import org.sonar.api.resources.Resource;
import org.sonar.api.rules.Violation;
+import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* Indexes a resource as a direct child of project. This method does nothing and returns true if the resource already indexed.
* @return false if the resource is excluded
- * @since 4.2 Resource indexing is done by the platform for all physical resources. This method should only be used to index methods/paragraphs (see SONAR-5006)
+ * @deprecated since 4.2 Resource indexing is done by the platform for all physical resources.
+ @Deprecated
boolean index(Resource resource);
* @param resource the resource to index. Not nullable
* @param parentReference a reference to the parent. If null, the the resource is indexed as a direct child of project.
* @return false if the parent is not indexed or if the resource is excluded
- * @since 4.2 Resource indexing is done by the platform for all physical resources. This method should only be used to index methods/paragraphs (see SONAR-5006)
+ * @deprecated since 4.2 Resource indexing is done by the platform for all physical resources.
+ @Deprecated
boolean index(Resource resource, Resource parentReference);
* Returns true if the referenced resource is indexed and excluded.
* @since 2.6
+ * @deprecated since 4.2 Excluded resources are not indexed.
+ @Deprecated
boolean isExcluded(Resource reference);
* Returns true if the referenced resource is indexed.
* @since 2.6
+ * @deprecated since 4.2 Excluded resources are not indexed.
+ @Deprecated
boolean isIndexed(Resource reference, boolean acceptExcluded);
* @return the indexed resource, null if it's not indexed
* @since 1.10. Generic types since 2.6.
+ @CheckForNull
<R extends Resource> R getResource(R reference);
void deleteEvent(Event event);
+ * Experimental
* @since 4.2
Measure saveMeasure(InputFile inputFile, Metric metric, Double value);
+ * Experimental
* @since 4.2
Measure saveMeasure(InputFile inputFile, Measure measure);