--- @function lua_util.maybe_obfuscate_subject(subject, settings)
--- Obfuscate subject if enabled in settings. Also checks utf8 validity.
+-- @function lua_util.maybe_obfuscate_string(subject, settings, prefix)
+-- Obfuscate string if enabled in settings. Also checks utf8 validity.
-- Supported settings:
--- * subject_privacy = false - subject privacy is off
--- * subject_privacy_alg = 'blake2' - default hash-algorithm to obfuscate subject
--- * subject_privacy_prefix = 'obf' - prefix to show it's obfuscated
--- * subject_privacy_length = 16 - cut the length of the hash
+-- * <prefix>_privacy = false - subject privacy is off
+-- * <prefix>_privacy_alg = 'blake2' - default hash-algorithm to obfuscate subject
+-- * <prefix>_privacy_prefix = 'obf' - prefix to show it's obfuscated
+-- * <prefix>_privacy_length = 16 - cut the length of the hash
-- @return obfuscated or validated subject
-exports.maybe_obfuscate_subject = function(subject, settings)
+exports.maybe_obfuscate_string = function(subject, settings, prefix)
local hash = require 'rspamd_cryptobox_hash'
if subject and not rspamd_util.is_valid_utf8(subject) then
subject = '???'
- elseif settings.subject_privacy then
- local hash_alg = settings.subject_privacy_alg or 'blake2'
+ elseif settings[prefix .. '_privacy'] then
+ local hash_alg = settings[prefix .. '_privacy_alg'] or 'blake2'
local subject_hash = hash.create_specific(hash_alg, subject)
+ local strip_len = settings[prefix .. '_privacy_length']
+ local privacy_prefix = settings[prefix .. '_privacy_prefix'] or ''
- if settings.subject_privacy_length then
- subject = (settings.subject_privacy_prefix or 'obf') .. ':' ..
- subject_hash:hex():sub(1, settings.subject_privacy_length)
+ if strip_len then
+ subject = privacy_prefix .. ':' ..
+ subject_hash:hex():sub(1, strip_len)
- subject = (settings.subject_privacy_prefix or '') .. ':' ..
+ subject = privacy_prefix .. ':' ..
local list_id = task:get_header('List-Id') or ''
- local message_id = task:get_message_id() or ''
+ local message_id = lua_util.maybe_obfuscate_string(task:get_message_id() or '',
+ settings, 'mid')
local score = task:get_metric_score('default')[1];
local bayes = 'unknown';
local subject = ''
if settings.insert_subject then
- subject = lua_util.maybe_obfuscate_subject(task:get_subject() or '', settings)
+ subject = lua_util.maybe_obfuscate_string(task:get_subject() or '', settings, 'subject')
local scan_real,scan_virtual = task:get_scan_time()