"Copied!" : "Zkopírováno",
"Copy" : "Zkopírovat",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Nedaří se zkopírovat heslo pro aplikaci. Zkopírujte ho ručně.",
+ "Rename group" : "Přejmenovat skupinu",
"Remove group" : "Odebrat skupinu",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Chystáte se smazat skupinu {group}. Uživatelé NEbudou smazáni.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potvrďte odstranění skupiny",
"Copied!" : "Zkopírováno",
"Copy" : "Zkopírovat",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Nedaří se zkopírovat heslo pro aplikaci. Zkopírujte ho ručně.",
+ "Rename group" : "Přejmenovat skupinu",
"Remove group" : "Odebrat skupinu",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Chystáte se smazat skupinu {group}. Uživatelé NEbudou smazáni.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potvrďte odstranění skupiny",
"Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
"Copy" : "Kopieren",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Das Passwort für die App konnte nicht kopiert werden. Bitte kopieren Sie es manuell.",
+ "Rename group" : "Gruppe umbenennen",
"Remove group" : "Gruppe entfernen",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Sie sind im Begriff, die Gruppe {group} zu löschen. Die Benutzer werden NICHT gelöscht.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bitte die Löschung der Gruppe bestätigen",
"Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
"Copy" : "Kopieren",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Das Passwort für die App konnte nicht kopiert werden. Bitte kopieren Sie es manuell.",
+ "Rename group" : "Gruppe umbenennen",
"Remove group" : "Gruppe entfernen",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Sie sind im Begriff, die Gruppe {group} zu löschen. Die Benutzer werden NICHT gelöscht.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Bitte die Löschung der Gruppe bestätigen",
"Copied!" : "Skopiowano!",
"Copy" : "Kopiuj",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Nie można skopiować hasła do aplikacji. Skopiuj je ręcznie.",
+ "Rename group" : "Zmień nazwę grupy",
"Remove group" : "Usuń grupę",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Zamierzasz usunąć grupę {group}. Użytkownicy NIE zostaną usunięci.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potwierdź usunięcie grupy",
"Copied!" : "Skopiowano!",
"Copy" : "Kopiuj",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Nie można skopiować hasła do aplikacji. Skopiuj je ręcznie.",
+ "Rename group" : "Zmień nazwę grupy",
"Remove group" : "Usuń grupę",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "Zamierzasz usunąć grupę {group}. Użytkownicy NIE zostaną usunięci.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Potwierdź usunięcie grupy",
"Copied!" : "Kopyalandı!",
"Copy" : "Kopyala",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Uygulama parolası kopyalanamadı. Lütfen el ile kopyalayın.",
+ "Rename group" : "Grubu yeniden adlandır",
"Remove group" : "Grubu sil",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "{group} grubunu silmek üzeresiniz. Kullanıcılar SİLİNMEYECEK.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Grubu silme işlemini onaylayın",
"Copied!" : "Kopyalandı!",
"Copy" : "Kopyala",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "Uygulama parolası kopyalanamadı. Lütfen el ile kopyalayın.",
+ "Rename group" : "Grubu yeniden adlandır",
"Remove group" : "Grubu sil",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "{group} grubunu silmek üzeresiniz. Kullanıcılar SİLİNMEYECEK.",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "Grubu silme işlemini onaylayın",
"Copied!" : "已複製!",
"Copy" : "複製",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "無法複製應用程式密碼。請手動複製。",
+ "Rename group" : "重新命名群組",
"Remove group" : "移除群組",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組 {group}。用戶將不會被刪除。",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "請確認移除群組",
"Copied!" : "已複製!",
"Copy" : "複製",
"Could not copy app password. Please copy it manually." : "無法複製應用程式密碼。請手動複製。",
+ "Rename group" : "重新命名群組",
"Remove group" : "移除群組",
"You are about to remove the group {group}. The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組 {group}。用戶將不會被刪除。",
"Please confirm the group removal " : "請確認移除群組",
"Detect location" : "Detectar la ubicación",
"Set custom address" : "Configurar una dirección personalizada",
"Favorites" : "Favoritos",
+ "{temperature} {unit} clear sky" : "{temperature} {unit} Cielo despejado",
+ "{temperature} {unit} cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} Nublado",
+ "{temperature} {unit} fair weather" : "{temperature} {unit} Buen día",
+ "{temperature} {unit} partly cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} Parcialmente nublado",
+ "{temperature} {unit} foggy" : "{temperature} {unit} Con brumas",
+ "{temperature} {unit} light rain" : "{temperature} {unit} Lluvia ligera",
+ "{temperature} {unit} rain" : "{temperature} {unit} Lluvia",
+ "{temperature} {unit} heavy rain" : "{temperature} {unit} Lluvia intensa",
+ "{temperature} {unit} rain showers" : "{temperature} {unit} Chubascos",
+ "{temperature} {unit} light rain showers" : "{temperature} {unit} Chubascos ligeros",
+ "{temperature} {unit} heavy rain showers" : "{temperature} {unit} Chubascos intensos",
"More weather for {adr}" : "Más previsiones para {adr}",
"Loading weather" : "Cargando previsión del tiempo",
"Remove from favorites" : "Quitar de favoritos",
"Detect location" : "Detectar la ubicación",
"Set custom address" : "Configurar una dirección personalizada",
"Favorites" : "Favoritos",
+ "{temperature} {unit} clear sky" : "{temperature} {unit} Cielo despejado",
+ "{temperature} {unit} cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} Nublado",
+ "{temperature} {unit} fair weather" : "{temperature} {unit} Buen día",
+ "{temperature} {unit} partly cloudy" : "{temperature} {unit} Parcialmente nublado",
+ "{temperature} {unit} foggy" : "{temperature} {unit} Con brumas",
+ "{temperature} {unit} light rain" : "{temperature} {unit} Lluvia ligera",
+ "{temperature} {unit} rain" : "{temperature} {unit} Lluvia",
+ "{temperature} {unit} heavy rain" : "{temperature} {unit} Lluvia intensa",
+ "{temperature} {unit} rain showers" : "{temperature} {unit} Chubascos",
+ "{temperature} {unit} light rain showers" : "{temperature} {unit} Chubascos ligeros",
+ "{temperature} {unit} heavy rain showers" : "{temperature} {unit} Chubascos intensos",
"More weather for {adr}" : "Más previsiones para {adr}",
"Loading weather" : "Cargando previsión del tiempo",
"Remove from favorites" : "Quitar de favoritos",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "Zure instalazioak ez du telefono eskualde lehenetsirik ezarrita. Hori beharrezkoa da baliozkotzeko profilaren ezarpenetan herrialde koderik gabeko telefono zenbakiak. Herrialde koderik gabeko zenbakiak onartzeko, gehitu \"default_phone_region\" dagokion eskualdeko {linkstart} ISO 3166-1 kodea ↗ {linkend} zure konfigurazio fitxategian.",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : "Ezin izan da cron lana komando lerro bidez exekutatu. Ondorengo errore teknikoak gertatu dira:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong. {linkstart}Check the background job settings ↗{linkend}." : "Azken atzeko planaren exekuzioa {relativeTime} exekutatu da. Badirudi zerbait gaizki dagoela. {linkstart} Egiaztatu atzeko planoko ezarpenak ↗ {linkend}.",
- "This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications have been disabled to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at nextcloud.com/enterprise." : "Hay laguntzarik gabeko Nextcloud komunitate bertsioa da. Instantzia honen tamaina kontuan hartuz, ezin da errendimendua, fidagarritasuna eta eskalabilitatea ziurtatu. Push jakinarazpenak desgaitu egin dira gure doako zerbitzua ez gainkargatzeko. Ikusi Nextcloud Enterprise buruzko abantailak nextcloud.com/enterprise orrian.",
+ "This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications have been disabled to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at nextcloud.com/enterprise." : "Hau laguntzarik gabeko Nextcloud komunitate bertsioa da. Instantzia honen tamaina kontuan hartuz, ezin da errendimendua, fidagarritasuna eta eskalabilitatea ziurtatu. Push jakinarazpenak desgaitu egin dira gure doako zerbitzua ez gainkargatzeko. Ikusi Nextcloud Enterprise buruzko abantailak nextcloud.com/enterprise orrian.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Zerbitzari honek ez dauka Interneteko konexiorik: hainbat amaiera-puntu ezin izan dira atzitu. Horren ondorioz, hainbat ezaugarrik ez dute funtzionatuko, hala nola, kanpoko biltegiratzeak muntatzeak, eguneraketei buruzko jakinarazpenak edo hirugarrengoen aplikazioak. Urruneko fitxategiak atzitzeak eta posta elektroniko bidezko jakinarazpenek ere ez dute funtzionatuko. Ezarri Interneterako konexioa zerbitzari honetan ezaugarri horiek izateko.",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Ez da memoria cachea konfiguratu. Errendimendua hobetzeko, konfiguratu memcache bat, erabilgarri badago. Informazio gehiago aurki dezakezu {linkstart} dokumentazioan ↗ {linkend}.",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "PHP-k ez du aurkitu iturri egokirik ausazkotasunerako, segurtasun arrazoiengatik oso gomendagarria dena. Informazio gehiago aurki dezakezu {linkstart} dokumentazioan ↗ {linkend}.",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "Zure instalazioak ez du telefono eskualde lehenetsirik ezarrita. Hori beharrezkoa da baliozkotzeko profilaren ezarpenetan herrialde koderik gabeko telefono zenbakiak. Herrialde koderik gabeko zenbakiak onartzeko, gehitu \"default_phone_region\" dagokion eskualdeko {linkstart} ISO 3166-1 kodea ↗ {linkend} zure konfigurazio fitxategian.",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : "Ezin izan da cron lana komando lerro bidez exekutatu. Ondorengo errore teknikoak gertatu dira:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong. {linkstart}Check the background job settings ↗{linkend}." : "Azken atzeko planaren exekuzioa {relativeTime} exekutatu da. Badirudi zerbait gaizki dagoela. {linkstart} Egiaztatu atzeko planoko ezarpenak ↗ {linkend}.",
- "This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications have been disabled to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at nextcloud.com/enterprise." : "Hay laguntzarik gabeko Nextcloud komunitate bertsioa da. Instantzia honen tamaina kontuan hartuz, ezin da errendimendua, fidagarritasuna eta eskalabilitatea ziurtatu. Push jakinarazpenak desgaitu egin dira gure doako zerbitzua ez gainkargatzeko. Ikusi Nextcloud Enterprise buruzko abantailak nextcloud.com/enterprise orrian.",
+ "This is the unsupported community build of Nextcloud. Given the size of this instance, performance, reliability and scalability cannot be guaranteed. Push notifications have been disabled to avoid overloading our free service. Learn more about the benefits of Nextcloud Enterprise at nextcloud.com/enterprise." : "Hau laguntzarik gabeko Nextcloud komunitate bertsioa da. Instantzia honen tamaina kontuan hartuz, ezin da errendimendua, fidagarritasuna eta eskalabilitatea ziurtatu. Push jakinarazpenak desgaitu egin dira gure doako zerbitzua ez gainkargatzeko. Ikusi Nextcloud Enterprise buruzko abantailak nextcloud.com/enterprise orrian.",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "Zerbitzari honek ez dauka Interneteko konexiorik: hainbat amaiera-puntu ezin izan dira atzitu. Horren ondorioz, hainbat ezaugarrik ez dute funtzionatuko, hala nola, kanpoko biltegiratzeak muntatzeak, eguneraketei buruzko jakinarazpenak edo hirugarrengoen aplikazioak. Urruneko fitxategiak atzitzeak eta posta elektroniko bidezko jakinarazpenek ere ez dute funtzionatuko. Ezarri Interneterako konexioa zerbitzari honetan ezaugarri horiek izateko.",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Ez da memoria cachea konfiguratu. Errendimendua hobetzeko, konfiguratu memcache bat, erabilgarri badago. Informazio gehiago aurki dezakezu {linkstart} dokumentazioan ↗ {linkend}.",
"No suitable source for randomness found by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "PHP-k ez du aurkitu iturri egokirik ausazkotasunerako, segurtasun arrazoiengatik oso gomendagarria dena. Informazio gehiago aurki dezakezu {linkstart} dokumentazioan ↗ {linkend}.",
"Call %s" : "Połącz %s",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"View %s on Twitter" : "Zobacz %s na Twitterze",
- "Website" : "Strona WWW",
+ "Website" : "Strona internetowa",
"Visit %s" : "Odwiedź %s",
"Address" : "Adres",
"Profile picture" : "Zdjęcie profilowe",
"Call %s" : "Połącz %s",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"View %s on Twitter" : "Zobacz %s na Twitterze",
- "Website" : "Strona WWW",
+ "Website" : "Strona internetowa",
"Visit %s" : "Odwiedź %s",
"Address" : "Adres",
"Profile picture" : "Zdjęcie profilowe",