- context "test_api_offset_and_limit" do
- context "without params" do
- should "return 0, 25" do
- assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({})
- end
- end
- context "with limit" do
- should "return 0, limit" do
- assert_equal [0, 30], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 30})
- end
- should "not exceed 100" do
- assert_equal [0, 100], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 120})
- end
+ def test_api_offset_and_limit_without_params
+ assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({})
+ end
- should "not be negative" do
- assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:limit => -10})
- end
- end
+ def test_api_offset_and_limit_with_limit
+ assert_equal [0, 30], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 30})
+ assert_equal [0, 100], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:limit => 120})
+ assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:limit => -10})
+ end
- context "with offset" do
- should "return offset, 25" do
- assert_equal [10, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:offset => 10})
- end
+ def test_api_offset_and_limit_with_offset
+ assert_equal [10, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:offset => 10})
+ assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:offset => -10})
+ end
- should "not be negative" do
- assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:offset => -10})
- end
+ def test_api_offset_and_limit_with_offset_and_limit
+ assert_equal [10, 50], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:offset => 10, :limit => 50})
+ end
- context "and limit" do
- should "return offset, limit" do
- assert_equal [10, 50], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:offset => 10, :limit => 50})
- end
- end
- end
+ def test_api_offset_and_limit_with_page
+ assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 1})
+ assert_equal [50, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 3})
+ assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 0})
+ assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => -2})
+ end
- context "with page" do
- should "return offset, 25" do
- assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 1})
- assert_equal [50, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 3})
- end
- should "not be negative" do
- assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 0})
- assert_equal [0, 25], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => -2})
- end
- context "and limit" do
- should "return offset, limit" do
- assert_equal [0, 100], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 1, :limit => 100})
- assert_equal [200, 100], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 3, :limit => 100})
- end
- end
- end
+ def test_api_offset_and_limit_with_page_and_limit
+ assert_equal [0, 100], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 1, :limit => 100})
+ assert_equal [200, 100], @controller.api_offset_and_limit({:page => 3, :limit => 100})
- context "#link_to_if_authorized" do
- context "for authorized user" do
- should "allow using the :controller and :action for the target link" do
- User.current = User.find_by_login('admin')
- @project = Issue.first.project # Used by helper
- response = link_to_if_authorized('By controller/actionr',
- {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'edit', :id => Issue.first.id})
- assert_match /href/, response
- end
- end
+ test "#link_to_if_authorized for authorized user should allow using the :controller and :action for the target link" do
+ User.current = User.find_by_login('admin')
- context "for unauthorized user" do
- should "display nothing if user isn't authorized" do
- User.current = User.find_by_login('dlopper')
- @project = Project.find('private-child')
- issue = @project.issues.first
- assert !issue.visible?
- response = link_to_if_authorized('Never displayed',
- {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue})
- assert_nil response
- end
- end
+ @project = Issue.first.project # Used by helper
+ response = link_to_if_authorized('By controller/actionr',
+ {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'edit', :id => Issue.first.id})
+ assert_match /href/, response
+ end
+ test "#link_to_if_authorized for unauthorized user should display nothing if user isn't authorized" do
+ User.current = User.find_by_login('dlopper')
+ @project = Project.find('private-child')
+ issue = @project.issues.first
+ assert !issue.visible?
+ response = link_to_if_authorized('Never displayed',
+ {:controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue})
+ assert_nil response
def test_auto_links
assert_equal Role.all.reject(&:builtin?).sort, Role.find_all_givable
- context "#anonymous" do
- should "return the anonymous role" do
+ def test_anonymous_should_return_the_anonymous_role
+ assert_no_difference('Role.count') do
role = Role.anonymous
assert role.builtin?
assert_equal Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS, role.builtin
+ end
+ def test_anonymous_with_a_missing_anonymous_role_should_return_the_anonymous_role
+ Role.where(:builtin => Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS).delete_all
- context "with a missing anonymous role" do
- setup do
- Role.delete_all("builtin = #{Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS}")
- end
- should "create a new anonymous role" do
- assert_difference('Role.count') do
- Role.anonymous
- end
- end
- should "return the anonymous role" do
- role = Role.anonymous
- assert role.builtin?
- assert_equal Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS, role.builtin
- end
+ assert_difference('Role.count') do
+ role = Role.anonymous
+ assert role.builtin?
+ assert_equal Role::BUILTIN_ANONYMOUS, role.builtin
- context "#non_member" do
- should "return the non-member role" do
+ def test_non_member_should_return_the_non_member_role
+ assert_no_difference('Role.count') do
role = Role.non_member
assert role.builtin?
assert_equal Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER, role.builtin
+ end
+ def test_non_member_with_a_missing_non_member_role_should_return_the_non_member_role
+ Role.where(:builtin => Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER).delete_all
- context "with a missing non-member role" do
- setup do
- Role.delete_all("builtin = #{Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER}")
- end
- should "create a new non-member role" do
- assert_difference('Role.count') do
- Role.non_member
- end
- end
- should "return the non-member role" do
- role = Role.non_member
- assert role.builtin?
- assert_equal Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER, role.builtin
- end
+ assert_difference('Role.count') do
+ role = Role.non_member
+ assert role.builtin?
+ assert_equal Role::BUILTIN_NON_MEMBER, role.builtin
assert_equal ja_test, Wiki.titleize(ja_test)
- context "#sidebar" do
- setup do
- @wiki = Wiki.find(1)
- end
- should "return nil if undefined" do
- assert_nil @wiki.sidebar
- end
+ def test_sidebar_should_return_nil_if_undefined
+ @wiki = Wiki.find(1)
+ assert_nil @wiki.sidebar
+ end
- should "return a WikiPage if defined" do
- page = @wiki.pages.new(:title => 'Sidebar')
- page.content = WikiContent.new(:text => 'Side bar content for test_show_with_sidebar')
- page.save!
+ def test_sidebar_should_return_a_wiki_page_if_defined
+ @wiki = Wiki.find(1)
+ page = @wiki.pages.new(:title => 'Sidebar')
+ page.content = WikiContent.new(:text => 'Side bar content for test_show_with_sidebar')
+ page.save!
- assert_kind_of WikiPage, @wiki.sidebar
- assert_equal 'Sidebar', @wiki.sidebar.title
- end
+ assert_kind_of WikiPage, @wiki.sidebar
+ assert_equal 'Sidebar', @wiki.sidebar.title