-<p>-version 3.25
+<p>-version 3.25 on April 16, 2019
<li>GitHub Issue #72 (PR #231), #241, #242 (PR #243), PR #244,
- #246 (PR #247), PR #250.
+ #246 (PR #247), PR #250, #252 (PR #253), PR #254.
<p>-version 3.24.1 on December 9, 2018
<project name="javassist" default="jar" basedir=".">
- <property name="dist-version" value="javassist-3.25-GA"/>
+ <property name="dist-version" value="javassist-3.25.0-GA"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="target.jar" value="javassist.jar"/>
Javassist (JAVA programming ASSISTant) makes Java bytecode manipulation
simple. It is a class library for editing bytecodes in Java.
- <version>3.25-GA</version>
+ <version>3.25.0-GA</version>
Specification-Title: Javassist
Specification-Vendor: Shigeru Chiba, www.javassist.org
-Specification-Version: 3.24.1-GA
+Specification-Version: 3.25.0-GA
Main-Class: javassist.CtClass
Automatic-Module-Name: org.javassist
* The version number of this release.
- public static final String version = "3.25-GA";
+ public static final String version = "3.25.0-GA";
* Prints the version number and the copyright notice.
System.out.println("JIRA150: " + t1 + ", " + t2 + ", " + t3);
assertTrue("performance test (the next try may succeed): " + t2 + " < 6 * " + t1,
t2 < t1 * 6);
- assertTrue(t3 + " < 3 * " + t1, t3 < t1 * 3);
+ assertTrue("performance test (the next try may succeed): " + t3 + " < 3 * " + t1,
+ t3 < t1 * 3);
public void testJIRA150b() throws Exception {