- "Cloud Federation API" : "Cloud Federation API",
- "Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Aukera ematen du beste hodeirekin komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko.",
- "The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "Cloud Federation APIk aukera ematen du hainbat Nextcloud instantzien artean elkarri komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko. "
+ "Cloud Federation API" : "Cloud Federation APIa",
+ "Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Aukera ematen du beste hodeiekin komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko.",
+ "The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "Cloud Federation APIak aukera ematen du hainbat Nextcloud instantziaren artean komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko. "
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
{ "translations": {
- "Cloud Federation API" : "Cloud Federation API",
- "Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Aukera ematen du beste hodeirekin komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko.",
- "The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "Cloud Federation APIk aukera ematen du hainbat Nextcloud instantzien artean elkarri komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko. "
+ "Cloud Federation API" : "Cloud Federation APIa",
+ "Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Aukera ematen du beste hodeiekin komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko.",
+ "The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "Cloud Federation APIak aukera ematen du hainbat Nextcloud instantziaren artean komunikatzeko eta datuak trukatzeko. "
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You commented on {file}" : "{file} fitxategian iruzkina egin duzu",
"%1$s commented on %2$s" : "%1$s-ek %2$s-en iruzkindu du",
"{author} commented on {file}" : "{author}-(e)k {file}-en iruzkina egin du",
- "<strong>Comments</strong> for files" : "Fitxategientzako <strong>iruzkinak",
+ "<strong>Comments</strong> for files" : "Fitxategientzako <strong>iruzkinak</strong>",
"You were mentioned on \"{file}\", in a comment by a user that has since been deleted" : "\"{file}\"-n aipatu zaituzte, dagoeneko ezabatu den erabiltzaile baten iruzkin batean",
"{user} mentioned you in a comment on \"{file}\"" : "{user} erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu \"{file}\"-eko iruzkin batean",
- "Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "Fitxategiei iruzkinak gehitzeko fitxategien aplikazioaren plugina",
+ "Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "Fitxategiak aplikazioko plugina, fitxategiei iruzkinak gehitzeko",
"Edit comment" : "Editatu iruzkina",
"Delete comment" : "Ezabatu iruzkina",
"Cancel edit" : "Utzi editatzeari",
"Unable to load the comments list" : "Ezin da iruzkinen zerrenda kargatu",
"_%n unread comment_::_%n unread comments_" : ["iruzkin %n irakurri gabe","%n iruzkin irakurri gabe"],
"_1 new comment_::_{unread} new comments_" : ["Iruzkin berri 1","{unread} iruzkin berri"],
- "Comment" : "Iruzkina",
+ "Comment" : "Iruzkindu",
"An error occurred while trying to edit the comment" : "Errorea gertatu da iruzkina editatzen saiatzean",
- "Comment deleted" : "Iruzkina ezabatuta",
+ "Comment deleted" : "Iruzkina ezabatu da",
"An error occurred while trying to delete the comment" : "Errorea gertatu da iruzkina ezabatzen saiatzean",
"An error occurred while trying to create the comment" : "Errorea gertatu da iruzkina sortzen saiatzean",
"%1$s commented" : "%1$s-(e)k iruzkindu du"
"You commented on {file}" : "{file} fitxategian iruzkina egin duzu",
"%1$s commented on %2$s" : "%1$s-ek %2$s-en iruzkindu du",
"{author} commented on {file}" : "{author}-(e)k {file}-en iruzkina egin du",
- "<strong>Comments</strong> for files" : "Fitxategientzako <strong>iruzkinak",
+ "<strong>Comments</strong> for files" : "Fitxategientzako <strong>iruzkinak</strong>",
"You were mentioned on \"{file}\", in a comment by a user that has since been deleted" : "\"{file}\"-n aipatu zaituzte, dagoeneko ezabatu den erabiltzaile baten iruzkin batean",
"{user} mentioned you in a comment on \"{file}\"" : "{user} erabiltzaileak aipatu zaitu \"{file}\"-eko iruzkin batean",
- "Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "Fitxategiei iruzkinak gehitzeko fitxategien aplikazioaren plugina",
+ "Files app plugin to add comments to files" : "Fitxategiak aplikazioko plugina, fitxategiei iruzkinak gehitzeko",
"Edit comment" : "Editatu iruzkina",
"Delete comment" : "Ezabatu iruzkina",
"Cancel edit" : "Utzi editatzeari",
"Unable to load the comments list" : "Ezin da iruzkinen zerrenda kargatu",
"_%n unread comment_::_%n unread comments_" : ["iruzkin %n irakurri gabe","%n iruzkin irakurri gabe"],
"_1 new comment_::_{unread} new comments_" : ["Iruzkin berri 1","{unread} iruzkin berri"],
- "Comment" : "Iruzkina",
+ "Comment" : "Iruzkindu",
"An error occurred while trying to edit the comment" : "Errorea gertatu da iruzkina editatzen saiatzean",
- "Comment deleted" : "Iruzkina ezabatuta",
+ "Comment deleted" : "Iruzkina ezabatu da",
"An error occurred while trying to delete the comment" : "Errorea gertatu da iruzkina ezabatzen saiatzean",
"An error occurred while trying to create the comment" : "Errorea gertatu da iruzkina sortzen saiatzean",
"%1$s commented" : "%1$s-(e)k iruzkindu du"
"Recently contacted" : "Berriki kontaktatuak",
"Contacts Interaction" : "Kontaktuen hartu-emana",
"Manages interaction between users and contacts" : "Kudeatu erabiltzailearen eta kontaktuen arteko hartu-emana",
- "Collect data about user and contacts interactions and provide an address book for the data" : "Bildu erabiltzailearen eta kontaktuen arteko hartu-emanaren datuak eta eskaini datuentzat helbide-agenda bat"
+ "Collect data about user and contacts interactions and provide an address book for the data" : "Bildu erabiltzaile eta kontaktuen arteko hartu-emanen datuak eta eskaini datuentzat helbide-agenda bat"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"Recently contacted" : "Berriki kontaktatuak",
"Contacts Interaction" : "Kontaktuen hartu-emana",
"Manages interaction between users and contacts" : "Kudeatu erabiltzailearen eta kontaktuen arteko hartu-emana",
- "Collect data about user and contacts interactions and provide an address book for the data" : "Bildu erabiltzailearen eta kontaktuen arteko hartu-emanaren datuak eta eskaini datuentzat helbide-agenda bat"
+ "Collect data about user and contacts interactions and provide an address book for the data" : "Bildu erabiltzaile eta kontaktuen arteko hartu-emanen datuak eta eskaini datuentzat helbide-agenda bat"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
- "Dashboard" : "Mahaia",
- "Dashboard app" : "Mahaia aplikazioa",
- "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Hasi zure eguna informatuta\n\nNextcloud Dashboard zure eguneko abiapuntua da, erakutsiz\nzure hurrengo hitzorduen ikuspegi orokorra, premiazko mezu elektronikoak, txat mezuak,\nsarrerako txartelak, azken txioak eta askoz gehiago! Erabiltzaileek widget-ak gehi ditzakete\neta atzealdea aldatu nahieran.",
+ "Dashboard" : "Panela",
+ "Dashboard app" : "Panela aplikazioa",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Hasi zure eguna informatuta\n\nNextcloud Panela zure eguneko abiapuntua da, erakutsiz\nzure hurrengo hitzorduen ikuspegi orokorra, premiazko mezu elektronikoak, txat mezuak,\nsarrerako txartelak, azken txioak eta askoz gehiago! Erabiltzaileek trepetak gehi ditzakete\neta atzealdea aldatu nahieran.",
"Customize" : "Pertsonalizatu",
"Edit widgets" : "Editatu trepetak",
- "Get more widgets from the App Store" : "Lortu widget gehiago App Store-tik",
+ "Get more widgets from the App Store" : "Lortu trepeta (widget) gehiago Aplikazioen Dendatik",
"Weather service" : "Eguraldi zerbitzua",
"For your privacy, the weather data is requested by your Nextcloud server on your behalf so the weather service receives no personal information." : "Zure pribatutasunaren mesedetan, eguraldiaren datuak Nextcloud zerbitzariak eskatzen ditu zure izenean, eguraldi zerbitzuak informazio pertsonalik ez jasotzeko.",
"Weather data from Met.no" : "Met.no-ko eguraldiaren datuak",
{ "translations": {
- "Dashboard" : "Mahaia",
- "Dashboard app" : "Mahaia aplikazioa",
- "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Hasi zure eguna informatuta\n\nNextcloud Dashboard zure eguneko abiapuntua da, erakutsiz\nzure hurrengo hitzorduen ikuspegi orokorra, premiazko mezu elektronikoak, txat mezuak,\nsarrerako txartelak, azken txioak eta askoz gehiago! Erabiltzaileek widget-ak gehi ditzakete\neta atzealdea aldatu nahieran.",
+ "Dashboard" : "Panela",
+ "Dashboard app" : "Panela aplikazioa",
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Hasi zure eguna informatuta\n\nNextcloud Panela zure eguneko abiapuntua da, erakutsiz\nzure hurrengo hitzorduen ikuspegi orokorra, premiazko mezu elektronikoak, txat mezuak,\nsarrerako txartelak, azken txioak eta askoz gehiago! Erabiltzaileek trepetak gehi ditzakete\neta atzealdea aldatu nahieran.",
"Customize" : "Pertsonalizatu",
"Edit widgets" : "Editatu trepetak",
- "Get more widgets from the App Store" : "Lortu widget gehiago App Store-tik",
+ "Get more widgets from the App Store" : "Lortu trepeta (widget) gehiago Aplikazioen Dendatik",
"Weather service" : "Eguraldi zerbitzua",
"For your privacy, the weather data is requested by your Nextcloud server on your behalf so the weather service receives no personal information." : "Zure pribatutasunaren mesedetan, eguraldiaren datuak Nextcloud zerbitzariak eskatzen ditu zure izenean, eguraldi zerbitzuak informazio pertsonalik ez jasotzeko.",
"Weather data from Met.no" : "Met.no-ko eguraldiaren datuak",
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Разрешихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} възобнови задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Възобновихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Промяна на календарна <strong>задача</strong>",
- "Number of guests" : "Брой на гостите ",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Промяна на календарна <strong>задача</strong>"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Разрешихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} възобнови задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Възобновихте задача {todo} в списък {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Промяна на календарна <strong>задача</strong>",
- "Number of guests" : "Брой на гостите ",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Промяна на календарна <strong>задача</strong>"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Heu resolt la tasca {todo} a {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} ha tornat a obrir la tasca {todo} a {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Heu tornat a obrir la tasca {todo} a {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "S'ha modificat una <strong>tasca</strong> d'un calendari",
- "Number of guests" : "Nombre d'hostes",
- "Comment" : "Comentari"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "S'ha modificat una <strong>tasca</strong> d'un calendari"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Heu resolt la tasca {todo} a {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} ha tornat a obrir la tasca {todo} a {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Heu tornat a obrir la tasca {todo} a {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "S'ha modificat una <strong>tasca</strong> d'un calendari",
- "Number of guests" : "Nombre d'hostes",
- "Comment" : "Comentari"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "S'ha modificat una <strong>tasca</strong> d'un calendari"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vyřešili jste úkol {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} znovu otevřel(a) úkol {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Znovu jste otevřeli úkol {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Úkol</strong> v kalendáři byl změněn",
- "Number of guests" : "Počet hostů",
- "Comment" : "Komentář"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Úkol</strong> v kalendáři byl změněn"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vyřešili jste úkol {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} znovu otevřel(a) úkol {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Znovu jste otevřeli úkol {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Úkol</strong> v kalendáři byl změněn",
- "Number of guests" : "Počet hostů",
- "Comment" : "Komentář"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Úkol</strong> v kalendáři byl změněn"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du løste opgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} genåbnede opgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du genåbnede opgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>opgave</strong> blev ændret",
- "Comment" : "Kommentér"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>opgave</strong> blev ændret"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du løste opgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} genåbnede opgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du genåbnede opgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>opgave</strong> blev ændret",
- "Comment" : "Kommentér"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>opgave</strong> blev ændret"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du hast die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} erledigt",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} hat die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du hast die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet",
- "Number of guests" : "Anzahl Gäste",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du hast die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} erledigt",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} hat die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du hast die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet",
- "Number of guests" : "Anzahl Gäste",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Sie haben die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} erledigt",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} hat die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Sie haben die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet",
- "Number of guests" : "Anzahl Gäste",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Sie haben die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} erledigt",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} hat die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Sie haben die Aufgabe {todo} in der Liste {calendar} wiedereröffnet",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet",
- "Number of guests" : "Anzahl Gäste",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Eine Kalender-<strong>Aufgabe</strong> wurde bearbeitet"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Επίλυσες την εκκρεμότητα {todo} στην λίστα {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} άνοιξε ξανά την εκκρεμότητα {todo} στην λίστα {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Άνοιξες ξανά την εκκρεμότητα {todo} στην λίστα {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Ενός ημερολογίου η <strong>εκκρεμότητα</strong> τροποποιήθηκε",
- "Number of guests" : "Πλήθος επισκεπτών",
- "Comment" : "Σχόλιο"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Ενός ημερολογίου η <strong>εκκρεμότητα</strong> τροποποιήθηκε"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Επίλυσες την εκκρεμότητα {todo} στην λίστα {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} άνοιξε ξανά την εκκρεμότητα {todo} στην λίστα {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Άνοιξες ξανά την εκκρεμότητα {todo} στην λίστα {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Ενός ημερολογίου η <strong>εκκρεμότητα</strong> τροποποιήθηκε",
- "Number of guests" : "Πλήθος επισκεπτών",
- "Comment" : "Σχόλιο"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Ενός ημερολογίου η <strong>εκκρεμότητα</strong> τροποποιήθηκε"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified",
- "Number of guests" : "Number of guests",
- "Comment" : "Comment"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified",
- "Number of guests" : "Number of guests",
- "Comment" : "Comment"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vi plenumis farendaĵon {todo} en listo {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} remalfermis farendaĵon {todo} en listo {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vi remalfermis farendaĵon {todo} en listo {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendara <strong>farendaĵo</strong> estis modifita",
- "Comment" : "Komento"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendara <strong>farendaĵo</strong> estis modifita"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vi plenumis farendaĵon {todo} en listo {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} remalfermis farendaĵon {todo} en listo {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vi remalfermis farendaĵon {todo} en listo {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendara <strong>farendaĵo</strong> estis modifita",
- "Comment" : "Komento"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendara <strong>farendaĵo</strong> estis modifita"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Usted completó la tarea {todo} en la lista {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} reabrió la tarea {todo} en la lista {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Usted reabrió la tarea {todo} en la lista {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>lista de tareas</strong> fue modificada",
- "Number of guests" : "Número de invitados",
- "Comment" : "Comentario"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>lista de tareas</strong> fue modificada"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Usted completó la tarea {todo} en la lista {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} reabrió la tarea {todo} en la lista {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Usted reabrió la tarea {todo} en la lista {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>lista de tareas</strong> fue modificada",
- "Number of guests" : "Número de invitados",
- "Comment" : "Comentario"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>lista de tareas</strong> fue modificada"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : " {calendar} zerrendan {todo} zeregina bukatu duzu.",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {calendar} zerrendan {todo} zeregina berrireki du.",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{calendar} egutegian {todo} zeregina berrireki duzu. ",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egutegiaren zeregin bat aldatu da",
- "Number of guests" : "Gonbidatu kopurua",
- "Comment" : "Iruzkindu"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egutegiaren zeregin bat aldatu da"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : " {calendar} zerrendan {todo} zeregina bukatu duzu.",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} erabiltzaileak {calendar} zerrendan {todo} zeregina berrireki du.",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{calendar} egutegian {todo} zeregina berrireki duzu. ",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egutegiaren zeregin bat aldatu da",
- "Number of guests" : "Gonbidatu kopurua",
- "Comment" : "Iruzkindu"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egutegiaren zeregin bat aldatu da"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Suoritit tehtävän {todo} listasta {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} avasi uudelleen tehtävän {todo} listassa {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Avasit uudelleen tehtävän {todo} listassa {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalenterin <strong>tehtävää</strong> on muokattu",
- "Number of guests" : "Vieraiden määrä",
- "Comment" : "Kommentti"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalenterin <strong>tehtävää</strong> on muokattu"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Suoritit tehtävän {todo} listasta {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} avasi uudelleen tehtävän {todo} listassa {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Avasit uudelleen tehtävän {todo} listassa {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalenterin <strong>tehtävää</strong> on muokattu",
- "Number of guests" : "Vieraiden määrä",
- "Comment" : "Kommentti"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalenterin <strong>tehtävää</strong> on muokattu"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vous avez terminé la tâche {todo} de la liste {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} a réouvert la tâche {todo} dans la liste {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vous avez réouvert la tâche {todo} dans la liste {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Une <strong>liste de tâches</strong> de l'agenda a été modifiée",
- "Number of guests" : "Nombre d'invités",
- "Comment" : "Commentaire"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Une <strong>liste de tâches</strong> de l'agenda a été modifiée"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vous avez terminé la tâche {todo} de la liste {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} a réouvert la tâche {todo} dans la liste {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vous avez réouvert la tâche {todo} dans la liste {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Une <strong>liste de tâches</strong> de l'agenda a été modifiée",
- "Number of guests" : "Nombre d'invités",
- "Comment" : "Commentaire"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Une <strong>liste de tâches</strong> de l'agenda a été modifiée"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vostede resolveu os asuntos pendentes {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} volveu abrir os asuntos pendentes {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vostede volveu abrir os asuntos pendentes {todo} na lista {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Foi modificado un <strong>asunto pendente</strong> do calendario",
- "Comment" : "Comentario"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Foi modificado un <strong>asunto pendente</strong> do calendario"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vostede resolveu os asuntos pendentes {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} volveu abrir os asuntos pendentes {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vostede volveu abrir os asuntos pendentes {todo} na lista {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Foi modificado un <strong>asunto pendente</strong> do calendario",
- "Comment" : "Comentario"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Foi modificado un <strong>asunto pendente</strong> do calendario"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "פתרת משימה לביצוע {todo} ברשימה {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "המשימה לביצוע {todo} ברשימה {calendar} נפתחה מחדש על ידי {actor}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "פתחת מחדש את המשימה לביצוע {todo} ברשימה {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "נערכה <strong>מטלה</strong> בלוח שנה",
- "Comment" : "הערה"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "נערכה <strong>מטלה</strong> בלוח שנה"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "פתרת משימה לביצוע {todo} ברשימה {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "המשימה לביצוע {todo} ברשימה {calendar} נפתחה מחדש על ידי {actor}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "פתחת מחדש את המשימה לביצוע {todo} ברשימה {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "נערכה <strong>מטלה</strong> בלוח שנה",
- "Comment" : "הערה"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "נערכה <strong>מטלה</strong> בלוח שנה"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Izvršili ste zadatak {todo} u popisu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} je ponovno otvorio zadatak {todo} u popisu {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ponovno ste otvorili zadatak {todo} u popisu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Izmijenjen je <strong>zadatak</strong> u kalendaru",
- "Number of guests" : "Broj gostiju",
- "Comment" : "Komentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Izmijenjen je <strong>zadatak</strong> u kalendaru"
"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Izvršili ste zadatak {todo} u popisu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} je ponovno otvorio zadatak {todo} u popisu {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ponovno ste otvorili zadatak {todo} u popisu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Izmijenjen je <strong>zadatak</strong> u kalendaru",
- "Number of guests" : "Broj gostiju",
- "Comment" : "Komentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Izmijenjen je <strong>zadatak</strong> u kalendaru"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Elintézte a(z) {todo} teendőt a következő listában: {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} újranyitotta a(z) {todo} teendőt a következő listában: {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Újranyitotta a(z) {todo} teendőt a következő listában: {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egy <strong>naptárteendő</strong> megváltozott",
- "Number of guests" : "Vendégek száma",
- "Comment" : "Megjegyzés"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egy <strong>naptárteendő</strong> megváltozott"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Elintézte a(z) {todo} teendőt a következő listában: {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} újranyitotta a(z) {todo} teendőt a következő listában: {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Újranyitotta a(z) {todo} teendőt a következő listában: {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egy <strong>naptárteendő</strong> megváltozott",
- "Number of guests" : "Vendégek száma",
- "Comment" : "Megjegyzés"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Egy <strong>naptárteendő</strong> megváltozott"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Þú leystir verkefnið {todo} á listanum {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} opnaði aftur verkefnið {todo} á listanum {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Þú opnaðir aftur verkefnið {todo} á listanum {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Verkefnalista</strong> dagatals var breytt",
- "Comment" : "Athugasemd"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Verkefnalista</strong> dagatals var breytt"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Þú leystir verkefnið {todo} á listanum {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} opnaði aftur verkefnið {todo} á listanum {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Þú opnaðir aftur verkefnið {todo} á listanum {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Verkefnalista</strong> dagatals var breytt",
- "Comment" : "Athugasemd"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Verkefnalista</strong> dagatals var breytt"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Hai risolto la cosa da fare {todo} nell'elenco {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} ha riaperto la cosa da fare {todo} nell'elenco {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Hai riaperto la cosa da fare {todo} nell'elenco {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa da fare</strong> del calendario è stata modificata",
- "Number of guests" : "Numero di ospiti",
- "Comment" : "Commento"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa da fare</strong> del calendario è stata modificata"
"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Hai risolto la cosa da fare {todo} nell'elenco {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} ha riaperto la cosa da fare {todo} nell'elenco {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Hai riaperto la cosa da fare {todo} nell'elenco {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa da fare</strong> del calendario è stata modificata",
- "Number of guests" : "Numero di ospiti",
- "Comment" : "Commento"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa da fare</strong> del calendario è stata modificata"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "リスト{calendar}のtodo {todo}を解決しました。",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor}リスト{calendar}のToDo {todo}を再開しました",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "リスト{calendar}のtodo {todo}を再開しました",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "カレンダーの<strong>ToDo</strong>が変更されたとき",
- "Number of guests" : "ゲスト数",
- "Comment" : "コメント"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "カレンダーの<strong>ToDo</strong>が変更されたとき"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "リスト{calendar}のtodo {todo}を解決しました。",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor}リスト{calendar}のToDo {todo}を再開しました",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "リスト{calendar}のtodo {todo}を再開しました",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "カレンダーの<strong>ToDo</strong>が変更されたとき",
- "Number of guests" : "ゲスト数",
- "Comment" : "コメント"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "カレンダーの<strong>ToDo</strong>が変更されたとき"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "목록 {calendar}의 할 일 {todo}을(를) 끝냄",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 님이 목록 {calendar}의 할 일 {todo}을(를) 다시 염",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "목록 {calendar}의 할 일 {todo}을(를) 다시 염",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "달력의 <strong>할 일</strong>이 수정됨",
- "Number of guests" : "손님의 수",
- "Comment" : "설명"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "달력의 <strong>할 일</strong>이 수정됨"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "목록 {calendar}의 할 일 {todo}을(를) 끝냄",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 님이 목록 {calendar}의 할 일 {todo}을(를) 다시 염",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "목록 {calendar}의 할 일 {todo}을(를) 다시 염",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "달력의 <strong>할 일</strong>이 수정됨",
- "Number of guests" : "손님의 수",
- "Comment" : "설명"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "달력의 <strong>할 일</strong>이 수정됨"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Jūs sąraše {calendar} išsprendėte užduotį {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} sąraše {calendar} vėl pradėjo užduotį {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Jūs sąraše {calendar} vėl pradėjote užduotį {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendoriaus <strong>užduotis</strong> buvo modifikuota",
- "Number of guests" : "Svečių skaičius",
- "Comment" : "Komentaras"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendoriaus <strong>užduotis</strong> buvo modifikuota"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Jūs sąraše {calendar} išsprendėte užduotį {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} sąraše {calendar} vėl pradėjo užduotį {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Jūs sąraše {calendar} vėl pradėjote užduotį {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendoriaus <strong>užduotis</strong> buvo modifikuota",
- "Number of guests" : "Svečių skaičius",
- "Comment" : "Komentaras"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendoriaus <strong>užduotis</strong> buvo modifikuota"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 0 : (n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <=9) && (n % 100 > 19 || n % 100 < 11) ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Го решивте задолжението {todo} во листата {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} повторно го отвори задолжението {todo} во листата {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Повторно го отворивте задолжението {todo} во листата {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Изменета е <strong>задача</strong> во календарот",
- "Number of guests" : "Број на гости",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Изменета е <strong>задача</strong> во календарот"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Го решивте задолжението {todo} во листата {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} повторно го отвори задолжението {todo} во листата {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Повторно го отворивте задолжението {todo} во листата {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Изменета е <strong>задача</strong> во календарот",
- "Number of guests" : "Број на гости",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Изменета е <strong>задача</strong> во календарот"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11) ? 0 : 1;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du ferdigstilte gjøremålet {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} gjenåpnet gjøremålet {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du gjenåpnet oppgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalende <strong>gjøremål</strong> ble endret",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalende <strong>gjøremål</strong> ble endret"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du ferdigstilte gjøremålet {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} gjenåpnet gjøremålet {todo} i listen {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du gjenåpnet oppgaven {todo} i listen {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalende <strong>gjøremål</strong> ble endret",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalende <strong>gjøremål</strong> ble endret"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Je hebt taak {todo} in lijst {calendar} afgewerkt",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} heropende taak {todo} in lijst {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Je heropende taak {todo} in lijst {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Een agenda <strong>Te doen</strong> was aangepast",
- "Number of guests" : "Aantal gasten",
- "Comment" : "Notitie"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Een agenda <strong>Te doen</strong> was aangepast"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Je hebt taak {todo} in lijst {calendar} afgewerkt",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} heropende taak {todo} in lijst {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Je heropende taak {todo} in lijst {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Een agenda <strong>Te doen</strong> was aangepast",
- "Number of guests" : "Aantal gasten",
- "Comment" : "Notitie"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Een agenda <strong>Te doen</strong> was aangepast"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Zakończyłeś zadanie {todo} na liście {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} otworzył ponownie zadanie {todo} na liście {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Otworzyłeś ponownie zadanie {todo} na liście {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendarz <strong>zadań</strong> został zmieniony",
- "Number of guests" : "Liczba gości",
- "Comment" : "Komentarz"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendarz <strong>zadań</strong> został zmieniony"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Zakończyłeś zadanie {todo} na liście {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} otworzył ponownie zadanie {todo} na liście {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Otworzyłeś ponownie zadanie {todo} na liście {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendarz <strong>zadań</strong> został zmieniony",
- "Number of guests" : "Liczba gości",
- "Comment" : "Komentarz"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Kalendarz <strong>zadań</strong> został zmieniony"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n%10>=2 && n%10<=4) && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n!=1 && (n%10>=0 && n%10<=1) || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=12 && n%100<=14) ? 2 : 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Você terminou a tarefa {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} reabriu tarefa {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Você reabriu a terefa {todo} na lista {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Uma <strong>tarefa</strong> do calendário foi modificada",
- "Number of guests" : "Número de convidados",
- "Comment" : "Comentário"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Uma <strong>tarefa</strong> do calendário foi modificada"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Você terminou a tarefa {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} reabriu tarefa {todo} na lista {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Você reabriu a terefa {todo} na lista {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Uma <strong>tarefa</strong> do calendário foi modificada",
- "Number of guests" : "Número de convidados",
- "Comment" : "Comentário"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Uma <strong>tarefa</strong> do calendário foi modificada"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n == 0 || n == 1) ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Вы завершили задачу «{todo}» из списка «{calendar}»",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} повторно(а) открыл задачу «{todo}» из списка «{calendar}»",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Вы повторно открыли задачу «{todo}» из списка «{calendar}»",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "В календаре изменена <strong>задача</strong>",
- "Number of guests" : "Количество гостей",
- "Comment" : "Комментарий"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "В календаре изменена <strong>задача</strong>"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Вы завершили задачу «{todo}» из списка «{calendar}»",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} повторно(а) открыл задачу «{todo}» из списка «{calendar}»",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Вы повторно открыли задачу «{todo}» из списка «{calendar}»",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "В календаре изменена <strong>задача</strong>",
- "Number of guests" : "Количество гостей",
- "Comment" : "Комментарий"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "В календаре изменена <strong>задача</strong>"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<12 || n%100>14) ? 1 : n%10==0 || (n%10>=5 && n%10<=9) || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=14)? 2 : 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "As isortu sa cosa de fàghere {todo} in s'elencu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} at torradu a abèrrere sa cosa de fàghere {todo} in s'elencu {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "As torradu a abèrrere sa cosa de fàghere {todo} in s'elecu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa de fàghere</strong> de su calendàriu est istada modificada",
- "Comment" : "Cummentu"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa de fàghere</strong> de su calendàriu est istada modificada"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "As isortu sa cosa de fàghere {todo} in s'elencu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} at torradu a abèrrere sa cosa de fàghere {todo} in s'elencu {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "As torradu a abèrrere sa cosa de fàghere {todo} in s'elecu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa de fàghere</strong> de su calendàriu est istada modificada",
- "Comment" : "Cummentu"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Una <strong>cosa de fàghere</strong> de su calendàriu est istada modificada"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vyriešili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} znovu otvoril úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Otvorili ste znovu úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Pripomienka</strong> v kalendári bola upravená",
- "Number of guests" : "Počet návštevníkov",
- "Comment" : "Komentár"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Pripomienka</strong> v kalendári bola upravená"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Vyriešili ste úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} znovu otvoril úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Otvorili ste znovu úlohu {todo} v {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Pripomienka</strong> v kalendári bola upravená",
- "Number of guests" : "Počet návštevníkov",
- "Comment" : "Komentár"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Pripomienka</strong> v kalendári bola upravená"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Razrešite nalogo {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} ponovno odpre nalogo {todo} v koledarju {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ponovno odprete nalogo {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Spremenjena je <strong>naloga</strong> koledarja",
- "Number of guests" : "Število gostov",
- "Comment" : "Opomba"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Spremenjena je <strong>naloga</strong> koledarja"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Razrešite nalogo {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} ponovno odpre nalogo {todo} v koledarju {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ponovno odprete nalogo {todo} v seznamu {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Spremenjena je <strong>naloga</strong> koledarja",
- "Number of guests" : "Število gostov",
- "Comment" : "Opomba"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Spremenjena je <strong>naloga</strong> koledarja"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 0 : n%100==2 ? 1 : n%100==3 || n%100==4 ? 2 : 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Маркирали сте подсетник {todo} као готов у листи {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} је поново отворио подсетник {todo} у листи {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Поново сте отворили подсетник {todo} у листи {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Подсетник</strong> из календара је измењен",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Подсетник</strong> из календара је измењен"
"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Маркирали сте подсетник {todo} као готов у листи {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} је поново отворио подсетник {todo} у листи {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Поново сте отворили подсетник {todo} у листи {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Подсетник</strong> из календара је измењен",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Подсетник</strong> из календара је измењен"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du löste uppgift {todo} i listan {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} återupptog uppgift {todo} i listan {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du återupptog uppgift {todo} i listan {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>uppgift</strong> modifierades",
- "Number of guests" : "Antal gäster",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>uppgift</strong> modifierades"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du löste uppgift {todo} i listan {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} återupptog uppgift {todo} i listan {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Du återupptog uppgift {todo} i listan {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>uppgift</strong> modifierades",
- "Number of guests" : "Antal gäster",
- "Comment" : "Kommentar"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "En kalender <strong>uppgift</strong> modifierades"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{calendar} takvimi listesindeki {todo} yapılacak işini tamamladınız",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor}, {calendar} takvimi listesindeki {todo} yapılacak işini yeniden başlattı",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{calendar} takvimi listesindeki {todo} yapılacak işini yeniden başlattınız",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Bir takvim <strong>yapılacak işi</strong> düzenlendi",
- "Number of guests" : "Konuk sayısı",
- "Comment" : "Yorum"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Bir takvim <strong>yapılacak işi</strong> düzenlendi"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{calendar} takvimi listesindeki {todo} yapılacak işini tamamladınız",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor}, {calendar} takvimi listesindeki {todo} yapılacak işini yeniden başlattı",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{calendar} takvimi listesindeki {todo} yapılacak işini yeniden başlattınız",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Bir takvim <strong>yapılacak işi</strong> düzenlendi",
- "Number of guests" : "Konuk sayısı",
- "Comment" : "Yorum"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Bir takvim <strong>yapılacak işi</strong> düzenlendi"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ви виконали завдання {todo} зі списку {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} повторно відкрив завдання {todo} у списку {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ви повторно відкрили завдання {todo} у списку {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Календарне <strong>завдання</strong> було змінене",
- "Number of guests" : "Кількість гостей",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Календарне <strong>завдання</strong> було змінене"
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ви виконали завдання {todo} зі списку {calendar}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} повторно відкрив завдання {todo} у списку {calendar}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "Ви повторно відкрили завдання {todo} у списку {calendar}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Календарне <strong>завдання</strong> було змінене",
- "Number of guests" : "Кількість гостей",
- "Comment" : "Коментар"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "Календарне <strong>завдання</strong> було змінене"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 == 1 && n % 100 != 11 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4 && (n % 100 < 12 || n % 100 > 14) ? 1 : n % 1 == 0 && (n % 10 ==0 || (n % 10 >=5 && n % 10 <=9) || (n % 100 >=11 && n % 100 <=14 )) ? 2: 3);"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中解决了待办事项 {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 在列表 {calendar} 中重新打开了待办事项 {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中重新打开了待办事项 {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "列表中<strong>待办事项</strong>已经修改",
- "Number of guests" : "客人数目",
- "Comment" : "备注"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "列表中<strong>待办事项</strong>已经修改"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中解决了待办事项 {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 在列表 {calendar} 中重新打开了待办事项 {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中重新打开了待办事项 {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "列表中<strong>待办事项</strong>已经修改",
- "Number of guests" : "客人数目",
- "Comment" : "备注"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "列表中<strong>待办事项</strong>已经修改"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您解决了任務列表 {calendar} 中的代辦事項 {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 重新開啟了任務列表 {calendar} 中的代辦事項 {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "你重新開啟了 {calendar} 清單中的代辦事項 {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "日曆<strong>代辦事項</strong>被修改",
- "Number of guests" : "訪客数目",
- "Comment" : "留言"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "日曆<strong>代辦事項</strong>被修改"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您解决了任務列表 {calendar} 中的代辦事項 {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 重新開啟了任務列表 {calendar} 中的代辦事項 {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "你重新開啟了 {calendar} 清單中的代辦事項 {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "日曆<strong>代辦事項</strong>被修改",
- "Number of guests" : "訪客数目",
- "Comment" : "留言"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "日曆<strong>代辦事項</strong>被修改"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
\ No newline at end of file
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中解決了待辦事項 {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 在列表 {calendar} 中重新開啟了待辦事項 {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中重新開啟了待辦事項 {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "一個日曆<strong>待辦事項</strong>被更動",
- "Number of guests" : "訪客數量",
- "Comment" : "留言"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "一個日曆<strong>待辦事項</strong>被更動"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
"You solved todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中解決了待辦事項 {todo}",
"{actor} reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "{actor} 在列表 {calendar} 中重新開啟了待辦事項 {todo}",
"You reopened todo {todo} in list {calendar}" : "您在列表 {calendar} 中重新開啟了待辦事項 {todo}",
- "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "一個日曆<strong>待辦事項</strong>被更動",
- "Number of guests" : "訪客數量",
- "Comment" : "留言"
+ "A calendar <strong>todo</strong> was modified" : "一個日曆<strong>待辦事項</strong>被更動"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
\ No newline at end of file
"Invalid path selected" : "Предоставен е невалиден път до файл.",
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Изпратена заявка за прехвърляне на собствеността",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Не можете да прехвърляте собственост върху файл или папка, които не притежавате",
+ "Open the files app settings" : "Отваряне на настройките на приложението за файлове",
"Files settings" : "Настройки на файловете",
"Show hidden files" : "Показвай и скрити файлове",
"Crop image previews" : "Изрязване на визуализациите на изображение",
"Additional settings" : "Допълнителни настройки",
+ "Webdav" : "Webdav",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Копиране в клипборда",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Ползвайте този адрес за достъп до файловете си чрез WebDAV",
"Clipboard is not available" : "Клипбордът не е достъпен",
+ "Webdav URL copied to clipboard" : "Webdav URL адрес е копиран в клипборда",
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Не може да се промени състоянието за предпочитане на файла",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Грешка при зареждането на файловете.",
"Pick a template for {name}" : "Избор на шаблон за {name}",
"Invalid path selected" : "Предоставен е невалиден път до файл.",
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Изпратена заявка за прехвърляне на собствеността",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Не можете да прехвърляте собственост върху файл или папка, които не притежавате",
+ "Open the files app settings" : "Отваряне на настройките на приложението за файлове",
"Files settings" : "Настройки на файловете",
"Show hidden files" : "Показвай и скрити файлове",
"Crop image previews" : "Изрязване на визуализациите на изображение",
"Additional settings" : "Допълнителни настройки",
+ "Webdav" : "Webdav",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Копиране в клипборда",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Ползвайте този адрес за достъп до файловете си чрез WebDAV",
"Clipboard is not available" : "Клипбордът не е достъпен",
+ "Webdav URL copied to clipboard" : "Webdav URL адрес е копиран в клипборда",
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Не може да се промени състоянието за предпочитане на файла",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Грешка при зареждането на файловете.",
"Pick a template for {name}" : "Избор на шаблон за {name}",
"Invalid path selected" : "Chemin sélectionné non valide",
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Requête de transfert de propriété envoyée",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Impossible de transférer la propriété d'un fichier ou d'un dossier que vous ne possédez pas",
+ "Open the files app settings" : "Ouvrir les paramètres de l'application Fichiers",
"Files settings" : "Paramètres des fichiers",
"Show hidden files" : "Afficher les fichiers masqués",
"Crop image previews" : "Afficher en miniatures carrées",
"Additional settings" : "Paramètres supplémentaires",
+ "Webdav" : "Webdav",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Utilisez cette adresse pour accéder à vos fichiers via WebDAV",
"Clipboard is not available" : "Le presse-papiers n'est pas disponible",
+ "Webdav URL copied to clipboard" : "URL Webdav copiée dans le presse-papiers",
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Impossible de modifier l'état favori du fichier",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Erreur lors du chargement du fichier de données",
"Pick a template for {name}" : "Choisissez un modèle pour {name}",
"Invalid path selected" : "Chemin sélectionné non valide",
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Requête de transfert de propriété envoyée",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Impossible de transférer la propriété d'un fichier ou d'un dossier que vous ne possédez pas",
+ "Open the files app settings" : "Ouvrir les paramètres de l'application Fichiers",
"Files settings" : "Paramètres des fichiers",
"Show hidden files" : "Afficher les fichiers masqués",
"Crop image previews" : "Afficher en miniatures carrées",
"Additional settings" : "Paramètres supplémentaires",
+ "Webdav" : "Webdav",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copier dans le presse-papiers",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Utilisez cette adresse pour accéder à vos fichiers via WebDAV",
"Clipboard is not available" : "Le presse-papiers n'est pas disponible",
+ "Webdav URL copied to clipboard" : "URL Webdav copiée dans le presse-papiers",
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Impossible de modifier l'état favori du fichier",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Erreur lors du chargement du fichier de données",
"Pick a template for {name}" : "Choisissez un modèle pour {name}",
"Invalid path selected" : "Seçilen yol geçersiz",
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Sahiplik aktarımı isteği gönderildi",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Sahibi olmadığınız bir dosya ya da klasörün sahipliğini aktaramazsınız",
+ "Open the files app settings" : "Dosyalar uygulaması ayarlarını aç",
"Files settings" : "Dosyalar ayarları",
"Show hidden files" : "Gizli dosyaları görüntüle",
"Crop image previews" : "Görsel ön izlemeleri kırpılsın",
"Additional settings" : "Ek ayarlar",
+ "Webdav" : "Webdav",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Panoya kopyala",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Dosyalarınıza WebDAV üzerinden erişmek için bu adresi kullanın",
"Clipboard is not available" : "Pano kullanılamıyor",
+ "Webdav URL copied to clipboard" : "Webdav adresi panoya kopyalandı",
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Dosyanın sık kullanılan durumu değiştirilemedi",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Dosya verileri yüklenirken sorun çıktı",
"Pick a template for {name}" : "{name} için bir kalıp seçin",
"Invalid path selected" : "Seçilen yol geçersiz",
"Ownership transfer request sent" : "Sahiplik aktarımı isteği gönderildi",
"Cannot transfer ownership of a file or folder you do not own" : "Sahibi olmadığınız bir dosya ya da klasörün sahipliğini aktaramazsınız",
+ "Open the files app settings" : "Dosyalar uygulaması ayarlarını aç",
"Files settings" : "Dosyalar ayarları",
"Show hidden files" : "Gizli dosyaları görüntüle",
"Crop image previews" : "Görsel ön izlemeleri kırpılsın",
"Additional settings" : "Ek ayarlar",
+ "Webdav" : "Webdav",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Panoya kopyala",
"Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV" : "Dosyalarınıza WebDAV üzerinden erişmek için bu adresi kullanın",
"Clipboard is not available" : "Pano kullanılamıyor",
+ "Webdav URL copied to clipboard" : "Webdav adresi panoya kopyalandı",
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Dosyanın sık kullanılan durumu değiştirilemedi",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Dosya verileri yüklenirken sorun çıktı",
"Pick a template for {name}" : "{name} için bir kalıp seçin",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} промени имейл адреса ви",
"You changed your email address" : "Променихте имейл адреса си",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Имейл адреса ви е променена от администратора",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Създали сте парола за приложение за сесия с име „{token}“.",
+ "An administrator created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Администратор създаде парола за приложение за сесия с име „{token}“",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Изтрихте парола за приложение „{token}“",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Преименувахте паролата за приложение „{token}“ на „{newToken}“",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "Предоставихте достъп на файлова система до паролата за приложение „{token}“",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} промени имейл адреса ви",
"You changed your email address" : "Променихте имейл адреса си",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Имейл адреса ви е променена от администратора",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Създали сте парола за приложение за сесия с име „{token}“.",
+ "An administrator created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Администратор създаде парола за приложение за сесия с име „{token}“",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Изтрихте парола за приложение „{token}“",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Преименувахте паролата за приложение „{token}“ на „{newToken}“",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "Предоставихте достъп на файлова система до паролата за приложение „{token}“",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} hat deine E-Mail-Adresse geändert",
"You changed your email address" : "Du hast deine E-Mail-Adresse geändert",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde von einem Administrator geändert",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Du hast ein App-Passwort für eine Sitzung mit dem Namen \"{token}\" erstellt.",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Du hast das App-Passwort \"{token}\" entfernt",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Du hast App-Passwort \"{token}\" in \"{newToken}\" umbenannt",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "Du hast Dateisystemzugriff für App-Passwort \"{token}\" erlaubt",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} hat deine E-Mail-Adresse geändert",
"You changed your email address" : "Du hast deine E-Mail-Adresse geändert",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde von einem Administrator geändert",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Du hast ein App-Passwort für eine Sitzung mit dem Namen \"{token}\" erstellt.",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Du hast das App-Passwort \"{token}\" entfernt",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Du hast App-Passwort \"{token}\" in \"{newToken}\" umbenannt",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "Du hast Dateisystemzugriff für App-Passwort \"{token}\" erlaubt",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} a modifié votre adresse e-mail",
"You changed your email address" : "Vous avez modifié votre adresse e-mail",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Votre adresse e-mail a été modifiée par un administrateur",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Vous avez créé un mot de passe d'application pour une session nommée \"{token}\"",
+ "An administrator created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Un administrateur a créé un mot de passe d'application pour une session nommée \"{token}\"",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Vous avez supprimé un mot de passe d'application \"{token}\"",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Vous avez renommé le mot de passe d'application \"{token}\" en \"{newToken}\" ",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "Vous avez accordé au système de fichiers l'accès au mot de passe d'application \"{token}\".",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} a modifié votre adresse e-mail",
"You changed your email address" : "Vous avez modifié votre adresse e-mail",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "Votre adresse e-mail a été modifiée par un administrateur",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Vous avez créé un mot de passe d'application pour une session nommée \"{token}\"",
+ "An administrator created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Un administrateur a créé un mot de passe d'application pour une session nommée \"{token}\"",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "Vous avez supprimé un mot de passe d'application \"{token}\"",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "Vous avez renommé le mot de passe d'application \"{token}\" en \"{newToken}\" ",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "Vous avez accordé au système de fichiers l'accès au mot de passe d'application \"{token}\".",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} e-posta adresinizi değiştirdi",
"You changed your email address" : "E-posta adresinizi değiştirdiniz",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "E-posta adresiniz bir yönetici tarafından değiştirildi",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "\"{token}\" adlı oturum için bir uygulama parolası oluşturdunuz",
+ "An administrator created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Bir yönetici \"{token}\" adlı oturum için bir uygulama parolası oluşturdu",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "\"{token}\" uygulama parolasını sildiniz",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "\"{token}\" olan uygulama parolasını \"{newToken}\" olarak yeniden adlandırdınız",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "\"{token}\" uygulama parolasına dosya sistemi erişim izni verdiniz",
"{actor} changed your email address" : "{actor} e-posta adresinizi değiştirdi",
"You changed your email address" : "E-posta adresinizi değiştirdiniz",
"Your email address was changed by an administrator" : "E-posta adresiniz bir yönetici tarafından değiştirildi",
+ "You created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "\"{token}\" adlı oturum için bir uygulama parolası oluşturdunuz",
+ "An administrator created an app password for a session named \"{token}\"" : "Bir yönetici \"{token}\" adlı oturum için bir uygulama parolası oluşturdu",
"You deleted app password \"{token}\"" : "\"{token}\" uygulama parolasını sildiniz",
"You renamed app password \"{token}\" to \"{newToken}\"" : "\"{token}\" olan uygulama parolasını \"{newToken}\" olarak yeniden adlandırdınız",
"You granted filesystem access to app password \"{token}\"" : "\"{token}\" uygulama parolasına dosya sistemi erişim izni verdiniz",
"No action specified" : "Не е посочено действие",
"No configuration specified" : "Не е посочена конфигурация",
"No data specified" : "Не са посочени данни",
+ "Invalid data specified" : "Посочени са невалидни данни",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "Неуспешно задаване на конфигруацията %s",
"Action does not exist" : "Действието не съществува",
"Renewing …" : "Подновяване …",
"No action specified" : "Не е посочено действие",
"No configuration specified" : "Не е посочена конфигурация",
"No data specified" : "Не са посочени данни",
+ "Invalid data specified" : "Посочени са невалидни данни",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "Неуспешно задаване на конфигруацията %s",
"Action does not exist" : "Действието не съществува",
"Renewing …" : "Подновяване …",
"No action specified" : "Hehrangi bir işlem belirtilmemiş",
"No configuration specified" : "Henüz bir yapılandırma belirtilmemiş",
"No data specified" : "Henüz bir veri belirtilmemiş",
+ "Invalid data specified" : "Belirtilen veriler geçersiz",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "%s yapılandırması ayarlanamadı",
"Action does not exist" : "İşlem bulunamadı",
"Renewing …" : "Yenileniyor …",
"No action specified" : "Hehrangi bir işlem belirtilmemiş",
"No configuration specified" : "Henüz bir yapılandırma belirtilmemiş",
"No data specified" : "Henüz bir veri belirtilmemiş",
+ "Invalid data specified" : "Belirtilen veriler geçersiz",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "%s yapılandırması ayarlanamadı",
"Action does not exist" : "İşlem bulunamadı",
"Renewing …" : "Yenileniyor …",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Възстановяването на пароли е забранено",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Възстановяването на паролата е неуспешно, защото токенът е с изтекла валидност",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Възстановяването на паролата е неуспешно, защото токенът е невалиден",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Паролата е твърде дълга. Максималната позволена дължина е 469 символа.",
"%s password reset" : "%s възстановяване на парола",
"Password reset" : "Възстановяване на парола",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Кликнете върху следния бутон, за да възстановите паролата си. Ако не сте поискали възстановяване на паролата, игнорирайте този имейл.",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Възстановяването на пароли е забранено",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Възстановяването на паролата е неуспешно, защото токенът е с изтекла валидност",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Възстановяването на паролата е неуспешно, защото токенът е невалиден",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Паролата е твърде дълга. Максималната позволена дължина е 469 символа.",
"%s password reset" : "%s възстановяване на парола",
"Password reset" : "Възстановяване на парола",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Кликнете върху следния бутон, за да възстановите паролата си. Ако не сте поискали възстановяване на паролата, игнорирайте този имейл.",
- "Please select a file." : "Mesedez, hautatu fitxategi bat.",
+ "Please select a file." : "Aukeratu fitxategi bat.",
"File is too big" : "Fitxategia handiegia da",
"The selected file is not an image." : "Aukeratutako fitxategia ez da irudi bat.",
"The selected file cannot be read." : "Aukeratutako fitxategia ezin da irakurri.",
"Could not write file to disk" : "Ezin izan da fitxategia diskoan idatzi",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "PHP hedapen batek fitxategiaren karga gelditu du",
"Invalid file provided" : "Baliogabeko fitxategia eman da",
- "No image or file provided" : "Ez da irudi edo fitxategirik zehaztu",
+ "No image or file provided" : "Ez da irudi edo fitxategirik eman",
"Unknown filetype" : "Fitxategi mota ezezaguna",
- "An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Errore bat gertatu da, jarri zure administratzailearekin kontaktuan.",
+ "An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Errore bat gertatu da, jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan.",
"Invalid image" : "Baliogabeko irudia",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Ez dago behin-behineko profil irudirik erabilgarri, saiatu berriro",
"No crop data provided" : "Ez da mozketa daturik eman",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Ez da baliozko mozketa daturik eman",
"Crop is not square" : "Mozketa ez da karratua",
"State token does not match" : "Egoera-tokena ez dator bat",
- "Invalid app password" : "Aplikazio pasahitza baliogabea",
+ "Invalid app password" : "Aplikazio pasahitz baliogabea",
"Could not complete login" : "Ezin izan da saioa hasi",
"Your login token is invalid or has expired" : "Zure saio-hasierako tokena baliogabea da edo iraungi da",
- "This community release of Nextcloud is unsupported and push notifications are limited." : "Nextcloud komunitate bertsio honek ez du laguntza-zerbitzurik eta push jakinarazpenak mugatuta daude.",
+ "This community release of Nextcloud is unsupported and push notifications are limited." : "Nextcloud komunitate bertsio honek ez du laguntza-zerbitzurik eta push jakinarazpenak mugatuak dira.",
"Login" : "Hasi saioa",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Pasahitza berrezartzea desgaituta dago",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Ezin izan da pasahitza berrezarri tokena iraungi delako",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Ezin izan da pasahitza berrezarri tokena baliogabea delako",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Pasahitza luzeegia da. Onartzen den maximoa 469 karaktere da.",
"%s password reset" : "%s pasahitza berrezarrita",
"Password reset" : "Pasahitza berrezarri",
- "Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko botoian zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu e-posta hau.",
- "Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko estekan zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu e-posta hau.",
+ "Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko botoian zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu mezu elektroniko hau.",
+ "Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko estekan zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu mezu elektroniko hau.",
"Reset your password" : "Berrezarri zure pasahitza",
"Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud zerbitzaria",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Zure esteka partekatzeetako batzuk kendu dira",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Segurtasun errore baten ondorioz zure esteka partekatze batzuk kendu ditugu. Ikusi esteka informazio gehiagorako.",
- "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Instantzia honen erabiltzaile mugara iritsi da.",
+ "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Instantzia hau bere erabiltzaile mugara iritsi da.",
"Enter your subscription key in the support app in order to increase the user limit. This does also grant you all additional benefits that Nextcloud Enterprise offers and is highly recommended for the operation in companies." : "Sartu zure harpidetza-gakoa laguntza-aplikazioan erabiltzaileen muga handitzeko. Horrek Nextcloud Enterprise-k eskaintzen dituen abantaila gehigarri guztiak ere ematen dizkizu eta oso gomendagarria da enpresetan funtzionatzeko.",
- "Learn more ↗" : "Ikasi gehiago ↗",
+ "Learn more ↗" : "Informazio gehiago ↗",
"Preparing update" : "Eguneratzea prestatzen",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair step:" : "Konponketa pausoa:",
"Repair warning:" : "Konponketa abisua:",
"Repair error:" : "Konponketa errorea:",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mesedez, erabili komando-lerroko eguneratzailea, eguneratze automatikoa config.php-n desgaituta dago eta.",
- "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Mantentze-lan modua aktibatu da",
- "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Mantentze-lan modua desaktibatu da",
- "Maintenance mode is kept active" : "Mantentze modua aktibatuta dago oraindik.",
+ "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua aktibatu da",
+ "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua desaktibatu da",
+ "Maintenance mode is kept active" : "Mantentze moduak aktibatuta jarraitzen du.",
"Updating database schema" : "Datu-basearen eskema eguneratzen",
"Updated database" : "Datu-basea eguneratuta",
- "Update app \"%s\" from App Store" : "Eguneratu \"%s\" aplikazioa App Store-tik",
+ "Update app \"%s\" from App Store" : "Eguneratu \"%s\" aplikazioa aplikazioen dendatik",
"Checking whether the database schema for %s can be updated (this can take a long time depending on the database size)" : "%s datu-basearen eskema eguneratu daitekeen egiaztatzen (honek luze jo dezake datu-basearen tamainaren arabera)",
"Updated \"%1$s\" to %2$s" : "\"%1$s\" eguneratu da %2$s(e)ra",
"Set log level to debug" : "Ezarri egunkari-maila arazketara",
"%s (incompatible)" : "%s (bateraezina)",
"The following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Hurrengo aplikazioak desgaitu dira: %s",
"Already up to date" : "Eguneratuta dago dagoeneko",
- "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta fitxategien sinkronizazioa baimentzeko. WebDAV interfazea puskatuta dagoela dirudi.",
+ "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta fitxategien sinkronizazioa baimentzeko, WebDAV interfazea puskatuta dagoela dirudi.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta \"{url}\" ebazteko. Informazio gehiago {linkstart}dokumentazioa ↗{linkend}-(e)n aurkitu daiteke.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's {linkstart}documentation page ↗{linkend}. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta \"{url}\" ebazteko. Ziur aski web zerbitzariaren konfigurazioa ez dago karpeta hau zuzenean entregatzeko eguneratuta. Konparatu zure konfigurazioa banatutako Apacherako \".htaccess\" fitxategiko berridazketa arauekin edo Nginx-en {linkstart}dokumentazio orria ↗{linkend} dokumentazioarekin. Nginx-en \"location ~\" katearekin hasten diren lerroak izan ohi dira eguneratu beharrekoak.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta .woff2 fitxategiak entregatzeko. Hau Nginx-en konfigurazioaren ohiko arazo bat da. Nextcloud 15ean doikuntza bat beharrezkoa da .woff2 fitxategiak bidaltzeko. Konparatu zure Nginx konfigurazioa gure {linkstart}dokumentazioa ↗{linkend} gomendioarekin.",
"Update to {version}" : "Eguneratu {version} bertsiora",
"An error occurred." : "Errore bat gertatu da.",
"Please reload the page." : "Mesedez birkargatu orria.",
- "The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Eguneraketak huts egin du. Informazio gehiagorako <a href=\"{url}\">begiratu gure foroan arazoari buruzko sarrera</a>.",
+ "The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Eguneraketak huts egin du. Informazio gehiagorako begiratu <a href=\"{url}\">gure foroko argitalpena</a> arazo honi buruz.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Eguneraketak huts egin du. Mesedez, jakinarazi arazoa <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud komunitateari</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Jarraitu hona: {productName}",
- "_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName} ra birbideratuko zaitugu %nsegundotan.","Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName} ra birbideratuko zaitugu %n segundotan."],
+ "_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName} ra birbideratuko zaitugu %nsegundotan.","Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName}(e)ra birbideratuko zaitugu %n segundotan."],
"More apps" : "Aplikazio gehiago",
- "Currently open" : "Unean irekita",
- "_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["Jakinarazpen {count}","{count} jakinarazpen"],
+ "Currently open" : "Irekita une honetan",
+ "_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["Jakinarazpen {count}","{count} jakinarazpenak"],
"Log in" : "Hasi saioa",
"Logging in …" : "Saioa hasten...",
"Server side authentication failed!" : "Zerbitzari aldeko autentifikazioak huts egin du!",
"Please contact your administrator." : "Mesedez jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
"An internal error occurred." : "Barne-errore bat gertatu da.",
- "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Saiatu berriro edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin.",
- "Account name or email" : "Kontu izena edo emaila",
+ "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Saiatu berriro edo jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
+ "Account name or email" : "Kontu izena edo posta elektronikoa",
"Password" : "Pasahitza",
- "Log in to {productName}" : "Hasi saioa {productName} -n",
+ "Log in to {productName}" : "Hasi saioa {productName}-(e)n",
"Wrong username or password." : "Erabiltzaile-izen edo pasahitz okerra.",
"User disabled" : "Erabiltzailea desgaituta",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Saioa hasteko hainbat saiakera baliogabe jaso ditugu zure IPtik. Ondorioz, zure hurrengo saio hasiera 30 segundo atzeratuko da.",
- "Username or email" : "Erabiltzaile-izena edo e-posta",
+ "Username or email" : "Erabiltzaile-izena edo posta elektronikoa",
"Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "Zure kontua ez dago pasahitzik gabeko autentifikaziorako konfiguratua.",
"Browser not supported" : "Ez da nabigatzailea onartzen",
"Passwordless authentication is not supported in your browser." : "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du pasahitzik gabeko autentifikaziorik onartzen.",
"Your connection is not secure" : "Zure konexioa ez da segurua",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "Pasahitzik gabeko autentifikazioa konexio seguruetan erabil daiteke soilik.",
"Reset password" : "Berrezarri pasahitza",
- "A password reset message has been sent to the email address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Pasahitza berrezartzeko mezu bat bidali da kontu honen helbide elektronikora. Jasotzen ez baduzu, egiaztatu spam/zabor karpetak edo eskatu laguntza administratzaile lokalari.",
+ "A password reset message has been sent to the email address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Pasahitza berrezartzeko mezu bat bidali da kontu honen helbide elektronikora. Jasotzen ez baduzu, egiaztatu spam/zabor karpetak edo eskatu laguntza zure administratzaile lokalari.",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Han ez badago, galdetu zure administratzaile lokalari.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin izan da berrezartzeko e-posta bidali. Jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan.",
- "Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin da pasahitza aldatu. Jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan.",
+ "Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin da pasahitza aldatu. Jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
"Back to login" : "Itzuli saio hasierara",
"New password" : "Pasahitz berria",
"Your files are encrypted. There will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset. If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. Do you really want to continue?" : "Zure fitxategiak enkriptatuta daude. Pasahitza berrezarri ondoren ezin izango dituzu zure datuak berreskuratu. Ez bazaude ziur, galdetu zure administratzaileari jarraitu aurretik. Ziur zaude jarraitu nahi duzula?",
- "I know what I'm doing" : "Badakit zer ari naizen egiten",
+ "I know what I'm doing" : "Badakit zertan ari naizen",
"Resetting password" : "Pasahitza berrezartzen",
"Recommended apps" : "Gomendatutako aplikazioak",
"Loading apps …" : "Aplikazioak kargatzen...",
- "Could not fetch list of apps from the App Store." : "Ezin izan da aplikazioen zerrenda eskuratu App Store-tik.",
+ "Could not fetch list of apps from the App Store." : "Ezin izan da aplikazioen zerrenda eskuratu aplikazioen dendatik.",
"Installing apps …" : "Aplikazioak instalatzen...",
"App download or installation failed" : "Huts egin du aplikazioaren deskarga edo instalazioak",
"Cannot install this app because it is not compatible" : "Ezin da aplikazio hau instalatu ez delako bateragarria",
"Back" : "Atzera",
"Login form is disabled." : "Saioa hasteko inprimakia desgaituta dago.",
"Edit Profile" : "Editatu profila",
- "The headline and about sections will show up here" : "Izenburua eta 'honi buruz' atalak hemen agertuko dira",
+ "The headline and about sections will show up here" : "Izenburua eta 'Niri buruz' atalak hemen agertuko dira",
"You have not added any info yet" : "Oraindik ez duzu informaziorik gehitu",
- "{user} has not added any info yet" : "{user} -ek ez du oraindik informaziorik gehitu",
- "Error opening the user status modal, try hard refreshing the page" : "Errorea erabiltzailen egoera leihoa irekitzen, saiatu orria guztiz freskatzen",
+ "{user} has not added any info yet" : "{user}-(e)k ez du oraindik informaziorik gehitu",
+ "Error opening the user status modal, try hard refreshing the page" : "Errorea erabiltzailen egoera leihoa irekitzean, saiatu orria guztiz freskatzen",
"Search starts once you start typing and results may be reached with the arrow keys" : "Bilaketa hasten da idazten hasten zarenean eta emaitzak gezi-teklen bidez lor daitezke",
"Reset search" : "Berrezarri bilaketa",
"Start search" : "Hasi bilaketa",
"I know that if I continue doing the update via web UI has the risk, that the request runs into a timeout and could cause data loss, but I have a backup and know how to restore my instance in case of a failure." : "Badakit web bidezko UI-a erabiliz eguneratzea egitean arriskuak daudela, eskaera denboraz-kanpo geratzen bada datuen galera gerta daitekeela, baina babeskopia kopia egin dut eta arazoak egonez gero badakit instantzia leheneratzen.",
"Upgrade via web on my own risk" : "Web bidezko bertsio-berritzea nire ardurapean",
"Maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua",
- "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "%s instantzia hau mantentze-lan moduan dago une honetan, honek denbora tarte bat iraun dezake.",
+ "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "%s instantzia hau mantentze moduan dago une honetan, honek denbora tarte bat iraun dezake.",
"This page will refresh itself when the instance is available again." : "Instantzia berriz ere erabilgarri dagoenean orri hau freskatuko da.",
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Jarri harremanetan zure sistema administratzailearekin mezu honek irauten badu edo ezustean agertu bada.",
"This community release of Nextcloud is unsupported and instant notifications are unavailable." : "Nextcloud komunitate bertsio honek ez du laguntza-zerbitzurik eta berehalako jakinarazpenak ez daude eskuragarri.",
{ "translations": {
- "Please select a file." : "Mesedez, hautatu fitxategi bat.",
+ "Please select a file." : "Aukeratu fitxategi bat.",
"File is too big" : "Fitxategia handiegia da",
"The selected file is not an image." : "Aukeratutako fitxategia ez da irudi bat.",
"The selected file cannot be read." : "Aukeratutako fitxategia ezin da irakurri.",
"Could not write file to disk" : "Ezin izan da fitxategia diskoan idatzi",
"A PHP extension stopped the file upload" : "PHP hedapen batek fitxategiaren karga gelditu du",
"Invalid file provided" : "Baliogabeko fitxategia eman da",
- "No image or file provided" : "Ez da irudi edo fitxategirik zehaztu",
+ "No image or file provided" : "Ez da irudi edo fitxategirik eman",
"Unknown filetype" : "Fitxategi mota ezezaguna",
- "An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Errore bat gertatu da, jarri zure administratzailearekin kontaktuan.",
+ "An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Errore bat gertatu da, jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan.",
"Invalid image" : "Baliogabeko irudia",
"No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Ez dago behin-behineko profil irudirik erabilgarri, saiatu berriro",
"No crop data provided" : "Ez da mozketa daturik eman",
"No valid crop data provided" : "Ez da baliozko mozketa daturik eman",
"Crop is not square" : "Mozketa ez da karratua",
"State token does not match" : "Egoera-tokena ez dator bat",
- "Invalid app password" : "Aplikazio pasahitza baliogabea",
+ "Invalid app password" : "Aplikazio pasahitz baliogabea",
"Could not complete login" : "Ezin izan da saioa hasi",
"Your login token is invalid or has expired" : "Zure saio-hasierako tokena baliogabea da edo iraungi da",
- "This community release of Nextcloud is unsupported and push notifications are limited." : "Nextcloud komunitate bertsio honek ez du laguntza-zerbitzurik eta push jakinarazpenak mugatuta daude.",
+ "This community release of Nextcloud is unsupported and push notifications are limited." : "Nextcloud komunitate bertsio honek ez du laguntza-zerbitzurik eta push jakinarazpenak mugatuak dira.",
"Login" : "Hasi saioa",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Pasahitza berrezartzea desgaituta dago",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Ezin izan da pasahitza berrezarri tokena iraungi delako",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Ezin izan da pasahitza berrezarri tokena baliogabea delako",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Pasahitza luzeegia da. Onartzen den maximoa 469 karaktere da.",
"%s password reset" : "%s pasahitza berrezarrita",
"Password reset" : "Pasahitza berrezarri",
- "Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko botoian zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu e-posta hau.",
- "Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko estekan zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu e-posta hau.",
+ "Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko botoian zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu mezu elektroniko hau.",
+ "Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Egin klik ondoko estekan zure pasahitza berrezartzeko. Ez baduzu pasahitzaren berrezarpena eskatu, ahaztu mezu elektroniko hau.",
"Reset your password" : "Berrezarri zure pasahitza",
"Nextcloud Server" : "Nextcloud zerbitzaria",
"Some of your link shares have been removed" : "Zure esteka partekatzeetako batzuk kendu dira",
"Due to a security bug we had to remove some of your link shares. Please see the link for more information." : "Segurtasun errore baten ondorioz zure esteka partekatze batzuk kendu ditugu. Ikusi esteka informazio gehiagorako.",
- "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Instantzia honen erabiltzaile mugara iritsi da.",
+ "The user limit of this instance is reached." : "Instantzia hau bere erabiltzaile mugara iritsi da.",
"Enter your subscription key in the support app in order to increase the user limit. This does also grant you all additional benefits that Nextcloud Enterprise offers and is highly recommended for the operation in companies." : "Sartu zure harpidetza-gakoa laguntza-aplikazioan erabiltzaileen muga handitzeko. Horrek Nextcloud Enterprise-k eskaintzen dituen abantaila gehigarri guztiak ere ematen dizkizu eta oso gomendagarria da enpresetan funtzionatzeko.",
- "Learn more ↗" : "Ikasi gehiago ↗",
+ "Learn more ↗" : "Informazio gehiago ↗",
"Preparing update" : "Eguneratzea prestatzen",
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair step:" : "Konponketa pausoa:",
"Repair warning:" : "Konponketa abisua:",
"Repair error:" : "Konponketa errorea:",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mesedez, erabili komando-lerroko eguneratzailea, eguneratze automatikoa config.php-n desgaituta dago eta.",
- "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Mantentze-lan modua aktibatu da",
- "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Mantentze-lan modua desaktibatu da",
- "Maintenance mode is kept active" : "Mantentze modua aktibatuta dago oraindik.",
+ "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua aktibatu da",
+ "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua desaktibatu da",
+ "Maintenance mode is kept active" : "Mantentze moduak aktibatuta jarraitzen du.",
"Updating database schema" : "Datu-basearen eskema eguneratzen",
"Updated database" : "Datu-basea eguneratuta",
- "Update app \"%s\" from App Store" : "Eguneratu \"%s\" aplikazioa App Store-tik",
+ "Update app \"%s\" from App Store" : "Eguneratu \"%s\" aplikazioa aplikazioen dendatik",
"Checking whether the database schema for %s can be updated (this can take a long time depending on the database size)" : "%s datu-basearen eskema eguneratu daitekeen egiaztatzen (honek luze jo dezake datu-basearen tamainaren arabera)",
"Updated \"%1$s\" to %2$s" : "\"%1$s\" eguneratu da %2$s(e)ra",
"Set log level to debug" : "Ezarri egunkari-maila arazketara",
"%s (incompatible)" : "%s (bateraezina)",
"The following apps have been disabled: %s" : "Hurrengo aplikazioak desgaitu dira: %s",
"Already up to date" : "Eguneratuta dago dagoeneko",
- "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta fitxategien sinkronizazioa baimentzeko. WebDAV interfazea puskatuta dagoela dirudi.",
+ "Your web server is not yet properly set up to allow file synchronization, because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta fitxategien sinkronizazioa baimentzeko, WebDAV interfazea puskatuta dagoela dirudi.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta \"{url}\" ebazteko. Informazio gehiago {linkstart}dokumentazioa ↗{linkend}-(e)n aurkitu daiteke.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to resolve \"{url}\". This is most likely related to a web server configuration that was not updated to deliver this folder directly. Please compare your configuration against the shipped rewrite rules in \".htaccess\" for Apache or the provided one in the documentation for Nginx at it's {linkstart}documentation page ↗{linkend}. On Nginx those are typically the lines starting with \"location ~\" that need an update." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta \"{url}\" ebazteko. Ziur aski web zerbitzariaren konfigurazioa ez dago karpeta hau zuzenean entregatzeko eguneratuta. Konparatu zure konfigurazioa banatutako Apacherako \".htaccess\" fitxategiko berridazketa arauekin edo Nginx-en {linkstart}dokumentazio orria ↗{linkend} dokumentazioarekin. Nginx-en \"location ~\" katearekin hasten diren lerroak izan ohi dira eguneratu beharrekoak.",
"Your web server is not properly set up to deliver .woff2 files. This is typically an issue with the Nginx configuration. For Nextcloud 15 it needs an adjustement to also deliver .woff2 files. Compare your Nginx configuration to the recommended configuration in our {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Zure web zerbitzaria ez dago behar bezala konfiguratuta .woff2 fitxategiak entregatzeko. Hau Nginx-en konfigurazioaren ohiko arazo bat da. Nextcloud 15ean doikuntza bat beharrezkoa da .woff2 fitxategiak bidaltzeko. Konparatu zure Nginx konfigurazioa gure {linkstart}dokumentazioa ↗{linkend} gomendioarekin.",
"Update to {version}" : "Eguneratu {version} bertsiora",
"An error occurred." : "Errore bat gertatu da.",
"Please reload the page." : "Mesedez birkargatu orria.",
- "The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Eguneraketak huts egin du. Informazio gehiagorako <a href=\"{url}\">begiratu gure foroan arazoari buruzko sarrera</a>.",
+ "The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Eguneraketak huts egin du. Informazio gehiagorako begiratu <a href=\"{url}\">gure foroko argitalpena</a> arazo honi buruz.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Eguneraketak huts egin du. Mesedez, jakinarazi arazoa <a href=\"https://github.com/nextcloud/server/issues\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud komunitateari</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Jarraitu hona: {productName}",
- "_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName} ra birbideratuko zaitugu %nsegundotan.","Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName} ra birbideratuko zaitugu %n segundotan."],
+ "_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName} ra birbideratuko zaitugu %nsegundotan.","Eguneraketa behar bezala egin da. {ProductName}(e)ra birbideratuko zaitugu %n segundotan."],
"More apps" : "Aplikazio gehiago",
- "Currently open" : "Unean irekita",
- "_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["Jakinarazpen {count}","{count} jakinarazpen"],
+ "Currently open" : "Irekita une honetan",
+ "_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["Jakinarazpen {count}","{count} jakinarazpenak"],
"Log in" : "Hasi saioa",
"Logging in …" : "Saioa hasten...",
"Server side authentication failed!" : "Zerbitzari aldeko autentifikazioak huts egin du!",
"Please contact your administrator." : "Mesedez jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
"An internal error occurred." : "Barne-errore bat gertatu da.",
- "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Saiatu berriro edo jarri harremanetan administratzailearekin.",
- "Account name or email" : "Kontu izena edo emaila",
+ "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Saiatu berriro edo jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
+ "Account name or email" : "Kontu izena edo posta elektronikoa",
"Password" : "Pasahitza",
- "Log in to {productName}" : "Hasi saioa {productName} -n",
+ "Log in to {productName}" : "Hasi saioa {productName}-(e)n",
"Wrong username or password." : "Erabiltzaile-izen edo pasahitz okerra.",
"User disabled" : "Erabiltzailea desgaituta",
"We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Saioa hasteko hainbat saiakera baliogabe jaso ditugu zure IPtik. Ondorioz, zure hurrengo saio hasiera 30 segundo atzeratuko da.",
- "Username or email" : "Erabiltzaile-izena edo e-posta",
+ "Username or email" : "Erabiltzaile-izena edo posta elektronikoa",
"Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "Zure kontua ez dago pasahitzik gabeko autentifikaziorako konfiguratua.",
"Browser not supported" : "Ez da nabigatzailea onartzen",
"Passwordless authentication is not supported in your browser." : "Zure nabigatzaileak ez du pasahitzik gabeko autentifikaziorik onartzen.",
"Your connection is not secure" : "Zure konexioa ez da segurua",
"Passwordless authentication is only available over a secure connection." : "Pasahitzik gabeko autentifikazioa konexio seguruetan erabil daiteke soilik.",
"Reset password" : "Berrezarri pasahitza",
- "A password reset message has been sent to the email address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Pasahitza berrezartzeko mezu bat bidali da kontu honen helbide elektronikora. Jasotzen ez baduzu, egiaztatu spam/zabor karpetak edo eskatu laguntza administratzaile lokalari.",
+ "A password reset message has been sent to the email address of this account. If you do not receive it, check your spam/junk folders or ask your local administrator for help." : "Pasahitza berrezartzeko mezu bat bidali da kontu honen helbide elektronikora. Jasotzen ez baduzu, egiaztatu spam/zabor karpetak edo eskatu laguntza zure administratzaile lokalari.",
"If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Han ez badago, galdetu zure administratzaile lokalari.",
"Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin izan da berrezartzeko e-posta bidali. Jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan.",
- "Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin da pasahitza aldatu. Jarri zure administratzailearekin harremanetan.",
+ "Password cannot be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Ezin da pasahitza aldatu. Jarri harremanetan zure administratzailearekin.",
"Back to login" : "Itzuli saio hasierara",
"New password" : "Pasahitz berria",
"Your files are encrypted. There will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset. If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. Do you really want to continue?" : "Zure fitxategiak enkriptatuta daude. Pasahitza berrezarri ondoren ezin izango dituzu zure datuak berreskuratu. Ez bazaude ziur, galdetu zure administratzaileari jarraitu aurretik. Ziur zaude jarraitu nahi duzula?",
- "I know what I'm doing" : "Badakit zer ari naizen egiten",
+ "I know what I'm doing" : "Badakit zertan ari naizen",
"Resetting password" : "Pasahitza berrezartzen",
"Recommended apps" : "Gomendatutako aplikazioak",
"Loading apps …" : "Aplikazioak kargatzen...",
- "Could not fetch list of apps from the App Store." : "Ezin izan da aplikazioen zerrenda eskuratu App Store-tik.",
+ "Could not fetch list of apps from the App Store." : "Ezin izan da aplikazioen zerrenda eskuratu aplikazioen dendatik.",
"Installing apps …" : "Aplikazioak instalatzen...",
"App download or installation failed" : "Huts egin du aplikazioaren deskarga edo instalazioak",
"Cannot install this app because it is not compatible" : "Ezin da aplikazio hau instalatu ez delako bateragarria",
"Back" : "Atzera",
"Login form is disabled." : "Saioa hasteko inprimakia desgaituta dago.",
"Edit Profile" : "Editatu profila",
- "The headline and about sections will show up here" : "Izenburua eta 'honi buruz' atalak hemen agertuko dira",
+ "The headline and about sections will show up here" : "Izenburua eta 'Niri buruz' atalak hemen agertuko dira",
"You have not added any info yet" : "Oraindik ez duzu informaziorik gehitu",
- "{user} has not added any info yet" : "{user} -ek ez du oraindik informaziorik gehitu",
- "Error opening the user status modal, try hard refreshing the page" : "Errorea erabiltzailen egoera leihoa irekitzen, saiatu orria guztiz freskatzen",
+ "{user} has not added any info yet" : "{user}-(e)k ez du oraindik informaziorik gehitu",
+ "Error opening the user status modal, try hard refreshing the page" : "Errorea erabiltzailen egoera leihoa irekitzean, saiatu orria guztiz freskatzen",
"Search starts once you start typing and results may be reached with the arrow keys" : "Bilaketa hasten da idazten hasten zarenean eta emaitzak gezi-teklen bidez lor daitezke",
"Reset search" : "Berrezarri bilaketa",
"Start search" : "Hasi bilaketa",
"I know that if I continue doing the update via web UI has the risk, that the request runs into a timeout and could cause data loss, but I have a backup and know how to restore my instance in case of a failure." : "Badakit web bidezko UI-a erabiliz eguneratzea egitean arriskuak daudela, eskaera denboraz-kanpo geratzen bada datuen galera gerta daitekeela, baina babeskopia kopia egin dut eta arazoak egonez gero badakit instantzia leheneratzen.",
"Upgrade via web on my own risk" : "Web bidezko bertsio-berritzea nire ardurapean",
"Maintenance mode" : "Mantentze modua",
- "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "%s instantzia hau mantentze-lan moduan dago une honetan, honek denbora tarte bat iraun dezake.",
+ "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "%s instantzia hau mantentze moduan dago une honetan, honek denbora tarte bat iraun dezake.",
"This page will refresh itself when the instance is available again." : "Instantzia berriz ere erabilgarri dagoenean orri hau freskatuko da.",
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Jarri harremanetan zure sistema administratzailearekin mezu honek irauten badu edo ezustean agertu bada.",
"This community release of Nextcloud is unsupported and instant notifications are unavailable." : "Nextcloud komunitate bertsio honek ez du laguntza-zerbitzurik eta berehalako jakinarazpenak ez daude eskuragarri.",
"Password reset is disabled" : "La réinitialisation du mot de passe est désactivée",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Impossible de réinitialiser le mot de passe car le jeton d'authentification est expiré.",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Impossible de réinitialiser le mot de passe car le jeton d'authentification n'est pas valide.",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Le mot de passe est trop long. La longueur maximale autorisée est de 469 caractères.",
"%s password reset" : "Réinitialisation de votre mot de passe %s",
"Password reset" : "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Si vous n'avez pas demandé cette réinitialisation de mot de passe, vous pouvez ignorer cet e-mail.",
"Password reset is disabled" : "La réinitialisation du mot de passe est désactivée",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Impossible de réinitialiser le mot de passe car le jeton d'authentification est expiré.",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Impossible de réinitialiser le mot de passe car le jeton d'authentification n'est pas valide.",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Le mot de passe est trop long. La longueur maximale autorisée est de 469 caractères.",
"%s password reset" : "Réinitialisation de votre mot de passe %s",
"Password reset" : "Réinitialiser le mot de passe",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Cliquez sur le bouton suivant pour réinitialiser votre mot de passe. Si vous n'avez pas demandé cette réinitialisation de mot de passe, vous pouvez ignorer cet e-mail.",
"Please contact your administrator." : "Mercés de contactar vòstre administrator.",
"An internal error occurred." : "Una error intèrna s’es producha.",
"Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Tornatz ensajar o contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "Account name or email" : "Nom d’utilizaire o email",
"Password" : "Senhal",
"Wrong username or password." : "Marrit nom d’utilizaire o senhal.",
"User disabled" : "Utilizaire desactivat",
"Please contact your administrator." : "Mercés de contactar vòstre administrator.",
"An internal error occurred." : "Una error intèrna s’es producha.",
"Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Tornatz ensajar o contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "Account name or email" : "Nom d’utilizaire o email",
"Password" : "Senhal",
"Wrong username or password." : "Marrit nom d’utilizaire o senhal.",
"User disabled" : "Utilizaire desactivat",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Parola sıfırlama devre dışı bırakılmış",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Kodun geçerlilik süresi dolmuş olduğundan parola sıfırlanamadı",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Kod geçersiz olduğundan parola sıfırlanamadı",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Parola çok uzun. En fazla 469 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.",
"%s password reset" : "%s parola sıfırlama",
"Password reset" : "Parolamı sıfırla",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Parolanızı sıfırlamak için düğmeye tıklayın. Parola sıfırlama isteğinde bulunmadıysanız bu e-postayı yok sayabilirsiniz.",
"Password reset is disabled" : "Parola sıfırlama devre dışı bırakılmış",
"Could not reset password because the token is expired" : "Kodun geçerlilik süresi dolmuş olduğundan parola sıfırlanamadı",
"Could not reset password because the token is invalid" : "Kod geçersiz olduğundan parola sıfırlanamadı",
+ "Password is too long. Maximum allowed length is 469 characters." : "Parola çok uzun. En fazla 469 karakter uzunluğunda olabilir.",
"%s password reset" : "%s parola sıfırlama",
"Password reset" : "Parolamı sıfırla",
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Parolanızı sıfırlamak için düğmeye tıklayın. Parola sıfırlama isteğinde bulunmadıysanız bu e-postayı yok sayabilirsiniz.",
"Invalid image" : "Невалидно изображение.",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Изображението на аватара не е квадратно",
"View profile" : "Преглед на профил",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Местно време: %s",
"today" : "днес",
"tomorrow" : "утре",
"yesterday" : "вчера",
"Invalid image" : "Невалидно изображение.",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Изображението на аватара не е квадратно",
"View profile" : "Преглед на профил",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Местно време: %s",
"today" : "днес",
"tomorrow" : "утре",
"yesterday" : "вчера",
"Invalid image" : "Ungültiges Bild",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Benutzerbild ist nicht quadratisch",
"View profile" : "Profil ansehen",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Ortszeit: %s",
"today" : "Heute",
"tomorrow" : "Morgen",
"yesterday" : "Gestern",
"Invalid image" : "Ungültiges Bild",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Benutzerbild ist nicht quadratisch",
"View profile" : "Profil ansehen",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Ortszeit: %s",
"today" : "Heute",
"tomorrow" : "Morgen",
"yesterday" : "Gestern",
"Invalid image" : "Image non valable",
"Avatar image is not square" : "L'image d'avatar n'est pas carré",
"View profile" : "Voir le profil",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Heure locale : %s",
"today" : "aujourd'hui",
"tomorrow" : "demain",
"yesterday" : "hier",
"Invalid image" : "Image non valable",
"Avatar image is not square" : "L'image d'avatar n'est pas carré",
"View profile" : "Voir le profil",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Heure locale : %s",
"today" : "aujourd'hui",
"tomorrow" : "demain",
"yesterday" : "hier",
"Invalid image" : "Görsel geçersiz",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Avatar görseli kare değil",
"View profile" : "Profili görüntüle",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Yerel zaman: %s",
"today" : "bugün",
"tomorrow" : "yarın",
"yesterday" : "dün",
"Invalid image" : "Görsel geçersiz",
"Avatar image is not square" : "Avatar görseli kare değil",
"View profile" : "Profili görüntüle",
+ "Local time: %s" : "Yerel zaman: %s",
"today" : "bugün",
"tomorrow" : "yarın",
"yesterday" : "dün",
"This can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the config directory." : "允許網頁伺服器寫入 \"config\" 目錄通常可以解決這個問題",
"But, if you prefer to keep config.php file read only, set the option \"config_is_read_only\" to true in it." : "但是,如果您希望將 config.php 檔案保持為唯讀,請將其中的 “config_is_read_only” 選項設置為 true。",
"See %s" : "見 %s",
- "The files of the app %1$s were not replaced correctly. Make sure it is a version compatible with the server." : "應用程式 %1$s 中的檔案沒有被正確取代,請確認它的版本與伺服器相容。",
- "Sample configuration detected" : "您目前正在使用範例設定",
- "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "您似乎直接複製了範例設定來使用,這樣的安裝很可能會無法運作,請閱讀說明文件後對 config.php 進行適當的修改",
+ "The files of the app %1$s were not replaced correctly. Make sure it is a version compatible with the server." : "無法正確取代應用程式 %1$s 的檔案。請確保它們的版本與伺服器的版本兼容。",
+ "Sample configuration detected" : "您目前正在使用範例配置",
+ "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "系統檢測到示例配置已被複製。這樣做會破壞您的安裝並且不受支持。請在對 config.php 進行更改之前閱讀說明書",
"404" : "404",
"The page could not be found on the server." : "無法在伺服器上找到此頁面。",
"%s email verification" : "%s 電郵地址驗證",
"Invalid image" : "無效的圖片",
"Avatar image is not square" : "虛擬化身圖像不是正方形",
"View profile" : "查看個人資料",
+ "Local time: %s" : "本地時間︰%s",
"today" : "今日",
"tomorrow" : "明日",
"yesterday" : "昨日",
"This can usually be fixed by giving the web server write access to the config directory." : "允許網頁伺服器寫入 \"config\" 目錄通常可以解決這個問題",
"But, if you prefer to keep config.php file read only, set the option \"config_is_read_only\" to true in it." : "但是,如果您希望將 config.php 檔案保持為唯讀,請將其中的 “config_is_read_only” 選項設置為 true。",
"See %s" : "見 %s",
- "The files of the app %1$s were not replaced correctly. Make sure it is a version compatible with the server." : "應用程式 %1$s 中的檔案沒有被正確取代,請確認它的版本與伺服器相容。",
- "Sample configuration detected" : "您目前正在使用範例設定",
- "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "您似乎直接複製了範例設定來使用,這樣的安裝很可能會無法運作,請閱讀說明文件後對 config.php 進行適當的修改",
+ "The files of the app %1$s were not replaced correctly. Make sure it is a version compatible with the server." : "無法正確取代應用程式 %1$s 的檔案。請確保它們的版本與伺服器的版本兼容。",
+ "Sample configuration detected" : "您目前正在使用範例配置",
+ "It has been detected that the sample configuration has been copied. This can break your installation and is unsupported. Please read the documentation before performing changes on config.php" : "系統檢測到示例配置已被複製。這樣做會破壞您的安裝並且不受支持。請在對 config.php 進行更改之前閱讀說明書",
"404" : "404",
"The page could not be found on the server." : "無法在伺服器上找到此頁面。",
"%s email verification" : "%s 電郵地址驗證",
"Invalid image" : "無效的圖片",
"Avatar image is not square" : "虛擬化身圖像不是正方形",
"View profile" : "查看個人資料",
+ "Local time: %s" : "本地時間︰%s",
"today" : "今日",
"tomorrow" : "明日",
"yesterday" : "昨日",