"0 = Low, 9 = High",
+static BoolParameter autoScaling("AutoScaling",
+ "Auto rescale local copy of the remote desktop to the client window.",
+ false);
+static IntParameter scale("Scale",
+ "Scale local copy of the remote desktop, in percent",
+ 100);
: useLocalCursor(::useLocalCursor), useDesktopResize(::useDesktopResize),
autoSelect(::autoSelect), fullColour(::fullColour), fullScreen(::fullScreen),
emulate3(::emulate3), monitor(::monitor.getData()), showToolbar(::showToolbar),
customCompressLevel(::customCompressLevel), compressLevel(::compressLevel),
noJpeg(::noJpeg), qualityLevel(::qualityLevel), passwordFile(::passwordFile.getData()),
+autoReconnect(::autoReconnect), autoScaling(::autoScaling), scale(::scale)
if (autoSelect) {
preferredEncoding = encodingZRLE;
// Default to CustomCompressLevel=1 if CompressLevel is used.
customCompressLevel = ::compressLevel.hasBeenSet();
+ if (scale != 100) scaling = true;
+ else scaling = false;
sendPtrEvents = sendKeyEvents = !atoi(value.buf);
} else if (stricmp(name.buf, "DisableClipboard") == 0) {
clientCutText = serverCutText = !atoi(value.buf);
+ } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "AutoScaling") == 0) {
+ autoScaling = atoi(value.buf);
+ } else if (stricmp(name.buf, "Scale") == 0) {
+ scale = atoi(value.buf);
if (autoSelect)
preferredEncoding = encodingZRLE;
+ if (scale == 100) scaling = false;
+ else scaling = true;
} catch (rdr::Exception&) {
if (f) fclose(f);
fprintf(f, "CompressLevel=%d\n", compressLevel);
fprintf(f, "NoJPEG=%d\n", noJpeg);
fprintf(f, "QualityLevel=%d\n", qualityLevel);
+ fprintf(f, "AutoScaling=%d\n", (int)autoScaling);
+ fprintf(f, "Scale=%d\n", scale);
fclose(f); f=0;
key.setInt(_T("CompressLevel"), compressLevel);
key.setInt(_T("NoJPEG"), noJpeg);
key.setInt(_T("QualityLevel"), qualityLevel);
+ key.setBool(_T("AutoScaling"), autoScaling);
+ key.setInt(_T("Scale"), scale);
compressLevel = o.compressLevel;
noJpeg = o.noJpeg;
qualityLevel = o.qualityLevel;
+ autoScaling = o.autoScaling;
+ scale = o.scale;
+ scaling = o.scaling;
return *this;