your artifact utilisation with search, browse and reporting, and perform routine
maintenance on your repositories.
+ <<NOTE: This documentation is based on the new UI only.>>
To get started with Archiva, you can read the following documentation:
* {{{./quick-start.html} A Quick Getting Started Guide}}
downloaded from the central repository, and then handed back to the browser and downloaded from Archiva. Future requests for the artifact will be much faster as they need not be
downloaded from the central repository.
- Once this artifact is downloaded, Archiva automatically indexes it, so you can access its information at the following URL: {{http://localhost:8080/archiva/browse/junit/junit/3.8.1/}}.
+ Once this artifact is downloaded, Archiva automatically indexes it, so you can access its information at the following URL: {{http://localhost:8080/archiva/index.html#artifact/junit/junit}}.
It will also be available from the search interface.