// of attribute are confirmed to be correct.
// myGen.addAttribute(getSourceDebugExtensionAttribute());
+// TODO asc generics, fix up the declared signature attribute (dont need this just yet...)
+// Attribute sigAttribute = null;
+// Attribute[] as = myGen.getAttributes();
+// for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) {
+// Attribute attribute = as[i];
+// if (attribute.getName().equals("Signature")) sigAttribute = attribute;
+// }
+// if (sigAttribute!=null) {
+// // Got it
+// myGen.removeAttribute(sigAttribute);
+// int nameIndex = constantPoolGen.addUtf8("Signature");
+// String data = ((Signature)sigAttribute).getSignature()+"LJ<java/"
+// //System.err.println(data);
+// byte[] bytes = Utility.stringToUTF(data);
+// int length = bytes.length;
+// return new Unknown(nameIndex, length, bytes, constantPoolGen.getConstantPool());
+// new org.aspectj.apache.bcel.classfile.Signature((Signature)sigAttribute);
+// }
public void addInterface(TypeX typeX, ISourceLocation sourceLocation) {
- myGen.addInterface(typeX.getName());
+ myGen.addInterface(typeX.getRawName());
if (!typeX.equals(TypeX.SERIALIZABLE))