* @deprecated 3.17 beta 1 - pass the workbook styles indexed color map, if any
- @Removal(version="3.19")
+ @Removal(version="4.2")
public XSSFColor(CTColor color) {
this(color, new DefaultIndexedColorMap());
* @deprecated 4.0.0 - use the factory {@link #from(CTColor, IndexedColorMap)} method instead to check for null CTColor instances. Make private eventually
+ @Removal(version = "4.2")
public XSSFColor(CTColor color, IndexedColorMap map) {
this.ctColor = color;
this.indexedColorMap = map;
* @see #from(CTColor, IndexedColorMap)
- @Removal(version="4.1")
+ @Removal(version="4.2")
public XSSFColor() {
this(CTColor.Factory.newInstance(), new DefaultIndexedColorMap());
public XSSFColor(IndexedColorMap colorMap) {
this(CTColor.Factory.newInstance(), colorMap);
+ /**
+ * Create an instance of XSSFColor from the awt Color
+ * @param clr awt Color
+ * @deprecated 3.17 beta 1 - pass the workbook styles indexed color map, if any
+ */
+ @Deprecated
+ @Removal(version="4.2")
+ public XSSFColor(java.awt.Color clr) {
+ this(clr, new DefaultIndexedColorMap());
+ }
* @param clr awt Color