* @author Josh Micich
public final class TestFormulaShifter extends TestCase {
- // Note - the expected result row coordinates here were determined/verified
- // in Excel 2007 by manually testing.
- /**
- * Tests what happens to area refs when a range of rows from inside, or overlapping are
- * moved
- */
- public void testShiftAreasSourceRows() {
- // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
- AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 9, 21, 20, 30, 40);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 10, 21, 20, 30, 40);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 9, 20, 20, 30, 40);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, -3, 7, 20); // simple expansion of top
- // rows containing area top being shifted down:
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 3, 13, 20);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 7, 17, 20);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 8, 18, 20);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 9, 12, 20); // note behaviour changes here
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 10, 12, 21);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 12, 12, 23);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 13, 10, 20); // ignored
- // rows from within being moved:
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 12, 16, 3, 10, 20); // stay within - no change
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 11, 19, 20, 10, 20); // move completely out - no change
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 16, 17, -6, 10, 20); // moved exactly to top - no change
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 16, 17, -7, 11, 20); // truncation at top
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 12, 16, 4, 10, 20); // moved exactly to bottom - no change
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 12, 16, 6, 10, 17); // truncation at bottom
- // rows containing area bottom being shifted up:
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -1, 10, 19); // simple contraction at bottom
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -7, 10, 13); // simple contraction at bottom
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -8, 10, 17); // top calculated differently here
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -9, 9, 17);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22,-15, 10, 20); // no change because range would be turned inside out
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 15, 19, -7, 13, 20); // dest truncates top (even though src is from inside range)
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 19, 23,-12, 7, 18); // complex: src encloses bottom, dest encloses top
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, 5, 10, 25); // simple expansion at bottom
- }
- public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsRelRel() {
- // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
- final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, true, true);
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 30, 40, true);
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, -1, -1, true); //DeletedRef
- }
- public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsRelAbs() {
- // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
- final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, true, false);
- // Only first row should move
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 20, 30, true);
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, -1, -1, true); //DeletedRef
- }
- public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsAbsRel() {
- // aptg is part of a formula in a cell that was just copied to another row
- // aptg row references should be updated by the difference in rows that the cell was copied
- // No other references besides the cells that were involved in the copy need to be updated
- // this makes the row copy significantly different from the row shift, where all references
- // in the workbook need to track the row shift
- // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
- final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, false, true);
- // Only last row should move
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 10, 40, true);
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, 5, 10, true); //sortTopLeftToBottomRight swapped firstRow and lastRow because firstRow is absolute
- }
- public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsAbsAbs() {
- // aptg is part of a formula in a cell that was just copied to another row
- // aptg row references should be updated by the difference in rows that the cell was copied
- // No other references besides the cells that were involved in the copy need to be updated
- // this makes the row copy significantly different from the row shift, where all references
- // in the workbook need to track the row shift
- // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
- final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, false, false);
- //AbsFirstRow AbsLastRow references should't change when copied to a different row
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 10, 20, false);
- confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, 10, 20, false);
- }
- /**
- * Tests what happens to an area ref when some outside rows are moved to overlap
- * that area ref
- */
- public void testShiftAreasDestRows() {
- // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 20 to 25
- AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(20, 25);
- // no change because no overlap:
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 5, 10, 9, 20, 25);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 5, 10, 21, 20, 25);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 11, 14, 10, 20, 25);
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 7, 17, 10, -1, -1); // converted to DeletedAreaRef
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 5, 15, 7, 23, 25); // truncation at top
- confirmAreaShift(aptg, 13, 16, 10, 20, 22); // truncation at bottom
- }
- private static void confirmAreaShift(AreaPtg aptg,
- int firstRowMoved, int lastRowMoved, int numberRowsMoved,
- int expectedAreaFirstRow, int expectedAreaLastRow) {
- FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowShift(0, "", firstRowMoved, lastRowMoved, numberRowsMoved, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
- boolean expectedChanged = aptg.getFirstRow() != expectedAreaFirstRow || aptg.getLastRow() != expectedAreaLastRow;
- AreaPtg copyPtg = (AreaPtg) aptg.copy(); // clone so we can re-use aptg in calling method
- Ptg[] ptgs = { copyPtg, };
- boolean actualChanged = fs.adjustFormula(ptgs, 0);
- if (expectedAreaFirstRow < 0) {
- assertEquals(AreaErrPtg.class, ptgs[0].getClass());
- return;
- }
- assertEquals(expectedChanged, actualChanged);
- assertEquals(copyPtg, ptgs[0]); // expected to change in place (although this is not a strict requirement)
- assertEquals(expectedAreaFirstRow, copyPtg.getFirstRow());
- assertEquals(expectedAreaLastRow, copyPtg.getLastRow());
- }
- private static void confirmAreaCopy(AreaPtg aptg,
- int firstRowCopied, int lastRowCopied, int rowOffset,
- int expectedFirstRow, int expectedLastRow, boolean expectedChanged) {
- final AreaPtg copyPtg = (AreaPtg) aptg.copy(); // clone so we can re-use aptg in calling method
- final Ptg[] ptgs = { copyPtg, };
- final FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowCopy(0, null, firstRowCopied, lastRowCopied, rowOffset, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
- final boolean actualChanged = fs.adjustFormula(ptgs, 0);
- // DeletedAreaRef
- if (expectedFirstRow < 0 || expectedLastRow < 0) {
- assertEquals("Reference should have shifted off worksheet, producing #REF! error: " + ptgs[0],
- AreaErrPtg.class, ptgs[0].getClass());
- return;
- }
- assertEquals("Should this AreaPtg change due to row copy?", expectedChanged, actualChanged);
- assertEquals("AreaPtgs should be modified in-place when a row containing the AreaPtg is copied", copyPtg, ptgs[0]); // expected to change in place (although this is not a strict requirement)
- assertEquals("AreaPtg first row", expectedFirstRow, copyPtg.getFirstRow());
- assertEquals("AreaPtg last row", expectedLastRow, copyPtg.getLastRow());
- }
- private static AreaPtg createAreaPtg(int initialAreaFirstRow, int initialAreaLastRow) {
- return createAreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, false, false);
- }
- private static AreaPtg createAreaPtg(int initialAreaFirstRow, int initialAreaLastRow, boolean firstRowRelative, boolean lastRowRelative) {
- return new AreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, 2, 5, firstRowRelative, lastRowRelative, false, false);
- }
- public void testShiftSheet() {
- // 4 sheets, move a sheet from pos 2 to pos 0, i.e. current 0 becomes 1, current 1 becomes pos 2
+ // Note - the expected result row coordinates here were determined/verified
+ // in Excel 2007 by manually testing.
+ /**
+ * Tests what happens to area refs when a range of rows from inside, or overlapping are
+ * moved
+ */
+ public void testShiftAreasSourceRows() {
+ // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
+ AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 9, 21, 20, 30, 40);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 10, 21, 20, 30, 40);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 9, 20, 20, 30, 40);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, -3, 7, 20); // simple expansion of top
+ // rows containing area top being shifted down:
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 3, 13, 20);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 7, 17, 20);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 8, 18, 20);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 9, 12, 20); // note behaviour changes here
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 10, 12, 21);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 12, 12, 23);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 8, 11, 13, 10, 20); // ignored
+ // rows from within being moved:
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 12, 16, 3, 10, 20); // stay within - no change
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 11, 19, 20, 10, 20); // move completely out - no change
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 16, 17, -6, 10, 20); // moved exactly to top - no change
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 16, 17, -7, 11, 20); // truncation at top
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 12, 16, 4, 10, 20); // moved exactly to bottom - no change
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 12, 16, 6, 10, 17); // truncation at bottom
+ // rows containing area bottom being shifted up:
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -1, 10, 19); // simple contraction at bottom
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -7, 10, 13); // simple contraction at bottom
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -8, 10, 17); // top calculated differently here
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, -9, 9, 17);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22,-15, 10, 20); // no change because range would be turned inside out
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 15, 19, -7, 13, 20); // dest truncates top (even though src is from inside range)
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 19, 23,-12, 7, 18); // complex: src encloses bottom, dest encloses top
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 18, 22, 5, 10, 25); // simple expansion at bottom
+ }
+ public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsRelRel() {
+ // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
+ final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, true, true);
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 30, 40, true);
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, -1, -1, true); //DeletedRef
+ }
+ public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsRelAbs() {
+ // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
+ final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, true, false);
+ // Only first row should move
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 20, 30, true);
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, -1, -1, true); //DeletedRef
+ }
+ public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsAbsRel() {
+ // aptg is part of a formula in a cell that was just copied to another row
+ // aptg row references should be updated by the difference in rows that the cell was copied
+ // No other references besides the cells that were involved in the copy need to be updated
+ // this makes the row copy significantly different from the row shift, where all references
+ // in the workbook need to track the row shift
+ // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
+ final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, false, true);
+ // Only last row should move
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 10, 40, true);
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, 5, 10, true); //sortTopLeftToBottomRight swapped firstRow and lastRow because firstRow is absolute
+ }
+ public void testCopyAreasSourceRowsAbsAbs() {
+ // aptg is part of a formula in a cell that was just copied to another row
+ // aptg row references should be updated by the difference in rows that the cell was copied
+ // No other references besides the cells that were involved in the copy need to be updated
+ // this makes the row copy significantly different from the row shift, where all references
+ // in the workbook need to track the row shift
+ // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 10 to 20
+ final AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(10, 20, false, false);
+ //AbsFirstRow AbsLastRow references should't change when copied to a different row
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 0, 30, 20, 10, 20, false);
+ confirmAreaCopy(aptg, 15, 25, -15, 10, 20, false);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests what happens to an area ref when some outside rows are moved to overlap
+ * that area ref
+ */
+ public void testShiftAreasDestRows() {
+ // all these operations are on an area ref spanning rows 20 to 25
+ AreaPtg aptg = createAreaPtg(20, 25);
+ // no change because no overlap:
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 5, 10, 9, 20, 25);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 5, 10, 21, 20, 25);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 11, 14, 10, 20, 25);
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 7, 17, 10, -1, -1); // converted to DeletedAreaRef
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 5, 15, 7, 23, 25); // truncation at top
+ confirmAreaShift(aptg, 13, 16, 10, 20, 22); // truncation at bottom
+ }
+ private static void confirmAreaShift(AreaPtg aptg,
+ int firstRowMoved, int lastRowMoved, int numberRowsMoved,
+ int expectedAreaFirstRow, int expectedAreaLastRow) {
+ FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowShift(0, "", firstRowMoved, lastRowMoved, numberRowsMoved, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
+ boolean expectedChanged = aptg.getFirstRow() != expectedAreaFirstRow || aptg.getLastRow() != expectedAreaLastRow;
+ AreaPtg copyPtg = (AreaPtg) aptg.copy(); // clone so we can re-use aptg in calling method
+ Ptg[] ptgs = { copyPtg, };
+ boolean actualChanged = fs.adjustFormula(ptgs, 0);
+ if (expectedAreaFirstRow < 0) {
+ assertEquals(AreaErrPtg.class, ptgs[0].getClass());
+ return;
+ }
+ assertEquals(expectedChanged, actualChanged);
+ assertEquals(copyPtg, ptgs[0]); // expected to change in place (although this is not a strict requirement)
+ assertEquals(expectedAreaFirstRow, copyPtg.getFirstRow());
+ assertEquals(expectedAreaLastRow, copyPtg.getLastRow());
+ }
+ private static void confirmAreaCopy(AreaPtg aptg,
+ int firstRowCopied, int lastRowCopied, int rowOffset,
+ int expectedFirstRow, int expectedLastRow, boolean expectedChanged) {
+ final AreaPtg copyPtg = (AreaPtg) aptg.copy(); // clone so we can re-use aptg in calling method
+ final Ptg[] ptgs = { copyPtg, };
+ final FormulaShifter fs = FormulaShifter.createForRowCopy(0, null, firstRowCopied, lastRowCopied, rowOffset, SpreadsheetVersion.EXCEL2007);
+ final boolean actualChanged = fs.adjustFormula(ptgs, 0);
+ // DeletedAreaRef
+ if (expectedFirstRow < 0 || expectedLastRow < 0) {
+ assertEquals("Reference should have shifted off worksheet, producing #REF! error: " + ptgs[0],
+ AreaErrPtg.class, ptgs[0].getClass());
+ return;
+ }
+ assertEquals("Should this AreaPtg change due to row copy?", expectedChanged, actualChanged);
+ assertEquals("AreaPtgs should be modified in-place when a row containing the AreaPtg is copied", copyPtg, ptgs[0]); // expected to change in place (although this is not a strict requirement)
+ assertEquals("AreaPtg first row", expectedFirstRow, copyPtg.getFirstRow());
+ assertEquals("AreaPtg last row", expectedLastRow, copyPtg.getLastRow());
+ }
+ private static AreaPtg createAreaPtg(int initialAreaFirstRow, int initialAreaLastRow) {
+ return createAreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, false, false);
+ }
+ private static AreaPtg createAreaPtg(int initialAreaFirstRow, int initialAreaLastRow, boolean firstRowRelative, boolean lastRowRelative) {
+ return new AreaPtg(initialAreaFirstRow, initialAreaLastRow, 2, 5, firstRowRelative, lastRowRelative, false, false);
+ }
+ public void testShiftSheet() {
+ // 4 sheets, move a sheet from pos 2 to pos 0, i.e. current 0 becomes 1, current 1 becomes pos 2
FormulaShifter shifter = FormulaShifter.createForSheetShift(2, 0);
Ptg[] ptgs = new Ptg[] {
0, ((Ref3DPtg)ptgs[2]).getExternSheetIndex());
assertEquals("formula previously pointing to sheet 3 should be unchanged",
3, ((Ref3DPtg)ptgs[3]).getExternSheetIndex());
- }
+ }
public void testShiftSheet2() {
// 4 sheets, move a sheet from pos 1 to pos 2, i.e. current 2 becomes 1, current 1 becomes pos 2