-# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb
+# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
RedmineApp::Application.configure do
# In the development environment your application's code is reloaded on
# every request. This slows down response time but is perfect for development
-# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb
+# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
RedmineApp::Application.configure do
# The production environment is meant for finished, "live" apps.
# Code is not reloaded between requests
-# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/environment.rb
+# Settings specified here will take precedence over those in config/application.rb
RedmineApp::Application.configure do
# The test environment is used exclusively to run your application's
# test suite. You never need to work with it otherwise. Remember that