exports.text_part_heuristic = function(part, log_obj, _)
-- We get some span of data and check it
local function is_span_text(span)
- local function rough_utf8_check(bytes, idx, remain)
+ -- We examine 8 bit content, and we assume it might be localized text
+ -- if it has more than 3 subsequent 8 bit characters
+ local function rough_8bit_check(bytes, idx, remain)
local b = bytes[idx]
- if b >= 127 then
- if bit.band(b, 0xe0) == 0xc0 and remain > 1 and
- bit.band(bytes[idx + 1], 0xc0) == 0x80 then
- return true,1
- elseif bit.band(b, 0xf0) == 0xe0 and remain > 2 and
- bit.band(bytes[idx + 1], 0xc0) == 0x80 and
- bit.band(bytes[idx + 2], 0xc0) == 0x80 then
- return true,2
- elseif bit.band(b, 0xf8) == 0xf0 and remain > 3 and
- bit.band(bytes[idx + 1], 0xc0) == 0x80 and
- bit.band(bytes[idx + 2], 0xc0) == 0x80 and
- bit.band(bytes[idx + 3], 0xc0) == 0x80 then
- return true,3
- end
- return false
- else
- return true,0
+ local n8bit = 0
+ while b >= 127 and n8bit < remain do
+ n8bit = n8bit + 1
+ idx = idx + 1
+ b = bytes[idx]
+ if n8bit >= 3 then
+ return true,n8bit
+ end
+ return false,0
-- Convert to string as LuaJIT can optimise string.sub (and fun.iter) but not C calls
if (b < 0x20) and not (b == 0x0d or b == 0x0a or b == 0x09) then
non_printable = non_printable + 1
elseif b >= 127 then
- local c,nskip = rough_utf8_check(bytes, i, tlen - i)
+ local c,nskip = rough_8bit_check(bytes, i, tlen - i)
if not c then
non_printable = non_printable + 1
if res.html and res.html >= 40 then
-- HTML has priority over something like js...
- return 'html',res.html
+ return 'html', res.html
- local ext,weight = process_top_detected(res)
+ local ext, weight = process_top_detected(res)
if weight and weight >= 40 then
- return ext,weight
+ return ext, weight
-- Content type stuff
- if (mtype == 'text' or mtype == 'application') and (msubtype == 'html' or msubtype == 'xhtml+xml') then
- return 'html',21
+ if (mtype == 'text' or mtype == 'application') and
+ (msubtype == 'html' or msubtype == 'xhtml+xml') then
+ return 'html', 21
-- Extension stuff
+ local function has_extension(file, ext)
+ local ext_len = ext:len()
+ return file:len() > ext_len + 1
+ and file:sub(-ext_len):lower() == ext
+ and file:sub(-ext_len - 1, -ext_len - 1) == '.'
+ end
local fname = part:get_filename()
- if fname and fname:match('html?$') then
+ if fname and (has_extension(fname, 'htm') or has_extension(fname, 'html')) then
return 'html',21