<sql id="selectChildrenComponentIdsQuery">
- select s.project_id
- from snapshots s
- inner join snapshots rootsnapshots on (rootsnapshots.id=s.id or ((rootsnapshots.id=s.root_snapshot_id or rootsnapshots.root_snapshot_id=s.root_snapshot_id) and
+ -- project ids of the children of a component which is not PRJ/TRK
+ select children.project_id
+ from snapshots children
+ inner join (
+ select rootSnapshot.id, rootSnapshot.root_snapshot_id, rootSnapshot.path from snapshots rootSnapshot
+ <where>
+ rootSnapshot.project_id in (
+ select p.id from projects p where p.enabled=${_true}
+ and p.kee in <foreach item="componentKey" index="index" collection="componentRootKeys" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{componentKey}</foreach>
+ )
+ and rootSnapshot.islast=${_true}
+ and rootSnapshot.root_snapshot_id is not null
+ </where>
+ ) rootSnapshot on children.root_snapshot_id = rootSnapshot.root_snapshot_id
+ and
<when test="_databaseId == 'mssql'">
- s.path LIKE rootsnapshots.path + CAST(rootsnapshots.id AS varchar(15)) + '.%'
+ children.path LIKE rootSnapshot.path + CAST(rootSnapshot.id AS varchar(15)) + '.%'
<when test="_databaseId == 'mysql'">
- s.path LIKE concat(rootsnapshots.path, rootsnapshots.id, '.%')
+ children.path LIKE concat(rootSnapshot.path, rootSnapshot.id, '.%')
- s.path LIKE rootsnapshots.path || rootsnapshots.id || '.%'
+ children.path LIKE rootSnapshot.path || rootSnapshot.id || '.%'
- </choose>))
- and rootsnapshots.islast=${_true}
- <where>
- and s.islast=${_true}
- and rootsnapshots.project_id in
- (select p.id from projects p where p.enabled=${_true}
- and p.kee in <foreach item="componentKey" index="index" collection="componentRootKeys" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{componentKey}</foreach>)
- </where>
+ </choose>
+ union
+ -- project ids of the children of a PRJ/TRK component
+ select children.project_id from snapshots children
+ inner join (
+ select rootSnapshot.id from snapshots rootSnapshot
+ <where>
+ rootSnapshot.project_id in (
+ select p.id from projects p where p.enabled=${_true}
+ and p.kee in <foreach item="componentKey" index="index" collection="componentRootKeys" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{componentKey}</foreach>
+ )
+ and rootSnapshot.islast=${_true}
+ and rootSnapshot.root_snapshot_id is null
+ </where>
+ ) rootSnapshot on children.root_snapshot_id = rootSnapshot.id
+ union
+ -- project id of the component itself
+ select p.id as project_id from projects p where p.enabled=true
+ and p.kee in <foreach item="componentKey" index="index" collection="componentRootKeys" open="(" separator="," close=")">#{componentKey}</foreach>
<insert id="insert" parameterType="Resource" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
insert into projects
(name, long_name, description, scope, qualifier, kee, language, root_id, copy_resource_id, person_id, enabled, created_at)