--- /dev/null
+if [ ! -e "vaadin-shared" ]
+ echo "You must run this in the directory containing folders for the various vaadin-* modules."
+ echo "If you run this in the project directory, go to result/artifacts/<version>/"
+ echo "If you run this on build artifacts from the build server, run it in the directory where you unzipped the artifacts"
+ exit 1
+for base in *
+ if [ ! -d $base ]
+ then
+ continue
+ fi
+ pushd $base
+ version=`ls $base-*.pom|sed "s/$base-//"|sed "s/.pom//"`
+ pomTemplate="$base-$version.pom"
+ if [ -e "$pomTemplate" ]
+ then
+ id=$base-$version
+ pomFile=$pomTemplate-modified
+ file=$id.jar
+ javadocFile=$id-javadoc.jar
+ sourcesFile=$id-sources.jar
+ # Install using real version for easy testing
+ cat $pomTemplate|sed "s/<version>7.*-SNAPSHOT</<version>$version</g" > $pomFile
+ echo "Installing $base $version..."
+ if [ -e "$javadocFile" ]
+ then
+ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.1:install-file -DpomFile=$pomFile -Djavadoc=$javadocFile -Dsources=$sourcesFile -Dfile=$file
+ else
+ mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:2.5.1:install-file -DpomFile=$pomFile -Dfile=$file
+ fi
+ fi
+ popd
\ No newline at end of file