module PropertiesHelper
- def property_input_field(key, type, value, options, additionalOptions = {})
+ # html_options support :
+ # :html_id - the id of the generated HTML element
+ #
+ def property_input_field(key, type, value, options, html_options = {})
if type==PropertyType::TYPE_STRING
- text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 25}.update(additionalOptions)
+ text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 25}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_TEXT
- text_area_tag key, value, {:rows => '6', :style => 'width: 100%'}.update(additionalOptions)
+ text_area_tag key, value, {:rows => '6', :style => 'width: 100%'}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_PASSWORD
- password_field_tag key, value, {:size => 25}.update(additionalOptions)
+ password_field_tag key, value, {:size => 25}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_BOOLEAN
- (hidden_field_tag key, 'false', additionalOptions) + (check_box_tag key, 'true', value=='true', additionalOptions)
+ (hidden_field_tag key, 'false', html_options) + (check_box_tag key, 'true', value=='true', html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_INTEGER
- text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 10}.update(additionalOptions)
+ text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 10}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_FLOAT
- text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 10}.update(additionalOptions)
+ text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 10}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_METRIC
- metric_select_tag key, metrics_filtered_by(options), :selected_key => value, :allow_empty => true
+ metric_select_tag key, metrics_filtered_by(options), {:selected_key => value, :allow_empty => true}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_REGULAR_EXPRESSION
- text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 25}.update(additionalOptions)
+ text_field_tag key, value, {:size => 25}.update(html_options)
elsif type==PropertyType::TYPE_FILTER
user_filters = options_key(value, ::Filter.find(:all, :conditions => ['user_id=?', current_user.id]).sort_by(&:id))
shared_filters = options_key(value, ::Filter.find(:all, :conditions => ['(user_id<>? or user_id is null) and shared=?', current_user.id, true]).sort_by(&:id))
- filters_combo = select_tag key, option_group('My Filters', user_filters) + option_group('Shared Filters', shared_filters), additionalOptions
+ filters_combo = select_tag key, option_group('My Filters', user_filters) + option_group('Shared Filters', shared_filters), html_options
filter_link = link_to message('widget.filter.edit'), {:controller => :filters, :action => :manage}, :class => 'link-action'
"#{filters_combo} #{filter_link}"
- hidden_field_tag key, additionalOptions
+ hidden_field_tag key, html_options