// note: it doesnt include the name of the type!
protected String genericSignature;
+ private boolean isSuper = false;
+ private boolean isExtends = false;
// It is not sufficient to say that a parameterized type with no type parameters in fact
// represents a raw type - a parameterized type with no type parameters can represent
private TypeVariable[] typeVariables;
// SIMPLE represents something that can never be raw/generic/parameterized - e.g. Integer or String
- private int typeKind = SIMPLE;
+ protected int typeKind = SIMPLE;
public final static int SIMPLE =0;
public final static int RAW =1;
public final static int GENERIC =2;
private void processSignature(String sig) {
// determine the raw type
+ //TODO asc generics tidy this bit up?
+ boolean skip=false;
+ if (sig.charAt(0)=='+') {isExtends=true;skip=true;}
+ if (sig.charAt(0)=='-') {isSuper=true;skip=true;}
int parameterTypesStart = signature.indexOf("<");
int parameterTypesEnd = signature.lastIndexOf(">");
StringBuffer rawTypeSb = new StringBuffer();
- rawTypeSb.append(signature.substring(0,parameterTypesStart)).append(";");
+ String p = signature.substring(0,parameterTypesStart);
+ if (skip) p = p.substring(1);
+ rawTypeSb.append(p).append(";");
rawTypeSignature = rawTypeSb.toString();
typeParameters = processParameterization(signature,parameterTypesStart+1,parameterTypesEnd-1);
ClassSignature csig = new GenericSignatureParser().parseAsClassSignature(declaredGenericSig);
Signature.FormalTypeParameter[] ftps = csig.formalTypeParameters;
- String s = ftps[0].identifier;
- Signature.FieldTypeSignature ftss = ftps[0].classBound;
ret.typeVariables = new TypeVariable[ftps.length];
- // TODO asc/amc other information in the signature isnt being recorded in the TypeX as it should be ...
- // this problem will be found be further testcases
for (int i = 0; i < ftps.length; i++) {
Signature.FormalTypeParameter parameter = ftps[i];
Signature.ClassTypeSignature cts = (Signature.ClassTypeSignature)parameter.classBound;
public static TypeX forRawTypeNames(String name) {
TypeX ret = TypeX.forName(name);
ret.typeKind = RAW;
- // FIXME asc no need to mess up the signature is there?
- // ret.signature = ret.signature+"#RAW";
return ret;
public static final String MISSING_NAME = "<missing>";
+ public static TypeX[] getInterfacesFromSignature(String sig) {
+ // there is a declared signature - use it to work out the interfaces, rather than the stuff in the class file...
+ ClassSignature cSig = new GenericSignatureParser().parseAsClassSignature(sig);
+ Signature.ClassTypeSignature[] declaredInterfaces = cSig.superInterfaceSignatures;
+ TypeX[] retVal = new TypeX[declaredInterfaces.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < declaredInterfaces.length; i++) {
+ Signature.ClassTypeSignature signature = declaredInterfaces[i];
+ retVal[i] = convertFromClassSignatureToTypeX(signature);
+ }
+ return retVal;
+ }
+ private static TypeX convertFromClassSignatureToTypeX(Signature.ClassTypeSignature signature) {
+ return new TypeX(signature.classSignature);
+ }
+ public String getKind() {
+ switch (typeKind) {
+ case 0: return "SIMPLE";
+ case 1: return "RAW";
+ case 2: return "GENERIC";
+ case 3: return "PARAMETERIZED";
+ default: return null;
+ }
+ }