\$this->size = $this->size\n\n";
return $length;