* @author colyer
* Annotation for declare error...
- * usage:
- * @DeclareError("somePcut()")
- * private static final String "a message";
+ * usage: @DeclareError("somePcut()")
+ * private static final String "a message";
public @interface DeclareError {
+ /**
+ * The pointcut expression where to bind the error (don't use if, formal bindings, cflow etc)
+ */
String value();
* @author colyer
* Annotation for declare warning...
- * usage:
- * @DeclareWarning("somePcut()")
- * private static final String "a message";
+ * usage: @DeclareWarning("somePcut()")
+ * private static final String "a message";
public @interface DeclareWarning {
+ /**
+ * The pointcut expression where to bind the error (don't use if, formal bindings, cflow etc)
+ */
String value();
public aspect Foo {}
- <para>Privileged aspects are declared as:</para>
+ <para>Privileged aspects are not supported by the annotation style</para>
+ <!--
public class Foo {}
public privileged aspect Foo {}
+ -->
<para>To specify an aspect an aspect instantiation model (the default is
- singleton), use the <literal>instantionModel</literal> and
- <literal>perClausePattern</literal> attributes. For example:</para>
+ singleton), provide the perclause as the <literal>@Aspect</literal> value.
+ For example:</para>
- @Aspect(instantiationModel=AspectInstantiationModel.PERTHIS,
- perClausePattern="execution(* abc..*(..))")
+ @Aspect("perthis(execution(* abc..*(..)))")
public class Foo {}
is equivalent to...
public aspect Foo perthis(execution(* abc..*(..))) {}
- <para>The full definitions of the Aspect annotation type and the
- AspectInstantiationModel enumerated type are:</para>
- <programlisting><![CDATA[
- /**
- * Use to indicate that a class should be treated as an aspect by
- * AspectJ's weaver.
- */
- @Target({ElementType.TYPE})
- public @interface Aspect {
- AspectInstantiationModel instantiationModel() default AspectInstantiationModel.SINGLETON;
- String perClausePattern() default "";
- boolean isPrivileged() default false;
- }
- /**
- * The different aspect instantiation models supported by AspectJ
- */
- public enum AspectInstantiationModel {
- }
- ]]></programlisting>
<literal>thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart</literal> then these need to
be declared as additional method parameters when using the annotation
- style. In AspectJ 1.5.0 we require that these parameters be declared
+ style. <!-- TODO AV - not any more -- In AspectJ 1.5.0 we require that these parameters be declared
first in the parameter list, in later releases we may relax this
- requirement.</para>
+ requirement.--></para>
public interface ProceedingJoinPoint extends JoinPoint {
- public Object proceed(Object... args);
+ public Object proceed(Object[] args);
public aspect ProceedAspect {
pointcut setAge(int i): call(* setAge(..)) && args(i);
Object around(int i): setAge(i) {
return proceed(i*2);
can be written as...
public class ProceedAspect {
@Pointcut("call(* setAge(..)) && args(i)")
void setAge(int i) {}
public Object twiceAsOld(ProceedingJoinPoint thisJoinPoint, int i) {
- return thisJoinPoint.proceed(i*2);
+ return thisJoinPoint.proceed(new Object[]{i*2}); //using Java 5 autoboxing
- }
+ }
+ Note that the ProceedingJoinPoint does not need to be passed as the proceed(..) arguments.
(This is the same behaviour as when using declare warning or error with the
code style). Declare warning and error declarations are made by annotating
a string constant whose value is the message to be issued.</para>
+ <para>Note that the String must be a constant and not the result of the invocation
+ of a static method for example.</para>
declare warning : call(* javax.sql..*(..)) && !within(org.xyz.daos..*)
: "Only DAOs should be calling JDBC.";
declare error : execution(* IFoo+.*(..)) && !within(org.foo..*)
: "Only foo types can implement IFoo";
can be written as...
@DeclareWarning("call(* javax.sql..*(..)) && !within(org.xyz.daos..*)")
static final String aMessage = "Only DAOs should be calling JDBC.";
@DeclareError("execution(* IFoo+.*(..)) && !within(org.foo..*)")
static final String badIFooImplementors = "Only foo types can implement IFoo";
+ // the following is not valid since the message is not a String constant
+ @DeclareError("execution(* IFoo+.*(..)) && !within(org.foo..*)")
+ static final String badIFooImplementorsCorrupted = getMessage();
+ static String getMessage() {
+ return "Only foo types can implement IFoo " + System.currentTimeMillis();
+ }
public static boolean hasAspect(Object anAspect, Class forType) {...}
+ <!-- TODO AV - stuff below is not done -->
+ <!--
<para>When the AspectJ weaver sees calls to these methods, it will convert
them into the most efficient form possible (to get performance equivalent
- to a direct <literal>MyAspect.aspectOf()</literal> call).</para>
+ to a direct <literal>MyAspect.aspectOf()</literal> call).</para>
+ -->
need to specify the <literal>-Xreweavable</literal> compiler option when building
them. This causes AspectJ to save additional state in the class files that is used
to support subsequent reweaving. </para>
+ <para><!-- FIXME AV -->As per AspectJ 1.5.0 M3 aspects (code style or annotation style) are
+ reweavable by default, and weaved classes may be as well in 1.5.0 final.</para>
<term>Command line</term>
+ <!-- FIXME AV - wondering what is the status of this one as per aop.xml etc.. -->
<para> AspectJ includes a script "aj" that allows programs executed at
the command line to take advantage of load-time weaving.
The script is customized when AspectJ is installed depending on the chosen
found on the search path (regular <literal>getResourceAsStream</literal> lookup)
according to the following rules: </para>
+ <!-- FIXME AV - looks like we can refine conf in a child CL - not good -->
<listitem> The set of available aspects is the set of all
declared and defined aspects (<literal>aspect</literal> and
<literal>concrete-aspect</literal> elements of the <literal>aspects</literal>
<entry>Performance optimization for aspects making use
of thisJoinPoint (non-static parts)</entry>
+ <row>
+ <entry>
+ <literal>-Xlint, -Xlint:ignore, ...</literal>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>Configure lint messages</entry><!--FIXME AV - default to blabla, see link X -->
+ </row>
<literal>-nowarn, -warn:none</literal>
- <literal>-Xnoinline</literal>
+ <literal>-XnoInline</literal>
<entry>Don't inline around advice.</entry>
- <literal>-XmessageHolderClass</literal>
+ <literal>-XmessageHolderClass:...</literal>
- <entry>Provide alternative output destination to stderr for all weaver messages</entry>
+ <entry>Provide alternative output destination to stdout/stderr for all weaver messages.
+ The given value must be the full qualified class name of a class that implements
+ <literal>org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime</literal>
+ and that is visible from where the <literal>aop.xml</literal> is packed.
+ If more than one such options are used,
+ the first occurence only is taken into account.</entry>
<para> When using JDK 1.5 the JVMTI agent can be used by starting the JVM with the
- following option: </para>
+ following option (adapt according to the path to aspectjweaver.jar): </para>
<!-- ajc-ant script, not to be used from Ant commant line - see AntSpec -->
<project name="foo" default="javac.ltw">
+ <!-- using this we can debug the forked VM -->
- value=""/>
+ value="-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"/>
<target name="compile:javac">
<!-- compile only javac compilable stuff -->
<classpath refid="aj.path"/>
<jvmarg value="-javaagent:${aj.root}/lib/test/loadtime5.jar"/>
<jvmarg value="-Daj5.def=ataspectj/aop-aroundinlinemungertest.xml"/>
+ <!--<jvmarg line="${jdwp}"/>--><!-- uncomment to debug with JDWP -->
public class Test014{
- @Pointcut("call%dddd\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%dwdwudwdwbuill817pe;][{\ngrgrgnjk78877&&<:{{{+=``\"")
- void somecall(){
- }
+ @Pointcut("call%dddd\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n%dwdwudwdwbuill817pe;][{\ngrgrgnjk78877&&<:{{{+=``\"")
+ public void somecall(){
+ }
+ @Before("fhfh()")
+ public void beforeA() {}
+ @After("fhfh()")
+ public void afterA() {}
+ @Around("fhfh()")
+ public Object aroundA() {return null;}
+ @AfterThrowing(value = "fhfh()", pointcut = "wups()")
+ public void afterAT2() {}
+ @AfterThrowing("fhfh()")
+ public void afterAT() {}
+ @AfterReturning(value = "fhfh()", pointcut = "wups()")
+ public void afterAR2() {}
+ @AfterReturning("fhfh()")
+ public void afterAR() {}
+ @DeclareError("execution(* Foo.bar())")
+ private int X;
+ @DeclareWarning("execution(* Foo.bar())")
+ private final static String X2 = getX2();
+ static String getX2() {return "not supported";}
- //FIXME AV - #75442
- //suite.addTest(AtAjLTWTests.suite());
+ suite.addTest(AtAjLTWTests.suite());
return suite;
<comment>line is enclosing class - TBD</comment>
<ajc-test dir="java5/ataspectj"
pr="" title="@Pointcut with garbage string">
- <compile files="ataspectj/misuse/Test014.java" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing">
+ <compile files="ataspectj/misuse/Test014.java" options="-1.5 -Xdev:NoAtAspectJProcessing -Xlint:ignore">
<message kind="error" line="7" text="Cannot parse @Pointcut 'call%dddd"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="can't find referenced pointcut"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="can't find pointcut"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="@AfterThrowing: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="@AfterReturning: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="@DeclareWarning used on a non String constant field"/>
+ <message kind="error" text="@DeclareError used on a non String constant field"/>
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.SimpleScope;
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.ParserException;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.Declare;
+import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.DeclareErrorOrWarning;
* Annotation defined aspect reader.
+ /**
+ * A struct when we read @AJ on field
+ *
+ * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a>
+ */
+ private static class AjAttributeFieldStruct extends AjAttributeStruct {
+ final Field field;
+ public AjAttributeFieldStruct(Field field, ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext sourceContext, IMessageHandler messageHandler) {
+ super(type, sourceContext, messageHandler);
+ this.field = field;
+ }
+ }
* Annotations are RuntimeVisible only. This allow us to not visit RuntimeInvisible ones.
// in order to be able to resolve the pointcut references later on
//FIXME alex loop over class super class
//FIXME alex can that be too slow ?
- for (int m = 0; m < javaClass.getMethods().length; m++) {
- Method method = javaClass.getMethods()[m];
+ for (int i = 0; i < javaClass.getMethods().length; i++) {
+ Method method = javaClass.getMethods()[i];
if (method.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) continue; // already dealt with by ajc...
//FIXME alex optimize, this method struct will gets recreated for advice extraction
AjAttributeMethodStruct mstruct = new AjAttributeMethodStruct(method, type, context, msgHandler);
Attribute[] mattributes = method.getAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < mattributes.length; i++) {
- Attribute mattribute = mattributes[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < mattributes.length; j++) {
+ Attribute mattribute = mattributes[j];
if (acceptAttribute(mattribute)) {
RuntimeAnnotations mrvs = (RuntimeAnnotations) mattribute;
handlePointcutAnnotation(mrvs, mstruct);
+ // code style declare error / warning are class attributes
+ for (int i = 0; i < javaClass.getFields().length; i++) {
+ Field field = javaClass.getFields()[i];
+ if (field.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) continue; // already dealt with by ajc...
+ //FIXME alex optimize, this method struct will gets recreated for advice extraction
+ AjAttributeFieldStruct fstruct = new AjAttributeFieldStruct(field, type, context, msgHandler);
+ Attribute[] fattributes = field.getAttributes();
+ for (int j = 0; j < fattributes.length; j++) {
+ Attribute fattribute = fattributes[j];
+ if (acceptAttribute(fattribute)) {
+ RuntimeAnnotations frvs = (RuntimeAnnotations) fattribute;
+ if (handleDeclareErrorOrWarningAnnotation(frvs, fstruct)) {
+ // semantic check - must be in an @Aspect [remove if previous block bypassed in advance]
+ if (!type.isAnnotationStyleAspect()) {
+ msgHandler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "Found @AspectJ annotations in a non @Aspect type '" + type.getName() + "'",
+ IMessage.WARNING,
+ null,
+ type.getSourceLocation()
+ )
+ );
+ ;// go ahead
+ }
+ }
+ // there can only be one RuntimeVisible bytecode attribute
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ struct.ajAttributes.addAll(fstruct.ajAttributes);
+ }
return struct.ajAttributes;
* @return list of AjAttributes, always empty for now
public static List readAj5FieldAttributes(Field field, ResolvedTypeX type, ISourceContext context,IMessageHandler msgHandler) {
- if (field.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; // already dealt with by ajc...
- return EMPTY_LIST;
+ return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
String pointcut = null;
String returned = null;
if ((annValue!=null && annPointcut!=null) || (annValue==null && annPointcut==null)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning at most value or pointcut must be filled");
+ struct.handler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "@AfterReturning: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both: " + methodToString(struct.method),
+ struct.enclosingType.getSourceLocation(),
+ true
+ )
+ );
+ return false;
if (annValue != null) {
pointcut = annValue.getValue().stringifyValue();
pointcut = annPointcut.getValue().stringifyValue();
if (isNullOrEmpty(pointcut)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning pointcut unspecified");
+ struct.handler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "@AfterReturning: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both: " + methodToString(struct.method),
+ struct.enclosingType.getSourceLocation(),
+ true
+ )
+ );
+ return false;
if (annReturned!=null) {
returned = annReturned.getValue().stringifyValue();
String pointcut = null;
String throwned = null;
if ((annValue!=null && annPointcut!=null) || (annValue==null && annPointcut==null)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning at most value or pointcut must be filled");
+ struct.handler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "@AfterThrowing: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both: " + methodToString(struct.method),
+ struct.enclosingType.getSourceLocation(),
+ true
+ )
+ );
+ return false;
if (annValue != null) {
pointcut = annValue.getValue().stringifyValue();
pointcut = annPointcut.getValue().stringifyValue();
if (isNullOrEmpty(pointcut)) {
- throw new RuntimeException("AfterReturning pointcut unspecified");
+ struct.handler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "@AfterThrowing: either 'value' or 'poincut' must be provided, not both: " + methodToString(struct.method),
+ struct.enclosingType.getSourceLocation(),
+ true
+ )
+ );
+ return false;
if (annThrowned!=null) {
throwned = annThrowned.getValue().stringifyValue();
+ /**
+ * Read @DeclareError, @DeclareWarning
+ *
+ * @param runtimeAnnotations
+ * @param struct
+ * @return true if found
+ */
+ private static boolean handleDeclareErrorOrWarningAnnotation(RuntimeAnnotations runtimeAnnotations, AjAttributeFieldStruct struct) {
+ Annotation error = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.DeclareError");
+ boolean hasError = false;
+ if (error != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair declareError = getAnnotationElement(error, "value");
+ if (declareError != null) {
+ if (!"Ljava/lang/String;".equals(struct.field.getSignature()) || struct.field.getConstantValue()==null) {
+ struct.handler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "@DeclareError used on a non String constant field " + fieldToString(struct.field),
+ struct.enclosingType.getSourceLocation(),
+ true
+ ));
+ return false;
+ }
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = new org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.FormalBinding[0];
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(declareError.getValue().stringifyValue()).resolve(binding);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.DeclareAttribute(
+ new DeclareErrorOrWarning(true, pc, struct.field.getConstantValue().toString())
+ ));
+ return hasError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ Annotation warning = getAnnotation(runtimeAnnotations, "org.aspectj.lang.annotation.DeclareWarning");
+ boolean hasWarning = false;
+ if (warning != null) {
+ ElementNameValuePair declareWarning = getAnnotationElement(warning, "value");
+ if (declareWarning != null) {
+ if (!"Ljava/lang/String;".equals(struct.field.getSignature()) || struct.field.getConstantValue()==null) {
+ struct.handler.handleMessage(
+ new Message(
+ "@DeclareWarning used on a non String constant field " + fieldToString(struct.field),
+ struct.enclosingType.getSourceLocation(),
+ true
+ ));
+ return false;
+ }
+ FormalBinding[] bindings = new org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.FormalBinding[0];
+ IScope binding = new BindingScope(
+ struct.enclosingType,
+ bindings
+ );
+ Pointcut pc = Pointcut.fromString(declareWarning.getValue().stringifyValue()).resolve(binding);
+ struct.ajAttributes.add(new AjAttribute.DeclareAttribute(
+ new DeclareErrorOrWarning(false, pc, struct.field.getConstantValue().toString())
+ ));
+ return hasWarning = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return hasError || hasWarning;
+ }
* Returns a readable representation of a method.
* Method.toString() is not suitable.
return sb.toString();
+ /**
+ * Returns a readable representation of a field.
+ * Field.toString() is not suitable.
+ *
+ * @param field
+ * @return
+ */
+ private static String fieldToString(Field field) {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ sb.append(field.getName()).append(' ');
+ sb.append(field.getSignature());
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
* Build the bindings for a given method (pointcut / advice)